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Male | 20

Did albendazole syrup harm my kidneys after two doses?

I took albendezol zentle syrup for two times over a period of 15 days without prescription. Does it shows any effect to my kidneys

1 Answer

Answered on 3rd July '24

You need to have the doctor's consent before using albendazole zentle syrup to keep off the danger since its rogue consumption may not be good for your kidneys. Kidneys may show some of these symptoms of damage: swelling, lack of urine production, and fatigue. This is because the drug is inactive in the liver-forming the kidneys. The session is to come off the syrup and undergo a kidney health examination with the help of a nephrologist

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Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (122)

My wife is on dialysis since dec 23,She is regular on dialysis machne thrice a week. She is not well all the time but she has to rush in emergency for treatment like vomits episodes of 20-30 any day;I want to seek that she is hardly in normal health. Will it possible to get fully fit, can she be away from high b. P. Will she be transplanted kidney.

Female | 56

The purpose of dialysis is to substitute the function of the kidneys when they fail to perform their job properly. Nausea and vomiting could be due to her current state of health. To boost her health, besides the medical team's directives, taking medications regularly, and eating a balanced diet are also necessary. A kidney transplant might be a possible alternative in the future, but it is the best option for her doctor to make the decision. 

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Patient have kidney stone ,when daily consumption of 1.5gram turmeric power with 1 glass water is healthy or unhealthy for kidney stones patient and patient also have fatty liver

Male | 65

Herbal Home Treatment for Kidney Stones and Fatty Liver One of the most surprising health benefits attributed to turmeric is the treatment of kidney stones and fatty liver. Turmeric has a compound curcumin which may assist in the disbanding of kidney stones and also reduce inflammation in the liver. However, always, it is your doctor who decides whether you can start a new treatment or not. Also, don't forget to drink more water so the stones will be easily removed. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My wife is 39 years old suffering from CKD.Her cretanine pevel is 6.4

Female | 39

Your wife is likely to be getting symptoms such as fatigue, swelling, and trouble breathing if the creatinine level is 6.4. This could be from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), which is when the kidneys get damaged. To help manage this, she needs to follow a low-salt diet, take the prescribed medications, and possibly undergo dialysis. It's vital to ensure that her condition is stable by doing regular check-ups.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My GFR rate is 58. 73 years old. I was prescribed Herperax 800 for 5 days 4 tablets each. Whether the kidney would have been affected and if so, how long will it take to recover to original position

Male | 73

A GFR level of 58 indicates that you are in Stage 3 kidney disease. Herperax 800 has kidney side effects. Kidney problems may be indicated by the urine output changes and the swelling. To help your kidneys recover, drink plenty of water, avoid medications that harm your kidneys, and follow up with your doctor for monitoring. It can take time for the kidneys to improve, but following these steps can help.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 38 years old I have kiddny issue

Male | 38

Common symptoms include fatigue, swelling, changes in urine output, or back pain. These issues can arise from various causes such as dehydration, infections, or underlying health conditions. It's vital to maintain hydration, eat a balanced diet, and monitor any changes in your body. However, I encourage you to reach out to a healthcare professional for a complete evaluation and personalized advice. Early assessment can significantly impact your overall health and well-being. 

Answered on 28th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Şu anda 20 yaşındayım yeni biyopsi oldum sonucuma bakarmısınızIKLAMA: 7yaşında nefrotik sendrom tanısı alan ve tedavi gören olgu, albumin düşüklüğü sebebi ile biyopsi alınma kliniği bildirilen olguya ait HE detayda, 20 adet glomerül izlenmiş olup, 2 glomerülde global skleroz izlenmiştir. Diğer glomerüller irili ufaklı çaplarda olup, Bowman aralıkları açık olarak gözlendi. Glomerüler bazal membranlarda hafif kalınlaşma bazı glomerüllerde mevcuttu. Ancak tüm glomerüllerde mezengial hücre artışı-matriks artışı gibi bulgular izlenmedi. Glomerüler alanda izlenen bulgular spesifik olarak izlenmezken,interstisyel damarlardan (orta çaplı damarlarda) bir tanesinde duvar kalınlaşması, lümen daralması gibi vasküler basınç değişiklikleri lehine yorumlanabilecek bulgular izlenmiştir. Detayda ilave olarak interstisyel fibrozis (%20-25) iken; interstisyel alanda köpüksü histiositler ve lenfoplazmositlerin de eşlik ettiği ksantogranülomatöz pyelonefrit morfolojisi izlendi.Tubuler alanda patoloji izlenmedi. Sayfa 1\ 2

Dişi | 20

Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

medullary definition is maintained. Right kidney measures 10.2 X 3.5 cms. KIDNEY: Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, position and axis. Homogenous normal echogenecity is seen bilaterally. The cortico Left kidney measures 10.3 X 3.6 cms. Splitting of central echoes is seen in right kidney. No calculus is seen. URETERS: Right upper ureter is dilated. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. VESCICO URETERAL JUNCTIONS: Both vescico ureteral junctions are normal. URINARY BLADDER: The urinary bladder is well distended. Its wall is not thickened. No intraluminal echogenic areas are seen. The prevoid volume measures 100 ml. Sonography report IMPRESSION: Findings suggestive of right sided hydronephrosis and right upper hydroureter. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. Follow up and further investigations are suggested to confirm the above findings.

Female | 20

The report suggests, however, that there seems to be a little issue with the right kidney and ureter. The right kidney is a little bit swollen (hydronephrosis) with fluid which is also a bit widened (hydroureter) in the upper ureter. This may be caused by something blocking the urine from the kidney to the bladder. The positive thing is, there are no stones that are causing the blockage. Further tests will help us in this matter, to know what's the cause of the problem. It's vital to do the follow-up tests, to find out exactly what's happening, and to get the proper treatment.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

ckd progression can stop or slower by taking the medicines

Male | 52

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is when the kidneys don't function properly. Symptoms are fatigue, swollen ankles, and trouble sleeping. CKD can be progressive and it may get worse over time. To delay the effects of the disease you can use the medicines your nephrologist has prescribed. These medications not only help the kidneys but also alleviate the symptoms. It is important to stick to the prescription and follow the right instructions to prevent the drugs from causing more damage to your kidneys.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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