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Female | 22

Missed period, positive test but cramping: What should I do?

Iam Swethaselvaraj newly married.Now I missed my period the last period date is jan8 6days miss my period and I test a urinary kit test it shows a postive but I have a different white discharge and cramping like period days pain in lower tummy and back hip bone same like period days ..what can I do

1 Answer
Dr. Mohit Saraogi


Answered on 23rd May '24

You should make a gynecologist appointment for diagnosis and treatment. The symptoms you experienced could well be a sign of pregnancy or infection. It is very important not to self-diagnose or self-medicate because it can result in the occurrence of more complex problems.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I took unwanted kit pills but I took 2 tablets of misoprostrol 400 mg today n I got proper bleeding should I take 2 more tablet 400 mg again tomorrow to complete course ?

Female | 24

Don’t take more tablets tomorrow unless your doctor tells you to . Severe bleeding can result from taking more tablets. Ensure that you rest and take plenty of fluids. If you have heavy bleeding, severe pain, or any other worrying signs, seek medical help immediately. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How late is to late to get a accurate pregnancy test

Female | 30

If you ask when is it too late to do a pre­gnancy test and get the right answers, he­re is the info. Most home pre­gnancy tests work best when you miss your pe­riod. Waiting too long may make results wrong. If you fee­l signs like a missed period, sick, sore­ breasts, and peeing a lot, it is be­st not to wait long to do the test for the right results.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I only bleed for few hours and pass out clots in the toilet after taken the kit and then I’m only seeing brown stain after then

Female | 22

BLEEDING after taking an ABORTION pill is normal.... Passing clots is also common.... BLEEDING and CRAMPING may last up to two weeks.... If BLEEDING is very heavy, or if you have severe PAIN or fever... seek medical attention.... Always follow up with your healthcare provider...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Actually my cycle last period start on 20 th August and end on 25 th August what is my ovulation date plz answer me????

Female | 19

By assuming a standard ovulation cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs at the time of the next period which is 14 days prior to the period. Thus, your last period began on August 20th, hence you are likely to ovulate on or around September 3rd. Some indications of ovulation are differences in the thickness of cervical mucus, slight abdominal pain, and a rise in basal body temperature. You can also use ovulation predictor kits to check for ovulation.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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We had unprotected sex , my wife was on periods it was her day 3 , on 4th day she continued with her periods and also took unwanted 72 within 20 hrs , on 5th day she had white discharge and on 6th day again had bleeding?

Female | 30

Emergency contraception such as Unwanted 72 can cause bleeding diseases which might not be normal, especially when it happens twice in one month. The white discharge and the bleeding might be the result of the hormonal changes brought by the pill. This will take care of itself. .

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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Problem: my period is delayed by 3 days Brief history: last period on 10th April... Last sexual activity 16th Or 17th of April... Tried with norethisterone ip tablet to get period taken two doses of it yday night and today morning after having meal.. And trying with ginger tea since 3 days to get periods... But not happening instead I got acne at regular time of period... Also felt cramp for 1-2 time

Female | 20

It's common for menstrual cycles to vary occasionally in length, and a delay of a few days is not a serious issue always. Norethisterone is usually prescribed to delay periods, but if you've taken the medicine and still haven't got periods then consult your doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can a woman get pregnant with a low level of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) of 0.06 and a high level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) of 19.6?

Female | 43

The AMH and FSH levels you provided probably offer some information about fertility potential, but they cannot definitively determine if pregnancy is possible. Low AMH levels may suggest reduced ovarian reserve, while high FSH levels indicate diminished ovarian function. Other factors can also influence fertility.. and it's best to consult with a fertility specialist for a proper evaluation and personalized advice based on your situation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife had her period start on August 4th and we had sex using the pull-out method on August 8th, during her period. She has a 35-day menstrual cycle. She is not experiencing any pregnancy symptoms. We had sex again on September 3rd, also using the pull-out method. Can you please assess the likelihood of pregnancy? Starting tomorrow, she is experiencing white discharge, uterine pain, mood swings, and fluctuating feelings of cold and hot.

Female | 19

The odds of conception are slim because of the period you had sex, which is a less fertile time. The symptoms she is showing now could be a result of hormonal changes, which is especially true if her period is soon arriving. White discharge is a usual dark and mood swings and temperature changes are possible with hormone fluctuations. See that she drinks enough water, sleeps enough, and applies a heating pad if her uterine pain bothers her.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I’ve had my period for 15 days. Yesterday was the 14th day and it was brown and about to end but today it became bright red again. I’m concerned.

Female | 15

You should consult a gynecologist. Cause not only the color but also if it is the first time that you experienced period for a longer time, they it may be a matter of concern. Talk to your gynecologist, they will diagnose and treat you

Answered on 23rd May '24

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