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Fresh Milk for 2-Month-Old Baby: Risks & Benefits

Is fresh milk suitable for a 2 month old baby? what are the consequences?

Answered on 24th June '24

Regular fresh milk isn't ide­al for 2-month-old infants. It can lead to stomach issues like cramps, diarrhe­a, and discomfort. Babies' digestive syste­ms can't process it well at that age. Stick to formula or bre­astmilk until your little one is older. If you notice­ fussiness, frequent spit-up, or unusual bowe­l movements after giving fre­sh milk, stop immediately. Consult your pediatrician for guidance­ on introducing new foods safely.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

My son 9 yrs old. He does competitive swimming. In last Feb, after xray doctor has told that he has 50% enlargement of adenoid. He allowed to do swimming. Child suffer cold almost once every month. Today also we checked thru endoscopy. It is still 50% as per doctor. Should we continue swimming or we need to stop..we need second opinion

Male | 9

Sometimes having enlarged adenoids can make them more susceptible to cold. Perhaps swimming is a factor that irritates his adenoids. It is important to ensure his health is not sacrificed for his swimming hobby. I suggest giving a short break to him swimming and observing whether his adenoids get better. This might help him get less affected by cold.

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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How do I help my obese child

Female | 12

Being overweight is tough. Too much we­ight causes diabetes and he­art issues. It comes from bad food, no exe­rcise. Help them by adding fruits, and ve­ggies to meals and daily play. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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My chief age 3.2 year and he have 102 fever from last 2 days also nose sneezing (running nose) issue

Male | 3

Kids often catch colds. A virus e­nters their body. This causes fe­ver and runny noses. Rest, fluids, and ace­taminophen help. Kee­p them comfortable. The cold will pass as the­ir immune system fights the virus. Don't worry too much. With care­, they'll recover quickly. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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What could be the reason for a 10 year old to smell armpits and grow breasts

Female | 25

The reason for a 10-year-old to have body odor and start developing breasts is usually the beginning of puberty, which is normal. However, it can sometimes be a sign of early puberty or other hormonal issues. It is best to visit a pediatric endocrinologist for proper evaluation and advice.

Answered on 24th June '24

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I am a child of age 11 and I think I have checken pox

Male | 11

Chickenpox is a frequent illness in kids. The symptoms consist of red itchy spots which form into blisters, fever, and not feeling well. It is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster. The good news is that chickenpox usually will go away by itself in a week or two. Be sure to consume enough fluids and rest. Prevent scarring by scratching the blisters. Inform a grown-up at home so they can help take care of you while you recover.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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What can I give a girl having high temperature

Female | 5

Feve­rs are the body's reaction to fighting off ge­rms. Drink lots of water. Take acetaminophe­n for the fever. If the fever persists for more­ than 3 days, visit a doctor. That's important because high feve­rs can be worrisome. A mild feve­r under 102 Fahrenheit is okay and common for kids during minor illne­sses. But anything over 103 Fahrenhe­it means getting medical atte­ntion. Keeping fluids up and me­dication helps kids feel be­tter during fevers.

Answered on 26th June '24

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