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Male | 24

Does Morning Urine Contain Protein? Why Does Protein Show Up in Morning Urine but Not During the Rest of the Day? Is It Due to Increased Urine Concentration?

Morning urine can it contains protein urine test and I see protein and rest day it is negativt why is that mean urine is more concentrated

Answered on 23rd May '24

This could probably occur because of the high concentration of the urine. In the morning, urine concentrate contains a higher concentration of proteins as compared to diluted samples that have been taken intermittently. The best thing to do is to see a nephrologist for proper assessment and management.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I want to consult with dr.about hiv aids

Female | 19

hiv is a virus that attacks the immune system . It's transmitted through body fluids. Early symptoms include fever, headache, and fatigue. hiv can lead to AIDS , which is life-threatening. hiv is diagnosed with blood tests. Treatment includes antiretroviral medication. Prevention methods include condom use and PrEP. It's important to get tested and treated early. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was suffering from chikunguniya since last month,still some symptoms are there body pain and arthritis.i missed my period this month is it normal

Female | 31

The cause of these symptoms is stress on the body, and consequently, the missed period. This occurs since your body is still on its way to getting back to normal.  You should obviously take care of your health, eat right, drink enough water, and sleep enough. If your symptoms persist or worsen, it's important to seek medical advice.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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How to gain weight in healthy way

Male | 21

To put on weight in a healthy manner, you must consume more calories than your body burns and ensure that the calories you are consuming are from various nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains, lentils, fruits, and vegetables. It recommended also to involve exercises which involve strength to build the muscle mass. Work with a qualified dietitian or nutritionist to get practical health advice which is based upon your lifestyle.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir if my friend has accidentally consumed potassiun cynide will there be any problem

Male | 23

Potassium cyanide is an extremely toxic and lethal substance. Accidental consumption of potassium cyanide can be life threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had food poisoning 6 weeks ago and since then have had dreadful tummy pains every time I eat.

Female | 27

Mostly post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome after having food poisoning causes abdominal pain and discomfort, as well as changes in bowel movements. Talk to your doctor and get proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, 2 months ago a drop of hiv infected person (not on medicine) saliva splashed into my eyes while talking and after 3 weeks i had mild cold symptoms for a few days. Am I infected with HIV? Cold stop pills made my symptoms better

Female | 33

The symptoms experie­nced could stem from various causes, not e­xclusively HIV. Slight cold-like indicators can manifest due­ to factors like viral infections, allergic re­actions, or simply a common cold. The alleviation provided by the­ cold-stop medication is beneficial. Should any worrie­s persist or new symptoms arise, se­eking medical evaluation from a he­althcare professional would be advisable­.

Answered on 25th July '24

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When I stand up on my right hand side of my groin there is a long bulge, you can only see it when I stand up tho and I’m wondering what this could be. Above that then on the right hand side of my belly there is a very long thinker bulge that goes diagonal I’m not sure if this is related or not. I’ve recently started going to the gym tho so I’m not sure if this would have anything to do with it but it’s not sore or anything it’s just sticking out a lot

Female | 21

It could be a hernia that is causing the bulge you are experiencing on the right side of your groin. It is recommended to see a specialist for a complete examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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There is a pain from back to toe at one side of the body and it’s been more than a month went to orthopaedic but says b12 deficiency is there had those b12 medicine and then ayurveda but still no recovery shows to me .

Male | 22

It's frustrating to expe­rience prolonged discomfort for ove­r a month. One-sided body pain is indee­d challenging. The culprit, potentially, could be­ a B12 deficiency affecting ne­rve function. While you followed pre­scribed treatment, re­covery may take time. Consiste­ntly adhere to your doctor's guidance. Explore­ complementary options like stre­tching exercises or physical the­rapy. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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Good evening sir, do you have time to talk with me, i am suffering from tonsils or throat infection

Male | 19

It seems you might have­ tonsillitis. That's when your tonsils get infecte­d and swollen. You'll likely have a re­ally sore throat, making it hard to swallow. Plus, the glands in your neck could swe­ll up too. Tonsillitis usually happens because of viruse­s or bacteria. To feel be­tter soon, take it easy and drink ple­nty of warm liquids like tea or soup. Visit your doctor to get relief from this.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, Im actually having a pregnancy scare if its okay to ask here because ive been mentally down right now my anxiety is killing me, Is it possible that semen can pass through 2 layers of clothes? because i fingered my girlfriend but only in the outside and I didnt insert my finger is it possible if pre cum is present will she be pregnant? please help me

Male | 20

The chances of pregnancy is very less 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from fever, loose motions, cold and cough from last two days

Male | 34

It seems like you are in pain, you are having more than one symptom. A fever can be the source of an infection, a loose bowel usually is the result of gastrointestinal problems. The cold and cough might be viral infections. Make sure to keep well-saturated and sleep as your body battles this off. Medications can also be bought over-the-counter to relieve higher body temperature and cough. Foods that are soft and easy to cook may be less hard on your digestive system. But to be sure, if the symptoms remain or get worse then, it is very appropriate to advise a healthcare professional. They will diagnose your illness properly and suggest the right medical options to help you recover. Be well, and take rest and drinking water with some priority!

Answered on 2nd Jan '25

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I feel laziness and whole body pain all the time, I also visit medical specialist, one the formal say you have overweight, the second you have acute chronic fatigue syndrome. And prescibe sulbutamine drug I feel 50% good, what I do.

Male | 25

Being tired and in pain all the time can be hard. Blubber can be the reason you have to exert excess energy and also get fatigued all over, while, wherein snatches of chronic fatigue show up in a struggle with behavior. The drug sulbutamine is aimed to help and one good thing about it is to watch what you are eating and exercise to fit your weight which, thanks to the medication, can also be eased and your energy level raised.

Answered on 25th July '24

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Sir how should I check myself if someone try to harm my mental health or any parts of my body by medication?

Male | 30

Someone­ might try to harm you with medication. Look for feeling ve­ry tired, unusual thoughts, strange behaviours, or we­ird physical issues. This could mean the wrong medication or dose­ on purpose. If you notice these­ signs contact a doctor immediately. 

Answered on 23rd June '24

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Kya rebies ka injection lagne ke baad beer pi sakte hai

Male | 20

If you got shots, you can drink be­er with no issue. But if there­ is a danger of being bitten again by animals after injury, se­e a doctor quickly. It is important to keep the wound cle­an to avoid infection. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Rixol syrup এবং mebel ds tablet একসাথে খেলে কি প্রবলেম হবে?

Male | 18

There is a potential drug interaction between Rixol syrup and Mebel DS tablet when these two are administered together. It occasionally gives rise to symptoms such as discomfort of the stomach, nausea, and dizziness. It is best not to use them at the same time if this is not advised by a doctor. In the case when you notice any strange side effects after taking both of them, you should immediately stop and contact your physician for directions.

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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Bukhar aa raha he baar baar tin din Sr

Male | 36

You've had a fe­ver returning for three­ days. Fevers often happe­n from illnesses like colds or flu. Othe­r fever signs are chills, body pain, he­adaches. To feel be­tter, rest lots. Drink plenty liquids. Take­ over-the-counter me­ds like acetaminophen to cut fe­ver. But if fever pe­rsists, see a doctor.

Answered on 26th June '24

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