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Male | 26

limb lengthening surgery age limit?

Limb lengthening surgery age limit?

4 Answers
Dr. Rajat Jangir

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

No age limit as such |

81 people found this helpful

Samruddhi Bhartiya

Samruddhi Bhartiya

Answered on 23rd May '24

  • If the purpose of this surgery is to address congenital malformations, then it should be done as soon as possible, usually on infants and young children.
  • However, the minimum age for aesthetic limb lengthening depends on when the patient's bone growth plates will close, which typically occurs between the age of 17 years and 25 years.
    • The reason is that patients whose plates are still open may see a natural growth in their height.
  • This surgery can be performed on people of all ages, including the elderly - but to ensure that patient’s limbs are strong enough to rebuild & rejoin after the surgery, the factors that are taken into account are:
    • Overall health,
    • Bone density,
    • Bone mineral density.
  • Taking health and bone quality into account, plastic surgeons often recommend limb lengthening surgery between the ages of 25 and 40, not that other age groups are excluded by default.
  • Even patients with poor bone quality can consider undergoing this surgery in certain circumstances. Their physical limitations will be countered with a planned diet that stimulates bone growth.


We hope this answer provides the much-needed clarity.


Our article will lead you through the financial elements of limb lengthening surgery if you are contemplating having this procedure.

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Dr. velpula  sai sirish

Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Specialist For Stroke

Answered on 23rd May '24


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Dr. Pramod Bhor

Joint Replacement Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

The limb lengthening surgery age limits differ depending on issues such as the technique applied, health of an individual and whether growth plates are present. These procedures are usually more prevalent in pediatric cases since the bones keep growing. For adults, age limitation is not very rigid and suitability depends largely on bone density as well as the overall health. People who are considering limb lengthening should consult an orthopedic surgeon with experience in this procedure, so he could analyze their situation and decide whether the operation fits them or not.

72 people found this helpful

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