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Female | 45

Why Do I Experience Liver Pain After Eating?

Liver problem pair ki jalan or gas food diegest nahi hona pet me chubhan jaisi

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Feeling heat in your upper belly, difficulty digesting food, and discomfort in your stomach can be signs of liver distress. This can happen from eating fatty foods, drinking too much alcohol, or having infections. To support liver function, try eating healthy, staying hydrated, and avoiding harmful substances. Consulting a gastroenterologist for personalized advice.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

I am facing constipation problem from last 2 days I have not done with my stool and my food intake from last 2 days is very low and sometimes I'm getting fever sometimes I am shivering and sometimes my blood pressure became high and sometimes my sugar level goes down I am feeling weakness and whenever I am eating I am facing nausea

Female | 60

I would urge you to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as early as possible. Constipation, being a symptom involving both food habits and fever, is seen in psychotic disorders, and its monitoring is needed. There is a possibility that the vomiting and weakness you are experiencing are a result of constipation or another medical issue that you have. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from constant nausea and acid reflux

Female | 20

These could be symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with nausea and acid regurgitation. It is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist for medical assessment and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I’ve been experiencing pain on the left side of my stomach just below my ribs and my back also. It gets worse when I don’t eat

Female | 21

Pain on the left side of the stomach below the ribs, which worsens when not eating, could be caused by various factors. It could be gastrointestinal issues, like gastritis, or pancreatitis, among others. It could also be related to kidney problems, muscle strains, or other conditions.But you need to get a proper examination done to determine the cause .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had a stomach virus last week, and when I wasn’t showing symptoms, I shared a beverage with somebody who later that day presented symptoms and became ill. Will I get reinfect

Female | 18

Reinfection worrie­s arise when drinks get share­d with a sick person. Gastroenteritis, the­ stomach virus, stems from germs like viruse­s, and bacteria. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps are­ symptoms. Handwashing frequently, avoiding shared drinks, and staying hydrate­d with fluids prevent illness. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

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Hello. I have been diagnosed of esophagitis Los Angeles B, hiatal hernia, biliar reflux and GERD. Currently, I have the sensation of the food coming back from my stomach, and is really bothering me. I wanted to know if there's some risk os developing something worst, and if there's some treatment I can go under.

Female | 23

This symptomknown as regurgitation can be bothersome andimpact yourquality of life. 

The risks associated withthese conditions can varyand complications may arise if they are not effectively managed. Potential complications mayinclude esophageal strictures, Barrett's esophagus and in rarecases an increased risk of esophageal cancer. Please talk to your doctor immidiately

Answered on 23rd May '24

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