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Female | 44

Why Does My Mouth Taste Bitter?

Mouth test bard is better and weekness.Feel Habey hearth

Answered on 15th July '24

A bitter taste in the mouth, weakness, and heavy breath could be symptoms of various health issues, including infections, digestive problems, or dehydration. It's important to consult a general physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment. They may refer you to a specialist if needed.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Bed wetting problem bachpan se hai

Female | 18

It is common for kids to wet the bed even if they are a bit older. This is due to the lack of communication between the brain and the bladder during sleep. Stress or deep sleep can be the causes. Bringing kids to the restroom regularly, not allowing drinks at night, and showering kids with praise for dry nights can be great solutions. If the problem persists, talking to a doctor is a better option for more advice.

Answered on 31st July '24

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I am suffering from cold since last week It get better but again started running nose and sneezing

Female | 18

When you've got a cold, the symptoms may be a runny nose and sneezing. Colds are usually viruses that a way too easy to transmit, especially when people are in each other's close. For the sake of your health, try to relax, drink sweet liquids, and eat nutritious food. In addition, cold therapies bought over the counter can also give you some relief from the symptoms. 

Answered on 28th Oct '24

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How to decide for a plastic surgery or general surgery

Male | 19

Deciding between plastic surgery and general surgery depends on your specific medical condition or cosmetic goals. General surgery is for medical conditions, while plastic surgery is for aesthetic enhancement. Consider your health, risks, recovery, and consult with experienced surgeons before making a decision. Prioritize your well being in any medical choice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son have fever and cough.i put some balm on neck and chest his fever is making him uneasy can I wash his hands and face or not

Male | 5

It is advisable to consult a pediatrician for your son's fever and cough.Applying balm on the neck and chest might provide temporary relief, but it is not a substitute for medical treatment.Regarding washing of hands and face, it is safe to do so with lukewarm water.However, it is important to seek medical attention from a specialist in order to address the underlying condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 23 year old female studying in abroad in Latvia. I have been doing the part time job which requires standing for 9 hours straight. In here I'm not having any sunlight, and now I have been here for one year,and the winter is coming...there is no sunlight in here, food is not proper, and I have been eating fast foods....and getting fat day by day, even if I'm not eating anything fat is increasing,I cannot walk,getting tired easily, and there is issue while climbing the stairs...and there is pain in my legs everyday for the standing...I don't have any energy...feeling dizzy. And I'm not even able to tie my shoe lace...feeling suffocated while doing this...can you please recommend any solution for this....and can you please recommend supplements to take and what all needs to be take care when we are taking the supplements??

Female | 23

These symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain, leg pain, and dizziness, could be caused by healthy foods that your diet lacks, like Vitamin D and proper nutrition. This means that junk foods that you eat do not guarantee the demand for adequate vitamins and minerals required by our bodies. To get rid of it, switch to a meal plan that contains ultra-low vegetables, more fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. Moreover, take a Vitamin D supplement because sunshine is lacking in your area. Make sure to take the correct dosage from the package and ask your doctor if needed when taking supplements. Drink water and exercise to increase your energy and overall health. 

Answered on 13th Nov '24

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I do bedwetting at night due to which problem

Male | 18

You are having a hard time with bedwetting at night. This is called nocturnal enuresis. Some common causes are a small bladder, deep sleep, or emotional stress. Try limiting drinks before bed, using the bathroom before sleeping, and talking to a physician. 

Answered on 29th July '24

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Hello, I got scratched by a stary cat recently in January and I ended up getting ARV Shots, got my last shot on 16th of February. Today I got scratched by the same cat again, do I need to get ARV again?

Female | 33

In January and Fe­bruary, you had ARV shots already. You might not need the­m this time, but watch out. Look for fever, he­adache, or swollen glands - any unusual signs. If you notice the­se symptoms, see a doctor right away to ge­t checked. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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What could possibly be the cause of a needle like pounding pain in the chest area of a 20 year old male. He complains of something crawling in the chest and feels like something wants to come out of his mouth  

Male | 20

It may be costochondritis, anxiety, or acid reflux.. Consult a doctor for DIAGNOSIS and treatment.... The SYMPTOMS can vary greatly depending on the cause of the pain... So, don't hesitate to seek MEDICAL advice...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I take Moringa tea and still take my hiv drugs at night

Female | 21

Moringa may some­times interfere­ with how the body absorbs HIV drugs, potentially reducing the­ir effectivene­ss. If you experience­ new symptoms like nausea or dizzine­ss, it could result from the interaction be­tween Moringa and your HIV medications. Consulting your doctor is advisable­ to ensure safety and prope­r synergy betwee­n Moringa and your prescribed HIV treatme­nt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am feeling high heart beat with little bit sweating

Male | 27

It requires urgent medical intervention through visiting a cardiologist so as to find out any heart problems and other underlying medical conditions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Twinrab 1500/2.5 injection can I take two injection at a time

Female | 76

Taking two doses of Twinrab 1500/2.5 simultaneously is not advisable. There is a need to stay within the therapeutic range as directed by your doctor to prevent any side effects. If you have anything about your immunization plan, please go to an experienced doctor preferably a medical specialist of infectious diseases.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from dry cough last 10 days

Male | 59

Dry cough for 10 days needs medical attention. Possible causes: VIRAL/bacterial infection, allergies, ASTHMA, ACID reflux.. Other symptoms to look for: fever, sore throat, chest pain, wheezing. Treatment varies based on cause: cough suppressants, ANTIBIOTICS, antihistamines, inhalers. Drink warm fluids, use a humidifier, avoid irritants, seek medical advice.... 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hii doctor I taken the polio drops at age of under 5 but today I take by mistakely at the age of 19 there is any problem Are you unable to sleep properly at night?

Male | 19

Taking polio drops won't hurt as an adult. You might fee­l a little sick, like an upset stomach or fe­el like throwing up, but it's okay. Your body is already prote­cted from the drops when you we­re little. Drink lots of water and re­st if you don't feel good. It will go away soon and you'll be fine­.

Answered on 27th June '24

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Hello doc, I'm suffering pain on the left side of my stomach for the past few days. It reduces and increases at regular intervals. Sometimes it is like my full stomach is paining. Please advise. I am taking tabs for the LASIK surgery which I took recently.

Female | 35

You can get alternative therapy done and get the meridians balanced. i.e acupuncture acupressure

Answered on 23rd May '24

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