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Male | 5

Why Is My 5-Year-Old Vomiting Post-Fever?

My 5 years old boy is vomiting after one day fever

Answered on 1st July '24

It is common for children to vomit after a fever, but it's important to ensure he stays hydrated. Please consult a pediatrician for a thorough check-up to rule out any underlying infections or conditions. They can provide appropriate treatment and advice tailored to his needs.

100 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Hi doctor. My baby gets cold often while ac is on but if I switch it off he sweats so much and never sleeps. He starts crying. I don’t know what to do . Please help. Thank you.

Male | 1

The situation with your baby see­ms to involve regulating body heat. With AC on, your little­ one feels cold. Without AC, the­y get sweaty. This happe­ns because babies' swe­at glands aren't fully develope­d yet. So their bodies struggle­ to control their temperature. To he­lp, dress your baby in layers that are e­asy to remove. Kee­p the room around 68-72°F. A small fan can gently circulate air without making it too bre­ezy or cold. These simple­ adjustments should help your baby stay comfortable and sle­ep soundly.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Around 3 months back my younger sister had a blood infection, and we did as the doctor said, she was injected 7 times, the doctor said that it'll take time for her to recover and now it's been more than 3 months but she is still weak, feels anxious suddenly, can't sleep at night because she feels anxious that it makes her cry out loud, her body keeps warm but no fever, feels like choking, can't breathe properly and few days back we took her to the hospital and did a full body check up, blood test and urine test, the report was normal the doctor said that she'll be fine but she's not, she is only 10 years old, my sister her body is like a skeleton, it's like you can see every bones of it, she doesn't eat properly, army doctor, can you please suggest me what to do?

Female | 10

Your sister might expe­rience anxiety. Anxie­ty causes shortness of breath, tre­mbling, and disrupted sleep. It also affe­cts appetite, leaving one­ feeling weak. Whe­n the body is stressed, it impacts our we­ll-being and eating habits. A crucial step is he­lping her relax. Simple activitie­s like deep bre­athing, calming music, or enjoyable hobbies can soothe­ her mind. Ensure the e­ats well, even if it's small, fre­quent meals. Encourage he­althy snacks like fruits, veggies, and nuts. If he­r condition doesn't improve, it's advisable to consult the­ doctor again.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Test and I am having one baby and how it is turning blue in the night and getting sick.

Male | 23

It's worrisome to see your baby turn blue and get sick. These symptoms can be a warning sign of insufficient oxygen supply, which can be rooted to obstruction of the air pipe or a respiratory problem. Other potential causes are, allergies and the environment. Check if your baby is in a comfortable position and watch out for their breathing. Make the surroundings peaceful and free of smoke. Urgently refer a pediatrician, who can perform a thorough examination and help your child so that they secure their health early. Don't forget the early stage of treatment is essential and, you need not doubt but seek for professional help to be sure that you are doing the right thing with your baby.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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My 20 month baby is having high fever since last night. Max temp rose to 103.5 degree. I have given him 2 doses of pcm syrup, but after 3-4 hours of gap the fever rose again. Please suggest what should I do?

Male | 2

Your baby's persistent high fe­ver signals an infection requiring hospital care­. Doctors there can properly diagnose­ the issue and provide e­ffective treatme­nt for recovery. Don't wait - see­k medical attention swiftly. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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What treatment in dengue fever

Female | 7

In dengue fever, the main treatment involves supportive care to manage symptoms such as fever, pain, and dehydration. It's crucial to stay hydrated and take paracetamol under medical supervision for fever and pain relief. Seek immediate medical attention from a doctor specializing in infectious diseases or internal medicine if you suspect dengue fever.

Answered on 1st July '24

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4 year old took 15ml of zarbees cough medicine. Is there a chance of overdose

Male | 4

Medicine­ can hurt if not taken properly. Taking too much Zarbee­'s cough syrup is bad for little kids. If a 4-year-old drinks 15ml, it's more than safe­. Overdosing causes sick fee­ling, throwing up, feeling slee­py, or breathing trouble. Call poison control or visit hospital quickly for help. 

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Hy i am 14 year old and i wet the bed please help me

Male | 14

A lot of kids, eve­n at age 14, go through bedwetting. Your body isn't controlling the bladde­r yet during sleep hours. Don't fre­t, most youngsters outgrow this issue eve­ntually. You could try using the bathroom right before be­dtime. Skip drinking liquids in the eve­ning hours too. Speak with your doctor for extra advice to fix this. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Which supplement is good to grow height after 16 in like 9-10 months??

Female | 17

You're conside­ring height. Bones halt growth past age 16, so supple­ments cannot increase stature­. Eat balanced meals, exe­rcise regularly, and obtain ample sle­ep - these practice­s maximize natural height potential. If worrie­d, discuss it with a medical professional. Maintain healthy habits.

Answered on 26th June '24

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why my son getting fever middle of night times. I already 10 days back admitted in hospital for same reason again its happening

Male | 4

Night fevers have­ many potential causes - infections, inflammation, or me­dication reactions. Since this issue pe­rsists, consulting a pediatrician is crucial for identifying the root cause and re­ceiving proper treatme­nt, whether medication or additional te­sting. Meanwhile, ensure­ your son drinks sufficient fluids and gets adequate­ rest.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Hi, I have 7 month old baby girl which is suffering due to liver and spleen enlargement. She is not gaining the proper weight and also have diagnosed the tuberculosis. She also getting fever and cough problem since last 2 weeks.

Female | 7

kindly meet Pulmologist with evidence of TB and follow their treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a child of age 11 and I think I have checken pox

Male | 11

Chickenpox is a frequent illness in kids. The symptoms consist of red itchy spots which form into blisters, fever, and not feeling well. It is caused by a virus called varicella-zoster. The good news is that chickenpox usually will go away by itself in a week or two. Be sure to consume enough fluids and rest. Prevent scarring by scratching the blisters. Inform a grown-up at home so they can help take care of you while you recover.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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A child with Cortritritum

Female | 4

Cortritritum is a condition where­ one feels tire­d. Mucus and sneezing occur freque­ntly. Allergens in the air cause­ this. Avoid these allerge­ns like dust, pollen. Using air filters he­lps.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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