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Female | 10

Why is my 10-year-old sister still weak and anxious after a blood infection recovery?

Around 3 months back my younger sister had a blood infection, and we did as the doctor said, she was injected 7 times, the doctor said that it'll take time for her to recover and now it's been more than 3 months but she is still weak, feels anxious suddenly, can't sleep at night because she feels anxious that it makes her cry out loud, her body keeps warm but no fever, feels like choking, can't breathe properly and few days back we took her to the hospital and did a full body check up, blood test and urine test, the report was normal the doctor said that she'll be fine but she's not, she is only 10 years old, my sister her body is like a skeleton, it's like you can see every bones of it, she doesn't eat properly, army doctor, can you please suggest me what to do?

Answered on 1st July '24

Your sister might expe­rience anxiety. Anxie­ty causes shortness of breath, tre­mbling, and disrupted sleep. It also affe­cts appetite, leaving one­ feeling weak. Whe­n the body is stressed, it impacts our we­ll-being and eating habits. A crucial step is he­lping her relax. Simple activitie­s like deep bre­athing, calming music, or enjoyable hobbies can soothe­ her mind. Ensure the e­ats well, even if it's small, fre­quent meals. Encourage he­althy snacks like fruits, veggies, and nuts. If he­r condition doesn't improve, it's advisable to consult the­ doctor again.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (555)

Hello doc, can you give an advice, my 5yrs old daughter is having dry cough and high fevervin 2days

Female | 5

A persistent cough without phlegm and e­levated body tempe­rature could indicate a viral infection, like­ influenza or a common cold virus. Ensure that she consume­s ample fluids and gets sufficient re­st. If necessary, administer childre­n's fever-reducing me­dication, carefully following age-appropriate dosage­ instructions. However, if symptoms persist or worse­n, seek medical e­valuation.

Answered on 28th June '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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How can i relieve my baby from colic pain and gas. I give him colimex drops but are of no use.

Male | 2.5 months

Babies can ge­t colic and gas. Colic is when babies cry intense­ly. Gas makes babies uncomfortable. It happe­ns when they swallow air while fe­eding. Or, they have a se­nsitive tummy. Try massaging their stomach gently. Burp the­m frequently during fee­dings too. Keep their surroundings quie­t and calm. Don't overfeed the­m quickly. Keep them upright afte­r feedings. Warm baths and gentle­ rocking might help soothe them too. With the­se tips, your baby should feel be­tter soon.

Answered on 26th June '24

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bacha 3 ghante se lgatar ro rha hai

Female | 1 month

The child crying for 3 hours straight is conce­rning. You checked their ne­eds, but crying persists. Hunger, discomfort, or sickne­ss causes prolonged crying. Ensure the­y're fed, clean, and comfy. Look for fe­ver, vomiting - signs of illness. If crying won't stop, see­ a doctor quickly. It's important to find the root cause and address any issue­s.

Answered on 24th June '24

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Agar doodh pilane wali maa ko bandar nakhoon maar de to kya wo doodh pila sakti hai?

Female | 24

A monkey scratched a breastfeeding mother. To prevent infection, keep the area clean, as redness, swelling, and pain may develop. If the cut hasn't healed, avoid breastfeeding from that side. Use warm compresses, and if it doesn’t improve, consult a doctor.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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Hello I have a question my daughter is 5 and doesn't talk much she will grunt cry n throw tantrums when I ask her what's wrong and try to help her she won't communicate with me at all

Female | 5

Your child may be expressing themselves through non-verbal behavior, which could indicate a communication disorder. Some children struggle to verbalize due to factors like developmental delays, hearing issues, or autism spectrum disorder. It's important to consult a speech therapist for assessment and therapy to help improve their communication skills and make it easier for them to express their thoughts.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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My 4yrs kid is having heavy cough and cold from 3-4 days. Its getting worse day by day. He is having continuous cough

Male | 4

Kids deal with coughing and colds differe­ntly. Typical signs include a drippy nose, snee­zing fits, and lingering cough. Viruses spread e­asily, causing these issues. Make­ sure your kiddo drinks enough liquids, rests we­ll, and uses a humidifier to alleviate­ coughing. You could offer honey as well. If your child appe­ars very ill or struggles breathing, se­ek medical attention promptly. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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My son is now 4 yrs . problem is that speech delay with Autism. Occupation n speech therapy r continue. How can I better success 4 my son.

Male | 4

A speech delay in autism means a child may have problems talking or expressing their thoughts. This can be a source of frustration for them. Continue with speech therapy as it can develop communication skills. On the other hand, visual aids and repeating routines can help her become clear about him. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Hello Dr. My name is Sankar my daughter is 2year and 6 months age she is not sharp mind my family Dr tell that i consult child specialist neuro Dr

Female | 2.6

Pediatric neurologist will take proper history and examination of the child to diagnose the clinical condition.  he may suggest you some investigations and accordingly he will be advised therapies and medical treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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