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Male | 7

Why is my 7-year-old brother's epilepsy worsening with sensorineural hearing loss?

My brother is 7 year old he is having epilepsy when he 3 years old but nowadays it's getting worse and he also have sensorineural hearing loss

1 Answer

Answered on 16th July '24

It sounds like your brother is experiencing worsening epilepsy along with sensorineural hearing loss. It's important to consult a neurologist who specializes in epilepsy for proper evaluation and management of his seizures. Additionally, an ENT specialist can assess and guide his hearing loss. It's crucial to seek medical advice promptly to ensure he receives appropriate care and support.

51 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (930)

M N D problem tretment hole susto hobe ki

পুরুষ | 56

MND or Motor Neuron Disease is a severe disorder that causes damage to the nerve cells responsible for controlling muscles. MND patients have various treatment choices that are based on symptoms. Hence it is important that anyone suspected as having MND must immediately consult a neurologist or an MND specialist for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Doctor, can I take 1500 mcg vitamin b12 supplements to increase my brain function as I am a student.

Female | 15

Taking 1500 mcg vitamin B12 supplements may not be required if you do not have a B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency symptoms can involve such matters as depression, dizziness, and memory loss. A blood test is a way to see your vitamin B12 levels. Only in case of a deficiency, the correct dose will be pointed out by your doctor. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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Speaking balancing chewing walking speaking problems

Male | 63

Pl take acupuncture ... its best for balancing the entire body system and regulation naturally and permanently.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Dear Sir, Below i am sending my father MRI report, kindly guide me. MRI REPORT – BRAIN WITH CONTRAST TECHNIQUE: T1W Sagittal, DWI - b1000, ADC, GRE T2W FS Axial, MR Angiogram, FLAIR Axial & Coronal Post contrast images after administration of 5 ml of gadolinium contrast. OBSERVATION: The study reveals an intrasellar mass lesion, with enlargement of the right half of the anterior pituitary gland, extending to the suprasellar cistern. The mass lesion is predominantly isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images the mass is predominantly isointense to gray matter with internal areas of T2 hyperintensity suggestive of ?necrosis/cystic change. Dynamic postcontrast images revealed decreased/delayed enhancement of the mass lesion as compared to the rest of the pituitary gland. The mass lesion measures 1.2 AP x 1.6 TR x 1.6 SI cm. Superiorly the mass displaces the infundibulum to the left side. A clear CSF plane of cleavage is seen between the superior aspect of the mass lesion and the optic chasm. No significant parasellar extension of the mass lesion is seen. The cavernous segment of both internal carotid arteries show normal flow void. The mass causes mild thinning of the floor of the sella turcica, with slight bulge toward the roof of the sphenoid sinus. MR findings likely represent pituitary adenoma. Confluent and discrete areas of T2/flair hyperintensity are seen in bilateral supratentorial periventricular and subcortical deep white matter, likely representing nonspecific ischemic changes with a combination of leukoariosis, microvascular ischemic changes, lacunar infarcts and prominent perivascular spaces. Basal ganglia and thalami are normal. Midbrain, pons and medulla are normal in signal intensity. The cerebellum appears normal. Bilateral CP angle cisterns are normal. The ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces are normal. No significant midline shift is seen. The cranio-cervical junction is normal. Post-contrast images reveal no other abnormal enhancing pathology. Bilateral maxillary sinus polyps are noted.

Male | 70

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My dad is 70 yrs old, had seizures since last October, diagnosed with testicular tumour and hypertension, an operation was done and he was OK, then the seizures recurred again about 6 times since January but last night was the worst. Please help me We're in a war zone and can't take to a hospital What can I do ?

Male | 70

Seizures can be scary, especially when they happen often. In his case, they might be due to the testicular tumor or other health issues. To help him, keep him safe during a seizure by moving away harmful objects and laying him on his side. Comfort him and stay with him until it ends. Watch for any new symptoms and, if possible, gently clean any wounds he may have gotten. It's important to stay calm and supportive. Although you can't go to a hospital right now, keep monitoring his condition and get medical help as soon as possible.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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I tend to jump to worse case scenario but I recently got diagnosed with vertigo caused by middle ear fluid and recently it’s came back since where I am the weather has gotten worse and my vision is kind of blurry sometimes and I have a hard time focusing on someone when they are talking how likely is it that this is being caused by a brain tumor and not the middle ear vertigo or am I just completely over thinking this

Female | 21

The blurry vision and the difficulty in focusing can be the vertigo that the ear fluid causes. It is common and it does not mean that you have a brain tumor. The ear fluid can mess up your balance and vision. Usually, it gets better on its own, but you might need medicine or special exercises if the problem keeps bothering you. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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if i stay awake the whole night but i sleep in the morning to balance the amount of sleep i require per day, is it harmful for my body?

Female | 17

Staying awake all night and sleeping during the day can disrupt your natural sleep-wake cycle, leading to potential health issues like fatigue, poor concentration, and weakened immunity. It is best to maintain a regular sleep schedule. Please consult a sleep specialist or a general physician to discuss your sleep patterns and get personalized advice.

Answered on 7th June '24

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I am 26 years old . I having tinnitus from Saturday morning ( 3 days back). And tinnitus is present in one ear , started suddenly. I don't have any history regarding ear disease. From last 2 days I am having chills with shivering which comes and go away after 2 hours and feeling sleepy.

Female | 26

You have tinnitus which is the ringing in the ear and you have chills with shivering too. Tinnitus is caused by many different things like loud noises or stress. The chills could be because of an infection. Get lots of rest, drink enough water, and if necessary go to a doctor for more help.  

Answered on 9th Oct '24

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My son 21 years old. Struggling with migrains. Have now started to feel pressure in forehead and dizzy. Have just now taken paracetamol 1 gram. Is it ok to take migraine medication he got from doctor last time now already? He is really scared to wake up and get it like last time. It was really bad with vomiting.

Male | 21

Weakness and sensitivity to light, as well as vomiting, may be the result of migraines. He is on paracetamol which is great, but he can also take the migraine medication his doctor prescribed if it is the case, even though it is soon after the paracetamol. It is important that the doctor’s guidance is adhered to and the medication is taken as instructed which will also help to prevent the next similar episode from happening.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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Hello sometimes I have shuttering(not very serious one,but I still have it) when I am talking(,especially when I am nervous or tired, my friend once told me that she had same problem during her childhood and she took medicament( I do not know what it was)and then it went away itself, i am curious if there is some medicament which help me take this shuttering away forever?

Female | 24

You experience­ stuttering, where spe­aking smoothly feels difficult. Maybe you fe­el nervous or tired. For some­ people, stuttering improve­s on its own, especially children. Howe­ver, therapies, and te­chniques exist to support fluent spe­ech. Speech the­rapy is one option. It's crucial to discuss with a speech the­rapist or doctor to find the appropriate path for you.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Day before yesterday high pressure happened admitted to the hospital they injection some medicine and control the pressure after that they are sleeping tired not wakeup properly I ask to eat but they have not wakeup up they sleep only why what happened how to do next or how many days it can happened to recover

Male | 50

It is usual to have the side effects of tiredness and drowsiness after use of such drugs. But if they are unable to come to life properly, it may be an indicator that the dosage of the medication needs to be modified. The first few days may be hard for them but then they will start to improve and feel normal again. Make sure they get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water. If the symptoms continue or become more severe, get in touch with their doctor for further instructions.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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