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If 2 arteries are 100% blocked and 3rd one is with a stent and open, then is it an issue? can the patient perform all the normal activities? in his daily routine? please suggest.

My father is suffering from sever triple blockage in arteries, admitted to hospital but as he is a obese person they refuse to do cabg he weighed 92 kg now,they have put one stent but 2 arteries are left with 100 % blockage, is there any problem in future ,can he do regular activities ,he is an advocate . please beg you answer this .Is there any issues found that 2 blocked arteries ???

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

As per my understanding, the patient seems to have triple vessel disease and the doctor has put one stent, but two other arteries having 100% blockage are left untreated. The ideal treatment for triple vessel disease is CABG, but there may be some more underlying factors due to which the cardiologist may have advise against CABG. You can always take a second opinion from other cardiologists, who on evaluating the patient and the reports will guide and clear all your doubts. Consult some of the Best Cardiologists in Mumbai, or any other city. Hope our answer helps you.

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Questions & Answers on "Heart" (206)

My BP 156/98. please suggest meditation or excercise doctor prescribe me "Amlodipine tablets 5"

Male | 55

Follow your doctor's prescription as high blood pressure can increase your risk of developing other health problems. Regular exercise and meditation can also be helpful in managing your blood pressure. Physical exercise, brisk walking, jogging, or cycling for at least 30 minutes a day can reduce blood pressure.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What would it take for me to be able to have a lead pellet removed from the lymph node so rounding the main aorta of your heart. With MRI results show ing to be a sixteenth of an inch from said aorta. The incident had happened in the summer of 1998. I'll be 40 in a couple of months. I'm sick of being afraid to breathe.

Male | 39

I know you are worried about the lead pellet that is close to your aorta. In such situations, only a specialist can determine the best course of action. The closeness to such a life-saving place is really indeed severe. Chest pain, breathing problems, or exhaustion are some of the symptoms to look for. Seeking medical help right away is vital for a proper assessment and the recommendation of treatment options.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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I am feeling pulse in my head after exercise.

Male | 24

It could mean a high heart rate or blood pressure. You should go to a doctorn for a check-up and perhaps a referral to a cardiologist if it is necessary.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have severe chest pain and my inner muscle contracts and forms a hole on my upper breast area but it relaxed to normal

Male | 18

You see­m to have intense che­st agony and muscle spasms creating a hole ne­ar your chest. These indications could come­ from angina, where your heart lacks blood. Re­lax, breathe dee­ply, remain calm. If pain worsens or continues, imme­diately visit the closest hospital for urge­nt care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How cost DVD, CABG cost. My mother suffering form heart pain now checkup to hospital engio graphic then two tissue blocked...... Doctor advice to me DVD CABG operation will be done... I wants to cost of this.... Operation

Female | 65

Depending on hospital you choose, it ranges from 3.5L to 6L.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello.. Iam 65. It's been a week I had my mitral valve replacement. Doctors replaced my mitral valve with mechanical valve.Is mechanical valve safe for me? As my age is 65..? Please reply me..

Female | 65

Mechanical valves are safe for most patients, even for those who are 65 years old but there are some risks. Patients with mechanical valves need to take blood thinning medication for the rest of their lives to prevent blood clots from forming on the valve, which can be a serious complication.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 50 years female.. for the last 2 -3 months i am experiencing extreme exhaustion.. heart palpatation .. etc.. A day before i got my blood tests done.. it is showing My TSH is at 6.99.. ESR is also on higher side.. Pls. Advise.. what should i do

Female | 50

It is important that you see your doctor to discuss the results of your blood tests and any other symptoms you are experiencing. Your doctor can provide you with more information regarding your TSH level and what it means for your health. He/she may recommend further testing and/or a change in medications if necessary. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Feeling some lite pain in heart side but breathing is ok no chest pain feel some tissue pain bach side of left arm and upper side of left arm I think this is because of hanging laptop bag

Male | 36

The cardiologist would be the best person to consult if you are having any heart pain or chest discomfort or left arm. Your symptoms may be sign of a heart problem. It needs to be checked by a specialist physician. Please don't postpone your medical visit in these situations. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi Doc, My name is Bobby Sarraf, i am having headache, high BP, sweating, Breathlessness, pain in top back of left shoulder.

Female | 49

Your symptoms can indicate a high blood pressure that causes headaches, sweating and shortness of breath. The pain in the back of your left shoulder is muscular strain. Yet, one should consider the visit of a doctor maybe cardiologist to uncover any substantial underlying conditions and receive appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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