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Male | 42

Is my kidney cancer positivity rate normal?

My kidney cancer percentage positive 3.8

1 Answer

Answered on 29th Nov '24

Kidney cancer is a life-threatening disease, with 3.8 percent positivity meaning that there are malignant cells in your kidneys. Symptoms such as blood in the urine, back pain, and weight loss can be seen. Smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure may be the causes. The treatment options may be surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. It is important to communicate about the treatment with your oncologist.

4 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)


Female | 48

It is indeed a noble gesture. Please connect with us, so we may guide you further.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Why Is radioactive iodine necessary after a thyroidectomy?

Female | 44

Yes, it's necessary to destroy any remaining thyroid tissue or cancer cells and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A 45 year old woman just had surgery of left kidney removal due to renal cell carcinoma. A report came back saying “Microscopically; - left side radical nephrectomy ; - Sections show; renal cell carcinoma, nuclear grade Ill according WHO/ISUP grading system (composed of 4 grade), the growth composed of diffuse, tubular micropapillary patterns, the cells having granular eosinophilic cytoplasm, with invasion of pelvicalyseal system and renal sinus. Minimal tumor necrosis. Positive Lymphovascular and renal capsular invasion (but no invasion to perirenal fat). No renal vein invasion. Pieces of rib was tumor free. The growth limited to kidney, no extra renal extension. AJCC TNM staging 2N0Mx group stage I| (T2= mass > 7 cm< 10 cm limited to kidney)”. Some doctors are stating that chemotherapy is needed now because there is a risk of it being spread in the body (not necessarily organs). So my question is what does this report summarize or mean? Can you explain it to me and how chemotherapy really is needed?

Female | 45

Che­motherapy aims to eliminate unse­en cancer cells, pre­venting future recurre­nce. It serves as a pre­cautionary measure against the dise­ase. Chemotherapy targe­ts potential residual cancer ce­lls undetectable through scans. This additional tre­atment bolsters defe­nses, reducing chances of cance­r's return. It provides an extra safe­guard, increasing the odds of successful manageme­nt.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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My mother pet ct scan report shows that active metastatic bilateral supraclavicular and right paratracheal lymphadenopathy. Please give me the right advice for better treatment in which hospital.


Please attach your reports-
a)CBC & CRP 
b)Liver function test
c)PET scan

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am the prostrate cancer patient ,on 2016 done the Radiatipn & Horman therapy Now my Psa raise to need the next openipn

Male | 62

If your PSA level has risen after previous treatments for prostate cancer,Plz consult with the best oncology hospital in India or your urologist. An increase in PSA levels may indicate a recurrence or progression of the cancer. The next steps will depend on your health, the extent of the cancer, and the treatments you've already received..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to know best hospital for the treatment of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma head and neck

can contact Fortis hospital banerghatta Bangalore for further assistance 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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In bone marrow test 11% blast means wht

Male | 19

Bone marrow test showing 11% blasts generally suggests an increased presence of immature or abnormal blood cells. This finding may indicate potential issues with blood cell production and can be associated with conditions like leukemia. Consult a hematologist or oncologist from best cancer hospital in India

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter's age is 30 years and she has been operated on for thyroid cancer. Doctors have recommended radioactive iodine now. My question is what further action we should take? Where we should now go for a second opinion and further treatment to avoid its re-occurrence. We are from Delhi and can also do her in Mumbai.

u shud definitely undergo radioactive iodine therapy and can get it done in new delhi itself 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father age 67. He is suffer collon cancer. He is colestomy operation done in March 22. What is next treatment???

Male | 67

next treatment depends on the histology report. chemotherapy may be needed based on some factors

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 35 years old female and my stomach was bloated for 2 days then I consulted doctor who gave drips then told for a ct scan then they told its cancer other told its all spread and its stage 4 many told us not to get biopsy as it will make it more spread now the report came that cea is 0.5 and ldh is 276

Female | 35

Bloating can arise from various factors, including digestive issues or hormonal changes. The elevated LDH and the CEA levels are significant, but it's crucial to interpret these in the context of your overall health and symptoms. Consult your physician for a comprehensive evaluation and discuss the necessity of a biopsy based on your specific situation. It's essential to have a supportive team guiding your care. Remember, communication with your healthcare provider is key to navigating this journey effectively. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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Is bone cancer treatment in ayurveda available?

Female | 60

Definitely, but it's a matter of research.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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We have discovered that my uncle has Liver Cancer which is in 3rd stage. Doctors have found a lump of 4cm in his liver which will be removed through a surgery however he has only 3-6 months time to survive. Can somebody please help. Is there still chances of his survival?

Male | 70

Liver cancer in the 3rd stage can be challenging, but there is still hope with surgical removal of the 4cm tumor. Survival chances depend on many factors, including the success of the surgery and his overall health. Consukt the best hospitals for the treatment.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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