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Female | 60

Why does my cardiologist find fluid in my heart?

My mother went to a cardiologist to change her blood pressure medication only to find out she has fluid in her heart

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your mom might have e­xtra fluid around her heart. It happens whe­n the heart struggles to pump corre­ctly. He­art disease or high blood pressure­ often causes fluid buildup. To tre­at it, her cardiologist may give her me­dicine. The medication he­lps remove exce­ss fluid and strengthens the he­art's pumping ability. 

93 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Heart" (206)

Weight on heart but not pain

Male | 39

These might be symptoms of different medical conditions including anxiety, acid reflux, or indigestion. However, having the cardiologist do the checkup for you is a better option since you might have a heart-related condition that the layers might not realize. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What could cause left and right upper chest pain, back pain and stomach pain

Female | 26

Left and right upper chest pain, back pain and stomach pain could be caused by a number of factors . Some of the possible causes are heart attack, acid reflux, pneumonia, anxiety , or muscle strain . It's important to SEEK medical attention if your symptoms persist or worsen. Your doctor can perform TESTS to determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate TREATMENT. In the meantime, try to rest and avoid physical activity that may exacerbate your symptoms .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, Can I ask if what should I do if my mom's blood pressure didn't go lower than 170/70. She's a dialysis patient. But since last night, her bp is 180/60 or 190/70.

Female | 62

It occurs when pressure builds inside­ blood vessels. There­ could be several cause­s – stress, kidney disease­, or not adhering to the dialysis routine. Unche­cked, it can lead to heart strain, e­ven damage arterie­s. You should promptly alert your mom's doctors. They might alter medications or propose­ lifestyle changes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a fast heart beat in middle of my sleep and also when I heard any small noise too. It lasts for upto 15 mins.

Female | 20

Experiencing a fast heart rate during sleep or in response to noise can be due to various factors. It might be linked to anxiety, stress, caffeine intake, or other underlying medical conditions. Consult a professional who can assess your specific situation, conduct necessary tests, and provide guidance or treatment as needed to address the issue.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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neck pain with shortness of breath and numbness in left arm

Female | 26

Timely medical guidance and cardiologist’s consultation for accurate diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Developing these symptoms can result in severe health complications which, in turn, may put one’s life in danger.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography of the whole abdomen showing moderate hypatomegaly with coarse attentuation, edematous GB mild dilated portal vein,splenomegaly,diverticulituis in sigmoid colon. Crystitis. My brother suresh kumar's report has been admitted in Maharaja Agrasain Hospital, Punjabi Bagh and the doctor has recommended us for a second opinion. Kindly advise / suggest next course of action if possible.

Male | 44

WhatsApp the report to me

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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My name is ramdayal Meena and I am 30 years old I am suffering from heart pain from last one week last year also have taken treatment in this particular place paining have also advised by Jaipur doctors and Jagjivan in Mumbai Central Na from last one week it's continue paining in heart day before yesterday and today I have taken and ECG of my heart but I am not getting any kind of relief There is some error and Ms lining in my ECG Diaz are suggesting me for the the angiography So I just want to know that what will be your suggestion for me

Male | 30

It is important that you follow the advice of your doctors and get the angiography done. This diagnostic test will help to get a better understanding of your heart condition. It is also important to take preventive steps like regular exercise, eating healthy and balanced diet, avoiding smoking and alcohol, and managing stress so the condition does not deteriorate. It is also important to maintain a healthy weight, and to get regular medical checkups.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have problem tht .some times my heart beat start running fast . I feared that I will die I become restless . It started sweating. My whole body become cold . I saw to a psychtharist who told me it panic attack . And started medicines . When a episode again came i saw a physician who did my ECG and found my pulse rate 176 he said it is PSVT . He started medicines what i do . I m very confused . What is it whom i believe . And what I do . Pls help .


Thanks for your query
"As" per your clinical history is concerned please attach your report -(CBC,ECG,TSH) to confirm diagnosis.

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife aged 60 is having slow pumping of blood in the left ventricle after taking ecg, echo and angiogram etc. The functioning of the heart is 65%. As per the cardiologist advice she is taking tablets. It may kindly be advised whether the tablets will speed up the functioning of the heart of otherwise any other treatment I have to undergo. Your advice is earnestly solicited. Suggest the treatment and hospitals.

Depending on the cause of the decrease in cardiac functioning, further treatment can be advised. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter is 6years 8months old. She has been complaining of heart beating fast (dhorpor in Bengali) what is supposed to be done?

Female | 6.5

It is advisable to visit a doctor for proper diagnosis. Your daughter may be advised to undergo an ECG test. Based on the results of the test, the doctor will design an appropriate treatment plan for your daughter.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What would it take for me to be able to have a lead pellet removed from the lymph node so rounding the main aorta of your heart. With MRI results show ing to be a sixteenth of an inch from said aorta. The incident had happened in the summer of 1998. I'll be 40 in a couple of months. I'm sick of being afraid to breathe.

Male | 39

I know you are worried about the lead pellet that is close to your aorta. In such situations, only a specialist can determine the best course of action. The closeness to such a life-saving place is really indeed severe. Chest pain, breathing problems, or exhaustion are some of the symptoms to look for. Seeking medical help right away is vital for a proper assessment and the recommendation of treatment options.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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My mother having swelling on face, she is having blood pressure, age 78, Whether blood pressure is cause of this swelling

Female | 78

Facial swelling can have numerous causes, one of which may be the soaring blood pressure. However, it is urgently necessary to contact a doctor for evaluation as soon as possible. Don't delay seeing a doctor. They’ll determining the cause and recommend correct treatment. Monitor BP, promote healthy living and detect other signs. Early action is key.

Answered on 18th Feb '25

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