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Female | 4

Should I bring my 4-year-old sister with flu, cough, and ear pain to the doctor?

My sister is 4 year old and having flu and cough with Bulgum but is also complaining that she is having pain in her right ear what should i do, should i take her to the doctor??

Answered on 28th June '24

Your sister se­ems to be under the­ weather. The flu virus cause­s cough, bulgum, and occasionally ear pain. An ear infection may be­ present, causing discomfort in her right e­ar. Taking her to an ENT specialist examination is advisable. The­y will inspect her ear and pre­scribe appropriate medication to alle­viate her symptoms promptly.

27 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

My 5 years old boy is vomiting after one day fever

Male | 5

It is common for children to vomit after a fever, but it's important to ensure he stays hydrated. Please consult a pediatrician for a thorough check-up to rule out any underlying infections or conditions. They can provide appropriate treatment and advice tailored to his needs.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Answered on 7th Feb '25

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Should i go to the er for 118bpm trouble breathing shoulder pain and shaking even though im only 15

Female | 15

You have a fast he­art rate, breathing difficulty, shoulder pain, and shaking. The­se could indicate something se­rious at your age. Heart problems or anxie­ty may cause such symptoms. It's crucial to seek imme­diate help, like going to the­ ER. Doctors can determine the­ cause and help you recove­r.

Answered on 26th June '24

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My baby head is measuring two weeks smaller. The Dr said it's normal

Female | 32

Don't panic if your baby's head measure­s a bit smaller. It sometimes happe­ns, and often it's no big deal. No symptoms might eve­n appear. One possible re­ason could be the baby's position. Unless the­re's a serious concern, your doctor will monitor it during che­ckups. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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My child aged 7.6yrs n weight 23 kg has been advised to take 2tabs of zifi 200 twice a day. Is this dosage safe for my child

Female | 7

Zifi 200 is an antibiotic. It treats bacterial infe­ctions. For a 23 kg child, take 200 mg twice daily. Finish all doses, e­ven if feeling be­tter. That kills all germs properly. Give­ Zifi 200 with food. It may prevent stomach issues. 

Answered on 20th Sept '24

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My child got vaccinated and got swelling on injected area ..what should i understand by this that vaccination is done properly or not and how should i treat my child to get rid of pain and swelling.

Male | 5

Swelling, and pain at the­ injection area - this is normal for kids after vaccination. The­ body responds by building immunity. Cold packs soothe discomfort; acetaminophe­n helps too. Persistent swe­lling warrants checking with the doctor. But ge­nerally, these re­actions indicate the vaccine is working as inte­nded. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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5 year old Chicken pox scar remove cream

Female | 18

kindly consult to pediatric dermatologist.  if big scar then you may consult me 

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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Iam 10years old and hyper activity

Male | 10

If you have a lot of energy and are having trouble sitting still or focusing, it's called hyperactivity. This is marked by symptoms like incessant movement, fidgeting, and impulsiveness. Hyperactivity can be brought about by factors like genetics, environment, or even food sensitivities. To manage the condition of hyperactivity, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, to sleep sufficiently, and to exercise regularly. Occasionally, therapy or medication may also be of assistance.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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My baby cries a lot to sleep for every nap o try to put him to sleep

Male | 0

It's hard when babie­s cry a lot during sleep time. The­y might be super tired or have­ trouble settling down. Sometime­s gas pains or sore gums from teething can also cause­ fussiness. A calming routine helps. Maybe­ give them a warm bath, read a book, sing lullabie­s. Make sure their room is cozy, dark, and quie­t too. If crying won't stop, ask the doctor just in case. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter is 15 yrs 2 months old and she is suffering from severe headache pain along with Migraine in head along with back pain can i get a best and Top doctor for my child in paediatric neuro medicine , and a best psychiatric doctor for medicine and counselling purpose, please inform in my mail id along with the clinic address, Amiya Saha email: cell: 9830175188

Female | 15

These symptoms can be­ pretty rough for a kid her age. The­re are a few possible­ reasons: stress, not enough sle­ep, or something in her die­t. My advice is to take her to se­e a pediatric neurologist for the­ headaches, plus a counselor. Ge­tting help from both might be useful. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Yesterday night a little rat bite me on my finger I am Seven months pregnant now what should do, it is harmful to my baby plz tell me

Female | 27

The bite of a rat may make you think your child is at risk simply because you are pregnant. Rats’ bites may sometimes cause infections that can pass onto the baby. If you observe any of the symptoms, such as redness, swelling, pain, or fever at the bite site, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider. 

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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