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Male | 6

Why is my son underweight with frequent vomiting?

Dear sir, my son's digestion is week. He womits easily and choosy in food habits. He is underweight compared to his age and goes to stool passing frequently. Kindly suggest remedy.

Answered on 23rd Nov '24

It looks like he has perhaps a problem called "gastrointestinal issues."  Bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, food allergies, or stress can cause it. To ease his pain, you can feed him small, frequent meals such as bananas, rice, or applesauce, which are easy on his stomach. Also, don't forget about enough water. You should consult a pediatrician for proper guidance.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (556)

Hello, i was wondering if its normal to see babys heartbeat on neck while she is sleeping with her head turned sideways. Its not hard, but its visible. She is healthy and growing like she should. She is 8months.

Female | 8 months

It looks completely natural to see your daughter's heartbeat on her neck while she sleeps on her side. Sometimes, it's more evident in babies because of their thin skin and rapid heartbeat. As long as your baby is healthy, growing well, and not showing any other symptoms like fussiness or trouble breathing, there's usually no reason to worry. 

Answered on 11th Oct '24

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1 month child ko brain hemorrhage hai

Male | 1 month

A brain hemorrhage, which means bleeding inside the brain, is a serious concern for a one-month-old baby. Symptoms may include seizures, excessive crying, feeding difficulties, or unusual body movements. It can be caused by birth trauma, blood clotting problems, or certain medical conditions. Treatment often involves careful monitoring in the hospital, and in some cases, surgery may be needed depending on how severe it is.

Answered on 11th Oct '24

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Dr Rathi sir, do you treat snoring problem in children?

Male | 7

Snoring is the medical term for making a noise while breathing during sleep. This occurs when the child's airwaves are partially or completely blocked due to enlarged tonsils or adenoids. And this might cause the child some hardship in the process of their breath. The removal of the tonsils or adenoids can help them to stop snoring and sleep better. It's a good idea to take your kid to the doctor to find the right way to solve his problem.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Can we wait for hydrocele surgery for 19months old son as it's painless and not growing. It will be difficult to manage him post surgery as he is non verbal. Also we think it may resolve on its own.

Male | 19months

Hydrocele is when fluid accumulates around the testicle and produce swelling in the scrotum. In most cases, this is not accompanied by pain and the hydrocele may not be symptomatic. Sometimes, hydroceles can resolve on their own without treatment. Nevertheless, in case the hydrocele is significantly large or doesn't diminish, surgical intervention might be required to mitigate any postoperative complications. It is very critical to direct the right pediatric urologist and discuss the accuracy of any possible action on the hydrocele of your son.

Answered on 12th June '24

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Hii my son is 3 years old and he sometimes in day barking like dog atleast 1-2 time in a day so I just wanted to know is that normal'?

Male | 3

Children don't usually bark like dogs. But if the­y do, it might mean they have croup - a sickne­ss with a barking-like cough. They could also have a runny nose­ or hoarse voice. When the­ airways swell, this happens. Giving warm drinks and using a cool mist humidifier he­lps. But talk to your kid's doctor if it keeps going. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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abnormal functioning of outer hair cells of cochlea for 3 months child

Male | 0

Maybe your child is not able to hear as well because the outer hair cells in the cochlea are affected. Not only this but the child may lack in hearing or have difficulty in responding to the everyday sounds as it was before. This disorder can be due to infections or because of exposure to loud noises. The positive side is that an audiologist will be able to diagnose the issue and provide solutions, such as hearing aids. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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is child vaccination free available

Male | 1 month 15 days

Yes. All government facilities are now a days providing vaccines.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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My 13 year old daughepter took 16 panadol

Female | 13

Consuming 16 Panadol table­ts simultaneously poses grave risks. Such an action can damage­ the liver. Potential symptoms may manifest as nause­a, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice (yellowing of skin or eye­s). Immediate medical atte­ntion is crucial in this situation.

Answered on 26th June '24

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When should I worry if a child has secondary drowning? He swallowed water in bath and coughed quite a bit. Once he coughed it all out he ate dinner and played as usual.

Male | 3

You should worry if if he is uncomfortable or coughing.

Answered on 19th June '24

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8 ke bachh ko pet ke upr hisse me bhot jor se pain ho raha hai konsi medicine de or q ho raha hai

Female | 8

Your child's upper abdome­n hurts badly. Gas, constipation, or stomach virus could cause this. Give them childre­n's acetaminophen pain relie­f. Ensure they hydrate we­ll. Encourage passing gas or bowel moveme­nts. If pain persists or worsens, see­k medical evaluation.

Answered on 26th June '24

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