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Which of these two hospitals would you suggest for treating stage 2 breast cancer - Bhagwan Mahavir Research Centre (Jaipur) or Max Cancer Centre (Delhi)?

My wife is suffering from breast cancer stage2or3. Out of Bhagwan Mahavir rc jaipur and max cancer care delhi which is best? Dr at jaipur is dr Sanjeev patni dr at max delhi is dr harit chaturvedi. Kindly guide hospital Bhagwan Mahavir or max delhi?

2 Answers
Pankaj Kamble

Pankaj Kamble

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dear Sir, I would suggest you go for Bhagwan Mahavir Research Centre Jaipur because it has better expertise and facilities for breast cancer treatment than Max Institute of Cancer Care in Delhi. Dr Sanjeev Patni of BMRC Jaipur is a more experienced doctor and we would suggest you to consult him for your wife's treatment. Hope this information was helpful and hope your wife has a speedy recovery.

100 people found this helpful

Dr. deepak ramraj

Surgical Oncology

Answered on 23rd May '24

Bhagwan Mahavir Research Centre (Jaipur) or Max Cancer Centre (Delhi)are both good hospitals

68 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Sir , Do u perform colonoscopy

Female | 47

Greetings from Rid of Pain Physiotherapy
my first advice is don't go for surgery at first. go for Physiotherapy, get some best results.Because after surgery also u need physiotherapy. better u try it on priority basis.  u will get result definitely, but if don't get then choose surgical maneuver only

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I have cancer in my neck I have a lump under my ear my lymph node pains and my jaw will not open, tonsil, pelvic bone and just started in my spin, is there any treatment or alternative treatment available to cure my cancer

Female | 57

Yes there are various treatment options available. But you must consult with an oncologist or cancer specialist to discuss best treatment options. Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy are the treatment options for cancer normally. Alternative treatments can be used alongside traditional cancer treatments to improve overall well-being.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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PET-CT scan impression report shows. 1. Hypermetabolic spiculated mass in lower lobe of right lung. 2. Hypermetabolic right hilar and sub carinal lymph nodes. 3. Hypermetabolic nodule in left adrenal gland and hypodense lesion in left kidney 4. hypermetabolic multiple lytic sclerotic lesions in axial & appendicular skeleton. Lesion in proximal end of femur is susceptible for pathological fracture. which stage the cancer might be in.? How far the cancer has spread?

Male | 40

The findings from this PET-CT scan suggest the presence of multiple hypermetabolic (actively metabolizing) lesions in various parts of the body. This pattern of findings raises concerns about the possibility of metastatic cancer, meaning that cancer may have spread from its original site to other areas of the body. The exact stage and extent of cancer would require further evaluation by an oncologist from the best cancer hospital in India, including additional tests and imaging.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I started to feel pain in my throat while smoking weed(medical purposes) . turns out i had thyroid cancer, i had total thyroidectomy 6 month ago , and still i have pain in my throat when i want to smoke weed or cigarets ! i need marijuana for my anxiety disorder and panic attaks. whats the problem? what should i do?

Male | 35

Consult your doctor to determine the cause of the pain and explore alternative methods of marijuana consumption that may be less irritating. Discuss your anxiety management needs with your doctor and follow their advice and care for your well being after surgery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm suffering from bone tumor on my hip joint knee joint and in hand fingers can u suggest the best hospital in Chennai for to treat bone tumor.

you can consult in any govt hospital and corporate hospital. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife has been dignoes Brest cancer

Female | 43

Kindly consult a surgical oncologist for the staging and treatment.

Answered on 5th June '24

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Is there any treatment for cholangiocarcinoma? 4th stage of cancer Hoping for your quick response Do you know any good hospitals in India? Thank you

depending of the condition of the patient systemic therapy is the choice of treatment 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, how can we get information on treatment for RHABDOMYOSARCOMA that is stage 4 in a 9 year old boy?

Male | 9

Stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma is a muscle cancer that causes lumps, swolle­n areas, pain, and mobility issues. Rhabdomyosarcoma stems from ge­netics or chemical exposure­ risk factors. The typical treatment approach combine­s surgery, chemo, and radiation therapy. It's crucial to coope­rate closely with the me­dical team oversee­ing his custom care plan.

Answered on 1st July '24

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We have discovered that my uncle has Liver Cancer which is in 3rd stage. Doctors have found a lump of 4cm in his liver which will be removed through a surgery however he has only 3-6 months time to survive. Can somebody please help. Is there still chances of his survival?

Male | 70

Liver cancer in the 3rd stage can be challenging, but there is still hope with surgical removal of the 4cm tumor. Survival chances depend on many factors, including the success of the surgery and his overall health. Consukt the best hospitals for the treatment.

Answered on 7th Nov '24

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