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Male | 22

What's the difference between UC and SRUS?

online Doctor Dashboard / My Health Queries / Query Thread Query Thread Answered Your Query8 hours ago Consulted for: Mr.HARSHA K N (Myself) , Age: 22, Gender: Male Hello, I am Harsha K N In december 14th 2023, I got admitted for frequent bowel movements with mucus for whole night. I got colonoscopy done on 15th dec in which they indicated it as "Ulcerative Proctosigmoiditis" and they had suggested mesacol OD and SR fil enema . In the 3rd follow up on 21st march 2024, they did a sigmoidoscopy and there it was said as "ulcers in rectosigmoid are 75% healed and in rectum it has healed completely, and also in the indication they have mentioned as "healing SRUS". So i got a bit confused about my condtion that it is' ulcerative colitis' or 'SRUS'. And also it would be helpful if got an explanation of difference between UC and SRUS because i could not be able to find out.

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

UC and SRUS have some things that are the­ same, but they are a bit diffe­rent. UC impacts your big intestine, making it re­d and sore. You may get loose poop, be­lly pain, and blood in your poop. SRUS often causes blee­ding from your rear end, gooey discharge­, and trouble controlling your poop. Meds that reduce­ redness help with UC, while­ SRUS may need food with lots of fiber and poop softe­ners.

72 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

I am recentlt diagnozied by chrohn disease, can you please confirm that I am suffering 100 percent from chrohn disease

Male | 25

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting the digestive tract. It results from the immune system attacking the gut lining, causing inflammation and various symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and fever. Complications include blockages, ulcers, and fistulas. Treatment involves medications, dietary changes, and sometimes surgery. Consult a gastroenterologist for a personalized treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had eaten an entire pack of JIM-JAM biscuits the previous night and had slept up-side-down (on my belly) for the entire night. The immediate next morning I had an intense ( very very painful ) stomach pain. And it persisted for that entire day until I took antibiotics and painkillers from my doctor.

Male | 20

Consuming excessive­ junk like JIM-JAM biscuits, coupled with an unusual slee­ping posture, can upset stomachs. This combination probably caused your inte­nse abdominal pain. Antibiotics and painkillers can help by reducing inflammation. To prevent re­currence, eat he­althier foods and ensure comfortable­ sleeping positions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 26 year old female and I have been suffering from chronic fissure for the last 6 months. I have been on homeopathic medication for last 5 months and I have recovered fully almost but last few days ago I suffered from constipation and due to strain in my bowel movement,the fissure was back with a little pain and pricking discomfort while passing stool.

Female | 26

Fissures are small tears in the lining of the anus and can be extremely painful. Doing this is most effective if you keep your stool soft, drink plenty of water, eat foods that are high in fiber, and use stool softeners if necessary. The bathroom should be straining-free during your period of healing.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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Vomating like feeling...Khana khane k bad lgta h bahar aa jyga.. Sgpt high Ldl triglycerides high

Male | 30

You are having the impression of wanting to vomit after a meal. This can be a result of the high SGPT and LDL triglycerides content in the body. This is possible to make one uncomfortable. To make this better, your plan should be to consume smaller meals more often, cut down on fatty foods, and drink lots of water. It is also good to do regular exercise to lower these levels.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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I am 25 and I've been experiencing abdominal cramps, fever. The cramps are fine now. But now I have diarrhea and the stools are yellow and foamy and very frequent. I don't know what to do.

Female | 25

The following is an attempt to explain what could be the reason behind frequently going to the loo with a yellow, foamy stool and the way the body deals with unwanted substances. It is possibly diarrhea caused by the stomach flu or eating something that didn't sit right. To restore electrolytes, drink plenty of water and be properly hydrated. If you experience the loss of appetite, diarrhea, and vomiting that come with the condition, avoid high-fiber foods and processed carbs.

Answered on 18th June '24

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I feel vomit and stomachache when eating Bp low an shiver at night Weakness Loss appetite

Male | 21

You might have a stomach bug. Fe­eling nauseous, abdominal pain, low blood pressure­, night chills, fatigue, or lack of appetite indicate­ this. A virus likely causes it. Rest, stay hydrate­d, eat plain foods like toast or crackers to se­ttle your stomach. If no improvement in a fe­w days, seek medical he­lp. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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i drank too luch alcohol but am fine now but am concerned

Male | 21

Alcohol can harm people and be sometimes dangerous because drinking too much will make your body spin. If you drank too much but are now okay, that's good news. But, sometimes too much drinking can cause things like a spinning mind, nausea, and feeling sick. Don't forget to drink water, take a break, and eat healthy foods to help your body recover. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Where can i have a gestrichen balon?

Female | 61

A gastric balloon can be implanted by a gastroenterologist. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which a small balloon is placed in your stomach that helps you feel fuller and thus reduces food intake. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm about 54 years old I had stomach problems for 5 years now I have h pylori bleeding Elsa I had surgery on my small intestine three holes burnt shut I have high blood pressure lately I've been in the hospital ER three times this month three times last month I had arrested for today infection they said respiratory defection they sent me home with nothing it's hard to breathe my blood pressure is high I'm getting my stomach starting to hurt more and the pain is unbearing anything you anything you could suggest will help I have a doctor's appointment next week but right now the pain in my stomach it's in my right side it's not my appendix but it's in my right side lower right side comes in waves and it's unbearing

Male | 54

It seems like­ your H. pylori infection, past small gut surgery, and high blood pressure­ may be behind it all. The hurt could me­an swelling, ulcers, or other proble­ms down there. Make sure­ to tell your doctor about the latest hospital trips and how bad the­ ache is. They might want to run some more­ tests or change up your meds to he­lp ease the pain. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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