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Female | 23

What can help with sleeplessness at night?

Sleep less I can't in the night

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your inability to sleep at night may indicate that you have a condition called insomnia. A specialist or neurologist in sleep disorders should be consulted. 

24 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (929)

My uncle met with an accident few days ago . He had a head injury. After few days he had lost his memory and also behaving aggressively

Male | 65

Your uncle may suffer from a disorder known as Post-Traumatic Amnesia (PTA) after an injury to the head. Memory loss and aggressive behavior are pervasive symptoms. It is because the main point gets violated, hence, it can be the cause of behavioral changes. Rest, avoiding stress, and patience are necessary for your uncle's recovery. 

Answered on 11th Nov '24

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Pet drd ho rha hai 50+ age hai or kafi scan kara liye hai kch pra nhi lag rha

Female | 50+

People are tired for many different reasons such as not sleeping enough, stress, and underlying health problems like anemia or thyroid disease. I would recommend that he eats well, gets enough sleep, and talks to a doctor if his fatigue is not getting better because of something more serious.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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April 12,2023 I was showering when I finish I heard a sound in my head like pipes falling. Then I notice I couldn't hear in my left ear and I started hear a loud buzzing sound. This was a weekend and I couldn't see my doctor until Monday. He had me take a ct scan to rule out a stroke. I then was given a referral to see an ENT . I was told by the ENT that I was deaf in my left ear and a hearing aid wouldn't help me and come back in a month. I became so angry with this person because he didn't care about my health issue. I feel like I am on this journey alone. Through my research, I found there is no cure for sudden hearing loss. However it appears stem cells offer promise for a cure. When do you think there may be a cure or which country is ahead of the curve for a cure.

Male | 76

Sudden hearing loss, like what you've described, is known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Common symptoms include hearing a loud buzzing sound and feeling as though your ear is blocked. The exact cause isn't always clear, but it may be related to infections or blood circulation issues in the ear. While there is no known cure, researchers in countries like Japan are exploring stem cell treatments as a potential future option. It's important to prioritize your health and stay in regular contact with your doctor.

Answered on 9th Aug '24

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तीन चार दिन से सर दर्द कर रहा है गोली खाता हु तो बंद हो जाता है वापिस दर्द करने लग जाता है

Male | 20

This type of headache can develop for a number of reasons, such as stress, lack of sleep, displayed eye vision problems, or using it for work. For the accurate pinpointing of the cause of your headache, definitely seeing the doctor is a necessary procedure. Aqueorin and similar drugs can provide relief from tension headaches, but the use of too much steaminofen is not a permanent solution.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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My mother aged 79 is on the following medication For morning - 1 tab levepsy 500, 1 tab calcuim and 1 tab metaprol 25 mg For night - 1 tab levepsy 500, 1 tab pregablin and 1 tab doxolin But by mistake today gave the night dose twice.... Will it effect her in any worried

Female | 79

Accide­ntally taking two doses of her night medication could make­ her feel sle­epy, unclear, or unbalanced. It's wise­ to watch over her and ensure­ she's alright. Remind her to re­lax and drink plenty of fluids. Should any odd signs appear, don't delay in se­eking medical guidance. Most like­ly, she'll be okay but kee­p observing her condition for now.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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.I am 5 year old male and have duchenne muscular dystrophy ( DMD ) . i can't run and stair climbing .

Male | 5

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach for comprehensive management. Several professional doctors may be involved in the care of someone with DMD to manage your condition and optimize your quality of life.. Physical therapy and rehabilitation areoften recommended for individuals with DMD to help maintain muscle strength, improve mobility, and manage symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long can post stroke fatigue last?

Male | 36

Post-stroke fatigue is the feeling of being extremely tired or weak after a stroke. It may last for a few weeks to several months. This weariness can interfere with the ability to perform routine tasks. While it is important to rest, mild exercise and a healthy diet may help alleviate its effects. If you still experience significant tiredness, consult your doctor for further assistance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Major headache almost all time.. Taking diljem sr90 morning Deplatt cv 20 night Bypass surgery 2019 me Doing Sitting job.. Bp 65-90

पुरुष | 45

The medicines you me­ntioned are used ofte­n after bypass surgery. Your low blood pressure­ and a sitting job could be causing your headaches. Stay hydrate­d. Drink plenty of water. Take bre­aks from sitting. Tell your doctor about what's happening. Your doctor can help manage things be­tter if you keep the­m updated.

Answered on 12th Aug '24

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