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Female | 52

Stomach Cancer ke patient ko elaz kiya h

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Treatment for stomach cancer includes surgery to remove tumors, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and potentially immunotherapy. The specific treatment plan depends on factors like the cancer's stage and the patient's overall health.
Palliative care is used to manage symptoms, and experimental treatments are done. The choice of treatment will be determined by your oncologist team, consulting with the patient.

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Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

How fast does sarcoma grow?

Male | 43

The growth rate of sarcomas depends on the grade. A low grade sarcoma is a slow growing Tumor which may take even an year to reach 5cm or less. On the other hand, a high grade sarcoma not only increases rapidly in size, it can also spread to other organs, like lung, very fast

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother is suffering from gallbladder cancer stage 3rd …is cure possible in this stage

Female | 45

In stage 3 gallbladder cancer the cancer spreads to all nearby tissues or lymph nodes. While it's more advanced, it is not necessarily incurable. It can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. It would be best if you visit a cancer specialist near you for a personalised advice about her treatment soon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Keeley Mums cancer has spread too far and has been deemed too aggressive for surgery. It started off in the breast and has spread to her brain, throat, lungs, liver and now also into her lymph nodes... She has been referred to oncology, who will look at her case and decide whether she is a fit for chemotherapy, and once they meet her they will decide if she is strong enough to go through it. IF mum is able to have the chemo, she will either be given a course of tablets to take, I believe they are one tablet a week. Or she will be given chemo via an IV and will have to go to once every three weeks for a few hours. If mum decides not to have chemo she will be referred to palliative care

Female | 67

If breast cancer advances to the brain, throat, lungs, liver, and lymph nodes, it is advanced cancer. Breast Cancer naturally develops in the cells of the human breast. But when cancer cells are balooned in size, it is called breast tumor. Chemotherapy treatment is regarded as one of the most popular therapies for advanced Breast Cancer. Chemotherapy can be done as an outpatient procedure if your mom can physically handle the treatment..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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There is 19 months old girl from Ethiopia. Diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma. Completed 5 cycles of chemo. Referred abroad for surgical resection and possible liver transplant. We are planning to take her to India. Where is the best surgical oncology center in India? How much it will cost us? What is your advice? Thank you!

The choice between resection and transplant depends on the assessment of response. The patient & the scans will have to be assessed and then a decision will have to be made. 
The cost will vary from hospital to hospital and the procedure

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from squamous carcinoma near retromolar. What is the best treatment for this type cancer?

Male | 45

First Oncologist will analyze the report and depending on the stage of the cancer, If operable surgery is the treatment of choice and depending on the stage chemotherapy and radiation might also be required 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Badly i need a good suggestion for my father who is affected in a brain tumor.Some of Doctors suggested me to operation or some are not.In this situation i Don't understand what can i do.

Male | 55

Brain tumors if operable should be operated upon, however if they are in a very critical area or the surgery may be risky, we may need to try some other ways of addressing. Please share your reports and consult for further advise.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My bade papa has been detected having a cancer in gall bladder 4th stage

Male | 64

I'm sorry to know that.. At this stage, treatment options may be limited, and the focus often shifts towards palliative care to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can cervical cancer cause b12 deficiency?

Female | 44

No, cervical cancer does not directly cause B12 deficiency. However, some cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, may affect the absorption of vitamin B12 in the body, leading to a deficiency. It is important to monitor B12 levels in cancer patients undergoing treatment and supplement as necessary to prevent deficiency.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father age 57 diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma metastatic. is it curable and which hospital is best for in Hyderabad. please suggest. Thanks in advance

Male | 57

Adenocarcinoma at various stages may still have treatment options. Please share reports for guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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You can consult Dr Muzammil Shaikh from Nanavati hospital
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am seeking a hospital that may treat leukaemia which has spread to a tumor in the stomach region causing extreme pain

Tata hospital in Mumbai 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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