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What to do in the case they have admitted the patient in Tata Memorial Hospital after doing tests but haven't determined cancer?

We have done many tests in TATA memorial hospital from last 13days but doctors are just taking different tests they did not prescribed any medicines they are just suggesting more tests giving appointments. So what should we do now .Reports shows the cancer yet they didn't admitted the patient .Please suggest any helpful advice

3 Answers
Pankaj Kamble

Pankaj Kamble

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hello, Cancer is a complex disease. Maybe the doctors are still not sure about your case so that's the reason they want you to take more tests to decide the further line of treatment. So, kindly have some patience. But if you feel that you want a second opinion, then you can consider going to other hospitals by taking a reference. Some of the hospitals where you can go for cancer treatment are: Best Cancer Hospitals in Mumbai. We hope our answer helps you.

59 people found this helpful

Dr. Uday Nath Sahoo

Internal Medicine

Answered on 23rd May '24


Please send me these reports -
CBC ,CRP, LFT & PET scan

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

70 people found this helpful

Dr. deepak ramraj

Surgical Oncology

Answered on 23rd May '24

talk to the doctors there and clear your confusion 

96 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

My mother is a survivor of breast cancer but after 5 years She is diagnosed lung cancer . Is lung cancer is curable and where is the best treatment available in India and worldwide.

Treatment will be based on the the stage of the lung cancer. you can contact Fortis hospital banerghatta , Bangalore for further assistance 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why Is radioactive iodine necessary after a thyroidectomy?

Female | 44

Yes, it's necessary to destroy any remaining thyroid tissue or cancer cells and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How can basal cell carcinoma on the scalp be effectively treated?

Male | 45

Surgical excision and Mohs micrographic surgery can be done.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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PET-CT scan impression report shows. 1. Hypermetabolic spiculated mass in lower lobe of right lung. 2. Hypermetabolic right hilar and sub carinal lymph nodes. 3. Hypermetabolic nodule in left adrenal gland and hypodense lesion in left kidney 4. hypermetabolic multiple lytic sclerotic lesions in axial & appendicular skeleton. Lesion in proximal end of femur is susceptible for pathological fracture. which stage the cancer might be in.? How far the cancer has spread?

Male | 40

The findings from this PET-CT scan suggest the presence of multiple hypermetabolic (actively metabolizing) lesions in various parts of the body. This pattern of findings raises concerns about the possibility of metastatic cancer, meaning that cancer may have spread from its original site to other areas of the body. The exact stage and extent of cancer would require further evaluation by an oncologist from the best cancer hospital in India, including additional tests and imaging.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Life expectancy when chemo stops working ovarian cancer

Female | 53

It depends on the stage of cancer and how aggressive it is. Get 2nd opinion 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father age 57 diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma metastatic. is it curable and which hospital is best for in Hyderabad. please suggest. Thanks in advance

Male | 57

Adenocarcinoma at various stages may still have treatment options. Please share reports for guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Since last month, I have been feeling bloated and uncomfortable all the time. Initially I thought of acidity problems and tried usual medicine and home remedies. However, since last week feeling a kind of pain as well. I visited our family doctor in Bahrampur and he added further tests including pelvic and stomach ultrasounds. I read about all these on the internet. My blood report didn't come good and I'm waiting for the ultrasound report as well. Am I experiencing pancreatic cancer symptoms?

Male | 25

Bloating, fullness and discomfort of abdomen in females should be taken seriously, especially in post-menopausal women. A correct diagnosis will require ultrasound of abdomen pelvis and further evaluation with CT scan or MRI. Also few tumor markers like CA-125, CEA, AFP, etc can take is closer to the diagnosis

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My husband was just diagnosed with AML Type 4. I am desperately seeking treatment for him. He is currently in hospital in Jamaica as he was admitted to start chemotherapy; however, that has been delayed due to him returning a positive Covid test. Please offer any advice/assistance. Thanks in advance.

Male | 41

you can come after the covid crisis is over.

once landed, she will be in safe hands

rest assured !!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My father is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It started in stomach n now affected liver. Please help me in suggesting best treatment for him.

we will need more details to plan treatment 
but with what information you have provided . chemotherapy has to be started 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, My father diagnose stage 3 gallbladder cancer currently in CT scan. Please advise about the treatment and doctor.

we need to see the ct scan to decide on treatment. can contact Fortis hospital banerghatta Bangalore for further assistance 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello dear Doctors. I am writing this letter to ask for help for my father. He is 55 years old. last year suddenly he felt pain in his throat.After that. we checked up oncology hospital in Tashkent. Doctors diagnosed my father "cancer" named Shivinki disease. I need a second opinion on this.

you may consult to oncologist or surgeon for second opinion. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from squamous carcinoma near retromolar. What is the best treatment for this type cancer?

Male | 45

First Oncologist will analyze the report and depending on the stage of the cancer, If operable surgery is the treatment of choice and depending on the stage chemotherapy and radiation might also be required 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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