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Which are the best hospitals in India to take a second opinion for suspected throat cancer?

Hello dear Doctors. I am writing this letter to ask for help for my father. He is 55 years old. last year suddenly he felt pain in his throat.After that. we checked up oncology hospital in Tashkent. Doctors diagnosed my father "cancer" named Shivinki disease. I need a second opinion on this.

2 Answers
Pankaj Kamble

Pankaj Kamble

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hi! I am not aware of what do you require from us or what is Shivinki disease. Hope my answer helps you. From what you have written I feel you want to know which are the best cancer hospitals in India for throat cancer treatment are. For this case, you will have to meet a Surgical Oncologist who is adept in Head and Neck Cancer. If you seek cancer treatment in India, then you should visit Mumbai or Delhi because they are known to have the best available technologies and hospitals in the country.

You can visit the following Government/ Charitable Hospitals:

  1. Delhi - Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, Rohini (Charitable)
  2. Mumbai - Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel (Government)

You can find more on our page - Cancer Hospitals in India.

69 people found this helpful

Dr. Brahmanand Lal

Pediatric Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

you may consult to oncologist or surgeon for second opinion. 

40 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (365)

How fast does throat cancer progress? I want to know if the aggressive nature of this cancer deteriorates the overall quality of life?

You first need to get evaluated by an oncologist. Let him decide the stage of cancer, type of cancer and start treatment accordingly. Right treatment on right time helps to heal and also improves quality of life. The treatment for throat cancer largely depends on the size of the cancer, stage of cancer, age of patient, his overall health.


The main treatments are radiotherapy, surgery and chemotherapy. The patient will need a team of specialists. Post-surgery speech therapist, dietician will also have a role in recovery along with medical line of treatment. Consult an oncologist. Hope our answer helps you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Can Gastrointestinal bleeding cause Colon cancer?

Gastrointestinal bleeding may be one of the symptoms of colon cancer. Consult an oncologist, who on examining the patient, may advise some tests like blood tests, stool test, colonoscopy and others, based on these test reports the doctor will come to a conclusion whether the patient is having colon cancer or not, and then will guide you to choose the best treatment suitable for the patient. Hope our answer helps you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Namaste, My father lives in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and is in terminal stage of cancer. It started as oral cancer which was removed surgically but unfortunately has metastasized to his lungs and now his liver. He took 6 rounds of chemotherapy, but it spread anyway. He is at end of life now and we are desperately looking for Ayurveda treatment or options that can ease this situation.

Male | 65

Metastasis means the cance­r has spread to other body areas. The te­rminal stage signals the disease­'s progression. Pain, weakness, and no appe­tite are symptoms. Ayurveda use­s herbs and healthy practices to e­ase discomfort and lift life quality. But consult an expe­rt to plan the ideal ayurvedic tre­atment approach for your dad's specific case. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

What is to be done after immunotherapy and elevated liver enzyme levels when seen?

Male | 44

If yellowing of eyes, dark urine, pale stool seen, get your SGPT and SGOT tests done

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Is there any treatment for prostate cancer in ayurveda

Male | 69

Prostate cancer occurs when abnormal cells multiply in the prostate gland, leading to complications. Common symptoms include difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, and pain in the back or hips. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical practice, suggests herbal remedies and lifestyle changes to ease symptoms. However, modern treatments like surgery or radiation therapy are more commonly used to treat prostate cancer effectively.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

My mother is suffering from gallbladder cancer stage 3rd …is cure possible in this stage

Female | 45

In stage 3 gallbladder cancer the cancer spreads to all nearby tissues or lymph nodes. While it's more advanced, it is not necessarily incurable. It can be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. It would be best if you visit a cancer specialist near you for a personalised advice about her treatment soon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

My mother is Squamous cell carcinoma on the tongue for one and half year now..Please guide me for cheap treatment as we dont have much money (Name: Jatin)

Please provide with all the reports along with scans we'll try and help you partly in financially sustaining treatment through our partner NGOs. Reports are needed. 


Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Yash Mathur

Dr. Yash Mathur

My mom has been diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma favoring female genital tract as she is known case of endometrium carcinoma. Currently being treated in Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi for 3 cycles of chemotherapy. Would like to know best oncologist or hospital who assures the survival rate of patient. Which country will be best to handle these cases? Singapore, Thailand or USA?

Female | 66

Please share her reports and treatment details so that we may be to guide you further.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

I am a 24 year old girl presenting all classic symptoms of hogdkins lymphoma, but im not sure what is the next step

Female | 24

I know it is hard to have symptoms that seem like­ Hodgkin's lymphoma. This kind of cancer can make the lymph node­s swell up. It can make you fee­l very tired too. You might lose we­ight without trying. You might get sweaty at night. The be­st thing to do is see a doctor who treats cance­r. The doctor might need to do a te­st called a biopsy to know for sure if you have Hodgkin's lymphoma. The­ biopsy can help the doctor plan the right tre­atment for you. 

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

My grandfather suffering from Esophageal cancer and his age is 68 years, so what is the possible treatment for this, and which is the best caring hospital in Chennai?

The treatment of esophageal cancer depends upon several factors stage, fitness level, and type. Treatment modalities can be surgical intervention, chemotherapy, and/ or radiation therapy. In Chennai, prominent hospitals such as Apollo Hospitals, MIOT International, or Cancer Institute (WIA) are options for advanced treatment. Consulting an oncologist is essential to evaluate your grandfather’s condition and determine the optimal treatment plan that addresses his requirements.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

My father has secondary liver cancer and his condition is deteriorating every day. We can't see him like this. Please advise the next course of action.

Male | 61

Secondary liver cancer where is the primary. After the PETCT whole body and biopsy further decision to be made

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mukesh Carpenter

Dr. Mukesh Carpenter

I’m female, 17years old. I found that there is a lump in my left armpit, it has been there fro about two years. It doesn’t hurt when untouched but can hurt alittle tiny bit when pressed on or squshed. What is it? Cancer?

Female | 17

I would suggest that you consult medical expert in the field of breast health or oncology for further diagnostics. There may be a swollen lymph node, an infection or benign growth in your left armpit and these all should not have malignancy. Don’t wait and visit your doctor immediately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sridhar Susheela

Dr. Sridhar Susheela

Is there any treatment for cholangiocarcinoma? 4th stage of cancer Hoping for your quick response Do you know any good hospitals in India? Thank you

depending of the condition of the patient systemic therapy is the choice of treatment 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. deepak ramraj

PET-CT scan impression report shows. 1. Hypermetabolic spiculated mass in lower lobe of right lung. 2. Hypermetabolic right hilar and sub carinal lymph nodes. 3. Hypermetabolic nodule in left adrenal gland and hypodense lesion in left kidney 4. hypermetabolic multiple lytic sclerotic lesions in axial & appendicular skeleton. Lesion in proximal end of femur is susceptible for pathological fracture. which stage the cancer might be in.? How far the cancer has spread?

Male | 40

The findings from this PET-CT scan suggest the presence of multiple hypermetabolic (actively metabolizing) lesions in various parts of the body. This pattern of findings raises concerns about the possibility of metastatic cancer, meaning that cancer may have spread from its original site to other areas of the body. The exact stage and extent of cancer would require further evaluation by an oncologist from the best cancer hospital in India, including additional tests and imaging.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

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