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Male | 54

Why Do I Experience Dizziness and Visual Disturbances?

What causes me to be dizzy and if I look at something it looks like it moving

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Inner ear diseases, headaches and migraines, low blood pressure and some medications can cause dizziness or abnormal visual perceptions such as the illusion of movement. A neurologist should be consulted for the right diagnosis and treatment.

40 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (900)

My Mother is loosing her memory and she gets anxiety too she is not able to sleep she doesn't feel good she is worried all the time that she is loosing her memory she is also loosing her hair we have consulted 2 neurologists so far but nothing works out please guide us. Thanks

Female | 61

If your mother is nearly 60 do seek psychiatrist/ neurology help

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Srikanth Goggi

Dr. Srikanth Goggi

I’m a 26 year old female who is a diagnosed epileptic. I have been taking 200mg of lamotrigine since January. However I’m still having frequent seizures and cluster seizures so I’m looking to see if I could get an additional medication prescribed alongside the lamotrigine to support my symptoms and gain more control over my seizures.

Female | 26

It’s important to tell a neurologist about those symptoms again. Sometimes taking another medicine such as levetiracetam or valproate can help to bring seizures under control. These drugs act in different ways to help lower the chances of having a seizure. Your doctor will be able to advise you better on what treatment plan will suit you most appropriately.

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My wife suffering from servical dystonia from last 6 months She also treatment of Narayana hospital under supervision of Vaibhav mathur But he suggested botox injection also What should we now

Female | 47

Because of this ailment, muscles of the neck contract automatically which causes irregular movements and postures. Neck pain, twisting, and tremors are to be named here, while the symptoms include neck pain, twisting, and sores. Botox injections are therefore with muscle problems decreasing symptomatically by the time of the treatment period. Fortunately, your wife is already on the list of doctors. Your doctor at Narayana Hospital prescribed you a treatment plan, and you ought to not give up on it. 

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Headache can be caused near the ear and eye can be caused due to

Male | 19

Headache near eye/ear usually due to sinuses/eye strain. Stress, allergies, infections can trigger.OTC painkillers, rest, hydration can alleviate. In chronic cases, consult doctor. Avoid triggers, maintain healthy lifestyle. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My headache is paining too much eyes are paining too much crying alot body shivering right chest pain body pain

Female | 19

This type of headache can cause pain not only in the head but also in the eyes and sometimes even in the chest. It is often accompanied by severe chills and body aches. Finding a quiet, dark place to rest can help. Drinking water and taking pain relievers like paracetamol can also provide relief.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Can you please identified my problem of headpain that occurs once in a year in the month of March and April

Male | 23

Seasonal migraine­s seem like your issue­. Head pain comes back yearly, same­ time. You might feel sick, se­nsitive to light or sound, also vision issues. To avoid these­, stay hydrated. Get plenty of sle­ep. Keep stre­ss in check.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My mom having a bad headache and because of that she throw up. While throw up she noticed some blood in it. I was worried about it

Female | 45

Vomiting blood could signify stomach or esophagus irritation, maybe injury. This symptom ne­eds medical evaluation promptly. Blood in vomit, while­ alarming, sometimes happens but re­quires a doctor's assessment. Se­eking medical help impe­rative to determine­ precise cause be­hind this serious symptom. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Major headache almost all time.. Taking diljem sr90 morning Deplatt cv 20 night Bypass surgery 2019 me Doing Sitting job.. Bp 65-90

पुरुष | 45

The medicines you me­ntioned are used ofte­n after bypass surgery. Your low blood pressure­ and a sitting job could be causing your headaches. Stay hydrate­d. Drink plenty of water. Take bre­aks from sitting. Tell your doctor about what's happening. Your doctor can help manage things be­tter if you keep the­m updated.

Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Mai night mai 10.00p.m ko sota hu Lekin sleep 3.30 a.m tak break ho jati hai Very good sleep ke liye kya karu

Male | Rahul shah

This could be due to stress, caffeine, screen use, or an unsteady bedtime schedule. To improve your sleep, you should calm down before sleeping, avoid drinking coffee in the evening, and keep the same sleeping schedule. These simple changes might help you.

Answered on 14th Nov '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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