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Female | 24

What is the permanant treatment of migraine ?

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

There's no known permanent cure for migraines. Neurologists often recommend a combination of approaches to treat migraines based on the individual's specific symptoms and needs. The effectiveness also varies among individuals.

33 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

I am 27 year old I have headache in right last 1 year

Female | 27

Persistent headaches can stem from various sources, including tension, migraines, or even vision issues. It's essential to consider accompanying symptoms, such as nausea or light sensitivity, to better understand your situation. Maintaining hydration, practicing relaxation techniques, and ensuring regular sleep can be beneficial. However, since you've been experiencing this discomfort for an extended period, I strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional. They can provide a thorough evaluation and discuss tailored treatment options. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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My sister had a RTA last year in which she had a paraplegic spinal cord injury,she is doing physiotherapy since one year still can't walk without calipers,has no sensation,she is 20 years old

Female | 20

A spinal cord issue such as hers might result in weakness of stepping and the absence of the sense of touch. It occurs when the spinal cord sustains damage, generally from events such as a car ramming into it. Exercise makes muscles stronger, but full recovery might not be attained. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

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My vitamin b12 levels are near about 200 ng/ml from 10 years although I am non vegetarian.currently i am on ssri from 1 year for anxiety and iam feeling muscle pain legs,numbness in fingers of hand sometimes very rare. It is due to anxiety issues or b/12 .

Male | 39

Insufficient vitamin B12 amounts can lead to muscle aches and numbness which will be considerably suffered in fingers and legs. If your symptoms are related to low B12 levels, it may still be the case that your meat-eating habits do not have any effect. The best way to handle this with your doctor is to ask them to check your B12 levels and determine whether you need treatment or supplements.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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How to recover from paralysis

Male | 68

Being unable to move a part of the body is what paralysis is all about. It can be caused by different things such as strokes, injuries or diseases like MS. Common signs include loss of sensation and/or inability to move. Your comeback will depend on the cause; if it’s due, to, for instance, a stroke then one may recover quicker than expected but usually physical therapy is always recommended. In addition, healthy eating habits exercise, and keeping a positive mindset go a long way in aiding recovery.

Answered on 4th June '24

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Can you please identified my problem of headpain that occurs once in a year in the month of March and April

Male | 23

Seasonal migraine­s seem like your issue­. Head pain comes back yearly, same­ time. You might feel sick, se­nsitive to light or sound, also vision issues. To avoid these­, stay hydrated. Get plenty of sle­ep. Keep stre­ss in check.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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.I am 5 year old male and have duchenne muscular dystrophy ( DMD ) . i can't run and stair climbing .

Male | 5

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a complex condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach for comprehensive management. Several professional doctors may be involved in the care of someone with DMD to manage your condition and optimize your quality of life.. Physical therapy and rehabilitation areoften recommended for individuals with DMD to help maintain muscle strength, improve mobility, and manage symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Dear Sir, Below i am sending my father MRI report, kindly guide me. MRI REPORT – BRAIN WITH CONTRAST TECHNIQUE: T1W Sagittal, DWI - b1000, ADC, GRE T2W FS Axial, MR Angiogram, FLAIR Axial & Coronal Post contrast images after administration of 5 ml of gadolinium contrast. OBSERVATION: The study reveals an intrasellar mass lesion, with enlargement of the right half of the anterior pituitary gland, extending to the suprasellar cistern. The mass lesion is predominantly isointense to gray matter on T1-weighted images. On T2-weighted images the mass is predominantly isointense to gray matter with internal areas of T2 hyperintensity suggestive of ?necrosis/cystic change. Dynamic postcontrast images revealed decreased/delayed enhancement of the mass lesion as compared to the rest of the pituitary gland. The mass lesion measures 1.2 AP x 1.6 TR x 1.6 SI cm. Superiorly the mass displaces the infundibulum to the left side. A clear CSF plane of cleavage is seen between the superior aspect of the mass lesion and the optic chasm. No significant parasellar extension of the mass lesion is seen. The cavernous segment of both internal carotid arteries show normal flow void. The mass causes mild thinning of the floor of the sella turcica, with slight bulge toward the roof of the sphenoid sinus. MR findings likely represent pituitary adenoma. Confluent and discrete areas of T2/flair hyperintensity are seen in bilateral supratentorial periventricular and subcortical deep white matter, likely representing nonspecific ischemic changes with a combination of leukoariosis, microvascular ischemic changes, lacunar infarcts and prominent perivascular spaces. Basal ganglia and thalami are normal. Midbrain, pons and medulla are normal in signal intensity. The cerebellum appears normal. Bilateral CP angle cisterns are normal. The ventricular system and subarachnoid spaces are normal. No significant midline shift is seen. The cranio-cervical junction is normal. Post-contrast images reveal no other abnormal enhancing pathology. Bilateral maxillary sinus polyps are noted.

Male | 70

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My friend is having seizure like symptoms we were in high altitude what should I do

Female | 34

Altitude sickness can be a serious condition, especially if it leads to seizure like symptoms. These symptoms could be due to altitude sickness, but they could also indicate other medical issues..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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