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Female | 23

Effective Ways to Remove Face Pimples

What to do to get rid of pimples on my face

1 Answer
Dr. Deepak Jakhar


Answered on 30th Aug '24

When your skin's tiny hole­s get blocked by oil and dead ce­lls, red bumps appear. Pimples can bring pain. To ge­t rid of pimples, wash your face twice with a ge­ntle face wash. Don't pick or squee­ze them. Use products with salicylic acid or be­nzoyl peroxide. These­ can help. Keep hair cle­an. Don't touch your face often. Eat healthy foods. Drink lots of wate­r. If pimples still won't go, see a de­rmatologist

90 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2602)

5months ago I got a scratch from a cat and I complete my vaccination by ( days with TT ( .5ml) and then again few days (14) ago I got a new scratch again , and this cat was also scratch my grandmother 9months ago and she completed her vaccination, what should I do now?

Female | 21

New scratches have added to old ones recently, so it's important to watch for signs of infection like redness, swelling, or pus. Clean the wound with soap and water, and monitor it closely. If you notice any of these symptoms, see a doctor right away.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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Skin problem genetic warts at anus

Female | 34

The sexually transmitted infection, human papillomavirus causes genital warts. Although certain individuals can be born with a genetic inclination to get warts, it is usually found through sexual intercourse. Genital warts must be diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist or the specialist in STDs to do it properly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Actually, I had some acne marks or red bumps and acne on my face so I started using clin 3 gel over it I have been using this gel for approximately 2 weeks but my marks have increased and become red my acnes are gone. So can you please tell me why is this happening?

Female | 22

Skin redness and irritation have been linked to the use of Clindamycin Phosphate Gel 3%. You may be having an allergic reaction to the gel. It is advised that you should discontinue the use of gel and seek consultation with a dermatologist for appropriate assessment and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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If a girl has veliligo 30% then there may be ticks on the back, neck, hair etc.

Female | 20

Vitiligo patients can have­ ticks. These tiny bugs latch onto skin, causing issues. Ticks pre­fer warm, moist spots like back, neck, hair. The­y may lead to itching, redness, rash. To avoid ticks: we­ar protective clothes outdoors, use­ bug repellent. If you find a tick, re­move it carefully using twee­zers.

Answered on 17th July '24

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I am 22 of age a female, recently I noticed some lumps close to my ass hole

Female | 22

In most cases, these lymph nodes are connected with the infections of the rectal region such as perianal abscess or a hemorrhoid. Symptoms comprise inflammation, aches, painful tingling, and pus if the glandular development becomes infected recently. The most essential actions are hygiene and heat compress usage. Likewise, examining these lumps would help to understand the situation, so if there is no improvement or worsening of this disease, you are advised to hurry to the medical center.

Answered on 9th July '24

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Goeiedag ik ben een man van 25 en ik maak me zorgen omdat ik het zelf nergens heb ik heb een huid probleem waar ik me ook voor schaam en ik weet niet wat het is. Ik heb een witte vlek op mijn eikel zitten en ik maak me zorgen omdat ik zelf brown skin ben. Dus mijn vraag is dat normaal want het is nu half bruin en wit

Mannelijk | 25

Goeiedag, het is begrijpelijk dat je je zorgen maakt over een verandering in je huid. Een witte vlek op de eikel kan verschillende oorzaken hebben, zoals een schimmelinfectie, vitiligo of andere huidcondities. Dit kan normaal zijn, maar het is belangrijk om het te laten onderzoeken door een professional. Een arts kan een juiste diagnose stellen en mogelijke behandelingen aanbevelen. Probeer je niet te veel druk te maken; veel mensen ervaren vergelijkbare problemen. Maak gerust een afspraak om het te laten controleren; goede zorg is cruciaal voor je gemoedsrust en gezondheid.

Answered on 26th Feb '25

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Hi doc, I have an added areola around my nipples it's not dark in color it's just a light brownish thing with some little hairs that are growing, I went on my periods fully, but they came early because of the emergency pill I used. I then took two pregnancy tests after seeing the change in my breasts and they were all negative I'm curious now what could cause the change

Female | 24

The emergency pill can cause hormonal changes, and this might result in breast changes such as an extra areola that is light brown with some hairs. Even if the pregnancy tests are negative, there could still be hormonal fluctuations leading to variations in breasts. Most likely, it is nothing serious and will return to normal soon. Watch out for it but if you are worried about anything then feel free to ask a doctor for advice.

Answered on 10th June '24

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How much will be the cost of mole removal from face by electrocautery method? Is the process painless? How much time it takes for recovery?

Female | 33

The latest technology for mole removal is using CO2 Laser. Its painless. No downtime. it will cost around 3000. Visit La Derma Skin Clinic for mole removal if you are from Kolkata.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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