Male | 18
Why has my stool been thin for 7 months?
sir i have been having thin potty since 7 months

Surgical Gastroenterologist
Answered on 21st Jan '25
Experiencing persistent thin stools for several months can be concerning. This issue may arise from various factors, including dietary changes, stress, or gastrointestinal conditions. It’s essential to pay attention to any additional symptoms such as pain, weight loss, or changes in appetite. Incorporating a balanced diet rich in fiber, staying hydrated, and managing stress can be beneficial. However, due to the duration of your symptoms, I encourage you to consult a gastroenterologist for a thorough evaluation. Professional advice will ensure you receive appropriate care tailored to your needs.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)
I’m having pain in my chest after having eaten 3 hours ago, is this heartburn or is it something more serious?
Female | 17
Heartburn occurs when the food pipe carries the stomach acid back up. The symptoms are a burning feeling in the chest or a sore throat after meals. If you suffer from heartburn, consider eating smaller meals, avoiding spicy foods, and lying down after eating, as they will help you deal with it. If the pain continues, see a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 21st Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
डॉक्टर मुझे अपनी समस्या साझा करनी है मुझे कुछ समय से पेट में दर्द होता था और बेचनी होती थी जिसके चलते मैंने एक पेट के डॉक्टर को दिखाया कुछ टेस्ट करवाएं जैसे सीबीसी थायराइड और लिवर आदि जिस्म से खून कम है 7 प्वाइंट है और थायरॉइड और लिवर टेस्ट नॉर्मल है और फिर एक अल्ट्रासाउंड करवाया जिसमें मुझे 18mm की पित्त पथरी (पित्ताशय की पथरी निकली जिसका समाधान ऑपरेशन बताया गया है उसने मुझे इसके लिए कुछ दवा दी 1 ZOVANTA DSR एक टैबलेट सुबह और एक शाम 2 OMEE MPS SYRUP 10ml सुबह और शाम 3 EMTY SYRUP जब जरूरी हो तब १ बड़ा चम्मच 4 RUBIRED SYRUP 10ml सुबह और शाम 5 LIMCEE TABLET एक टैबलेट सुबह और एक शाम 6 NUROKIND LC TAB एक टेबलेट दिन में एकबार 7 OROFER XT TAB ek tablet subha aur ek shaam जबसे मैंने खून बढ़ाने वाली दवा ली है जबसे मेरे हाथ और पैरों में सुजन आ गई है और मुझे चलने फिरने बैठने में दिक्कत हो रही है नासो में दर्द हो रहा है कृपया डॉक्टर इस सब परेशानी का कोई समाधान बताएं जिसका मेरा खून भी बंटा रहे और मुझे कोई अन्य दुष्प्रभाव भी ना दिखें
Female | 40
You are going through the swelling problem of your hands and feet after taking medication for blood level maintenance. This might be a consequence of some drugs. The limb swelling and the discomfort you are feeling might indicate a fluid retention issue. Your doctor should adjust your treatment plan to ensure that your blood levels are good and you do not have these side effects. Talk to your gastroenterologist about all your symptoms so that they can make the most appropriate choices for your health.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Can you please tell me if anything on my ultrasound would indicate liver problems or anything else of concern? EXAMINATION: ABD COMP ULTRASOUND CLINICAL HISTORY: Pancreatitis , chronic. Increased pain right upper quadrant. TECHNIQUE: 2D and color Doppler imaging of the abdomen is performed. COMPARISON STUDY: None FINDINGS: The pancreas is obscured by bowel gas. Proximal aorta is also not well seen. Mid to distal aorta is grossly normal in caliber. The IVC is patent at the level of the liver. The liver measures 15.9 cm in length with coarse echotexture and loss of architecture definition consistent with infiltrative change, nonspecific. No focal geographic abnormality identified. Hepatopetal flow in the portal vein noted. The gallbladder is normally distended with no gallstones, gallbladder wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid. Can not exclude a small amount of dependent sludge. The common bile duct measures less than 2 mm in diameter. The right kidney demonstrates normal corticomedullary differentiation. No obstructive uropathy. The right kidney is 10.6 cm in length with normal color flow. Left kidney is 10.5 cm in length with normal corticomedullary differentiation and no evidence of obstruction. The spleen is fairly homogeneous. IMPRESSION: Limited evaluation of the pancreas and proximal aorta due to bowel gas. No obvious free fluid, correlation needed, consider CT with IV contrast if additional assessment warranted. Subtle gallbladder sludge suspected. No acute cholecystitis.
Male | 39
Based on the ultrasound findings, the report mentions some observations, but it also notes limitations due to bowel gas obscuring the pancreas and proximal aorta. No focal abnormalities or gallbladder issues are identified, although a small amount of dependent sludge cannot be completely ruled out. The kidneys and spleen appear normal.Further evaluation and correlation are recommended, such as a CT scan with IV contrast, if needed. No acute cholecystitis or obvious free fluid is noted. Also make sure to consult your doctor for a comprehensive assessment and interpretation of the results.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 15 years old girl. I took norix1 pill today at 5:05 pm but vomited at 08:03. Do I need to take another pill now?
Female | 15
If the drug has been thrown up within a few hours of its intake, it might not have been fully absorbed into your system. Under such circumstances, it is generally advised to see a doctor to find out if you need to take another dose. One should be very careful as it is risky to take an extra dose of the drug without the proper instructions. You should also note down any other symptoms that might be associated and, when you visit the physician, get the time-appropriate advice.
Answered on 26th Dec '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have a chronic Dysentery with abdominal pain and constipation for last 1 year
Male | 72
Chronic dysentery is a serious condition of the gastrointestinal tract that needs medical attention. You are advised to seek a gastroenterologist for additional assessment and treatment of your condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have pain in my upper stomach
Male | 36
Upper stomach pain may be attributed to a wide range of causes. Indigestion, acid reflux, or even a stomach ulcer could be the reason for this. However, in other cases, eating spicy or fat-rich foods is a cause of such diseases. It is not only necessary to keep track of your diet but also to try to stay away from foods that cause pain. Drinking copious amounts of water and consuming smaller, more frequent meals are also two good ways to lessen the inconvenience. If the problem remains or is more painful, it is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 12th Nov '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Having problems in taking food and can't go toilet regularly from 1week
Male | 28
Difficulties with eating and irregular bowel movements for a week could have various causes. You need to consult with a doctor, such as a primary care physician or gastroenterologist for evaluation. It can be happening due to gastrointestinal issues, dietary factors, medications, or stress.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 14 and reports of abdominal scan revealed that I have distended urinary bladder and distended gall this serious or normal
Female | 14
A scan of your stomach showing a distended urinary bladder and gall bladder is interpreted to mean that they are more filled than usual. For instance, holding your urine back for a long time might be the cause of the urinary bladder and gallstones the gallbladder. Pain or discomfort, or the need to go to the toilet often, can also be symptoms. Drinking some water, or eating right may be some of the actions, but to get proper advice, the best thing will be to see a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 5th Nov '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have a acid reflux problem around 2 months I already consult with doctors but acid reflux not going properly what should I do I get to much tension about this disease please help me
Male | 27
Acid reflux actually occurs when the stomach acids irritate the esophagus, which leads to symptoms like heartburn, chest pain, and bad taste. Some of the means to comfort it involve eating small portions, avoiding the foods that trigger it, and not sleeping immediately after eating. Raising your head during sleep is also a concern. Also, don't forget to reduce stress because it will also contribute to acid reflux.
Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am facing constipation problem from last 2 days I have not done with my stool and my food intake from last 2 days is very low and sometimes I'm getting fever sometimes I am shivering and sometimes my blood pressure became high and sometimes my sugar level goes down I am feeling weakness and whenever I am eating I am facing nausea
Female | 60
I would urge you to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist as early as possible. Constipation, being a symptom involving both food habits and fever, is seen in psychotic disorders, and its monitoring is needed. There is a possibility that the vomiting and weakness you are experiencing are a result of constipation or another medical issue that you have.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Is it normal to have pale coloured poo after diareha and sickness
Female | 27
This could happen because of the reduction in bile production or the failure of bile to enter the digestive system. If you are experiencing this problem, you might need to visit a gastroenterologist to help determine and treat the cause of your symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Fish bone stuck in my belly
Male | 24
A fishbone stuck in your belly might cause belly pain. While consuming fish, small bones can occasionally lodge. This sensation shouldn't be disregarded. Severe discomfort, difficulty swallowing, or vomiting necessitates immediate medical attention. Testing and potential bone removal aid from a gastroenterologist could prove vital.
Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Today morning toilet time red blood coming which problem name what is solved sir/Medam
Male | 31
If you saw red blood when you went to the toilet this morning, it might be due to hemorrhoids. These are engorged blood veins in the rectum or anus. Such signs are as follows: bloody stool, pain around the anus, and itching. It is suggested to increase water intake, include fiber in your diet, and avoid lifting heavy things during bowel movements.. In case the bleeding still occurs or if you have extreme pain, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to diagnose the causes and find the proper treatment.
Answered on 22nd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I'm 30 years old whenever i eat shawarma o have to poo before 2 hours and this have been happening constituency don't know what to do
Male | 30
This could be the reason for the spices, oils, or a particular kind of meat you are consuming that is causing digestive problems. Keeping a food diary to learn patterns and observe if other foods also cause this kind of reaction is vital. Increasing the daily water intake and eating less food should help in minimizing discomfort. Nevertheless, recurring problems necessitate contacting a gastroenterologist who can give a complete evaluation and the most relevant advice concerning the problem.
Answered on 4th Jan '25

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your guidance regarding some health concerns that I have been experiencing, which have significantly impacted my quality of life. For some time now, I have been dealing with a condition that has led to people around me closing their nose, sniffing, coughing and having runny nose when around me. My parent could not perceive this odour so does the doctors and GP when I went there. This situation has resulted in feelings of isolation and anxiety, making it difficult for me to navigate social interactions, particularly in my university environment. I have been diagnosed with psychosis and given medication and everything is still happening around me. I'm also experiencing severe bloating, gas, and digestive issues like diarrhea/constipation. I’ve read that these symptoms can be linked to gut imbalances like bacterial overgrowth, and I want to explore if that’s the case with me I have previously attempted to reach out for help, but I have faced dismissive attitudes regarding my concerns, which has left me feeling frustrated and unsupported. I suspect my symptoms may be linked to a condition such as trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or a gut-related issue like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). However, I have yet to receive a clear diagnosis or effective management plan. Given my experiences and the impact they have had on my mental health and daily life, I would greatly appreciate your insight. I am particularly interested in any tests or referrals that may be appropriate for diagnosing my condition, as well as recommendations for managing the associated symptoms. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and any advice you may be able to provide.
Male | 20
The symptoms you mentioned might be associated with a condition such as trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or a gut issue known as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). TMAU refers to the main odor complications, while SIBO leads to bloating, gassy, and gut issues like diarrhea or constipation. It's imperative to obtain the actual diagnosis by carrying out tests such as breath tests or blood tests. The treatment may involve changing the diet, probiotics, antibiotics, or other medications that will help to control your symptoms.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I'm 19 year old, female. Okay so i have constipation like severe, iam facing this problem for almost 2 years now, i need to 3 weeks ago i started taking medicine and taking care of my self and diet it becomes normal again my bowel movements were good and rectal bleeding (only happen when i eat something like, junk food, multiple food at a time or things like that) anyways wasn't happening anymore no pain nothing and my bowel movements were regular but from last week i started eating junk food, oily things, no diet no walk basically careless, and now i am facing this problem again like my bowel today was very hard to pass and rectal bleeding happened because of that and painful too and after 3 days i had my bowel today, so what should i do now? I'm scared.
Female | 19
Constipation can happen due to not eating well or moving around enough. Try to eat more fruits, and veggies, and drink plenty of water. Also, avoid junk food and oily stuff. These changes might help you feel better.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Can I smoke weed 3 weeks after gallbladder removal?
Female | 26
After gallbladder surgery, it's important to focus on taking care of yourself. While it might be tempting, it's best to avoid using cannabis during your recovery. The compounds in marijuana could slow down your healing and make you feel worse. Instead, stay hydrated, eat a healthy diet, and follow your doctor's advice to recover well.
Answered on 14th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My mother has gastrological problems so recently I showed her to a renowned doctor who prescribed her some medicines. She started to take the medicines from yesterday there was a tablet which was to be taken after dinner she took it yesterday and she felt as if something is happening to her she can't breathe but it became normal after sometime but tonight same thing happened but it lasted so long and her condition was so bad that she couldn't breathe I took her too a nearby hospital where she was given some injections. I just need to ask why did that happened
Female | 43
Your mother might have suffered from an extreme allergic reaction to the pill she took after dinner. An allergy can be followed by a few different symptoms such as, for instance, shortness of breath, swelling, and low blood pressure. Stop the medicine, and inform her doctor at once. They can suggest a drug, which would not lead to such reactions.
Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Is it advisable to operate for gallbladder stone surgery within a few days of Heart surgery?
Hi, there will be a PAC (pre- anesthetic check up), and then the fitness will be given accordingly for the surgery. Consult a Surgeon/Anesthetist, hope our answer helps you. This page might help - Anesthesiologists in Mumbai, and you may get in touch with the team if your city preferences are different.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have a lump around my anus
Male | 33
Given the above symptoms, you are probably dealing with a hemorrhoid. It is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist or proctologist to confirm the diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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- sir i have been having thin potty since 7 months