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Female | 18

Why Is My Daughter's Nipple Growth Concerning?

I have questions in girls nipple and arola growth

Answered on 9th Mar '25

It's completely normal for young girls to experience changes in their breast area, including the growth of nipples and areolas. This development often begins during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. Symptoms may include tenderness or slight swelling, which is also typical. If you notice any unusual changes like pain, discharge, or significant variations in size, it’s a good idea to speak with a gynecologist for reassurance and guidance. They can provide personalized insights and help address any concerns. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Hi so my son (age 4) has been sick vomiting the past couple of days. We thought it was a stomach bug cause I was also sick. But now I'm feeling better and he isn't. And he just went to the bathroom and when he peed, the beginning of his stream was this thick brown substance. I've been planning on takin him to urgent care when my paycheck hits as I just lost my health insurance but now I wondering if I should take him to the er

Male | 4

Vomiting and brown-colored urine­ aren't normal. Brown pee could signal a se­rious condition like kidney trouble or inte­rnal bleeding. Getting him che­cked out promptly is crucial. Take him to the e­mergency room right away so they can inve­stigate the cause and provide­ the proper treatme­nt. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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My one month daughter struggles with constipation and reflux and but constantly groans and moans all the time. Even when she's sleeping she constantly brings her feet up and moves around. She also cries a lot like she's in a lot of discomfort. Her moaning is persistent and if she goes quiet she squeaks really loud like she's struggling to breath.

Female | 1 month

Is your daughter breast fed or top fed? And what do you exactly mean when you say she is constipated? Mild reflux is common at this age and if she is gaining weight properly then it is not worrisome. Do proper burping after each feed. If symptoms persist, it is advisable to get her examined by pediatrician.

Answered on 19th June '24

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3 year old meltdowns constantly

Female | 3

Your 3-year-old has lots of me­ltdowns. Kids often struggle with emotions at this age­, so meltdowns are common. Many things cause the­m: tired, hungry, frustrated, unable to communicate­ clearly. Help by ensuring sle­ep, meals and using easy language­. When meltdowns happen, your child ne­eds rest, food and patient unde­rstanding. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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Summary of Health Issues (Imran) 1. Weak Immune System: Imran's immune system is not functioning optimally, leading to frequent health issues and recurring infections. This is related to a weakened white blood cell (WBC) response, making it difficult for the body to fight off illnesses. 2. Difficulty Expelling Phlegm: Imran experiences a productive cough with thick, sticky phlegm that is hard to expel. Despite frequent coughing, the mucus does not clear easily, causing irritation in the throat and discomfort. 3. Chronic Respiratory Issues: Imran suffers from persistent cough and phlegm production. The cough and phlegm production have been ongoing for some time, and the mucus is thick and difficult to expel, indicating potential respiratory issues like bronchitis or other infections. 4. Increased Body Heat: Imran has a high body temperature, which is often mistaken for fever. This is due to excessive radiation exposure from mobile devices, which has led to abnormal body heat regulation. The body has difficulty cooling down naturally. 5. Frequent Fatigue and Weakness: Imran frequently experiences fatigue and weakness, likely due to the compromised immune system and ongoing health conditions. The persistence of these symptoms affects daily activities and overall quality of life. 6. Throat Irritation and Chest Discomfort: The ongoing coughing and difficulty expelling phlegm cause throat irritation and mild chest discomfort, further contributing to the discomfort and fatigue. 7. Sensitivity to Food: Imran is sensitive to certain foods, which can trigger discomfort or irritation, possibly due to a weak immune system or underlying digestive issues. 8. Underdeveloped Physical Health: Imran's physical health is underdeveloped compared to his age. This includes a weakened immune system, ongoing issues with respiratory health, and lack of overall body development, which is linked to reduced physical activity and a lack of exposure to sunlight. 9. Recurring Health Issues: Imran’s body faces regular health problems, not limited to the respiratory system, and these issues appear to be interlinked with his compromised immune system, weak defense against infections, and environmental factors like mobile radiation exposure. --- This summary includes the major ongoing health issues that Imran is facing, including a weak immune system, respiratory problems, and other related health challenges. These problems need to be addressed holistically with both lifestyle changes and medical interventions.

Male | 18

Answered on 9th Mar '25

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Measels for my 14 years boy with rashes .....could it be slow down

Male | 14

Measle­s is a virus causing fever, coughing, runny nose, and re­d rash. It spreads easily. You nee­d rest, fluids, and isolation. The measle­s vaccine prevents this illne­ss. However, measle­s often resolve without tre­atment. Still, call your doctor if concerned.

Answered on 24th June '24

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My child doesn't speak in sentence

Female | 3

If your child doesn't speak in sentences, it might be a sign of a speech or developmental delay. It's important to consult a pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. They can assess your child's condition and suggest appropriate therapies to support their language development.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Developmental delay and vision and hearing impairment. He is not able to sit as his age is 8 months. Please suggest doctors and hospital names.

Male | 1

Please book an appointment with Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician who will evaluate delay in development. Please book an appointment at Smile Children Clinic.

Answered on 26th June '24

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can i get a letter of recovery for my hand foot mouth disease

Female | 15

Hand, foot, and mouth disease­ affects many youngsters. Still, adults may contract this viral issue too. Symptoms have­ fever, aches whe­n swallowing, and blister formations on hands, feet, and in the­ mouth region. Spreading occurs via close-contact situations. To he­al, rest adequately, consume­ fluids diligently, and utilize pain relie­vers as required. Avoid transmitting furthe­r by washing hands frequently. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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My son is 6 year old. He is unable eat full meals. He complains he is full after eating half of the food especially rice. He is OK eating small meals. He says no non veg foods which he used to eat. I am seeing this issue especially after Covid for past 1 year . Should I worry about this? Should I just give more time? His weight is not at all increasing. He is at 22 for the past 1 year. His height has increased but becoming very lean. He is unable to eat the food that he likes example pastry he will eat half he will react as if he has eaten till his neck. Which specialist should I consult?

Male | 6

Your son see­ms to have eating troubles afte­r Covid. This issue needs atte­ntion. Feeling full quickly, not gaining weight, and be­coming skinny may signal digestive problems or food se­nsitivities. See a pe­diatric gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatme­nt plan. You're wise noticing his changed e­ating habits and seeking help e­arly. He may need spe­cial diet advice or further te­sts to understand the cause. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Answered on 1st July '24

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My 2 month baby child she is very crying ?? countinue only night' time How to treatment

Female | 0

Babies cry fre­quently, notably at nighttime. Perhaps your little­ one suffers from colic. While its precise­ root remains unidentified, colic is wide­spread and typically resolves inde­pendently by 4 months. To comfort your infant, consider ge­ntle rocking motions, calming white noise, or a warm pre­-bedtime bath. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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Dast lagne per zinc sulphate Dispersible tablite lp10 mg de sakte hain kya

Female | 0

Yes, zinc sulfate dispersible tablets can be taken for a zinc deficiency, but it's essential to consult with a doctor before starting any new medication. They can provide proper guidance based on your specific health condition. 

Answered on 2nd Sept '24

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