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Female | 16
Why is my pee cloudy with blood and painful?
i had sex for the first time a week ago and since the next day i’ve been having pain while peeing and burning also my pee is cloudy and with a little bit of blood and i’m scared because idk what it is
Dr. Neeta Verma
Answered on 23rd May '24
You may be dealing with a urinary tract infection (UTI). A UTI can occur when bacteria enter your urethra. Symptoms of a UTI include pain or burning while peeing cloudy urine, or even seeing a little blood. UTIs are common and can be cured with antibiotics prescribed by a urologist. To help get rid of it faster, drink lots of water. Also, make sure to pee after sex every time as this can help prevent future UTIs from happening.
Male | 13
Could a painless white lump on testicle be cancerous?
I've got a small clear white lump on the left testicle. It is under the skin and I can feel that it is attached to the testicle, it's painless and not itchy. I haven't been experiencing signs of low testosterone but I'm afraid it might be cancer.
Dr. Neeta Verma
Answered on 23rd May '24
A lot of things could cause this including but not limited to; a cyst which is simply a sac filled with fluid that poses no risk to health whatsoever, especially when it’s benign so don’t worry too much about it or even something called varicocele where there’s swelling in one or more veins within the scrotum usually above the testicle on same side but less likely but still possible is cancer so I would advise getting checked by a urologist just in case.
Male | 30
Why do I still have penis pain after STD testing?
Mam i had an un protective exposure before 8 months with a married person after 6 months from the exposure i had a penil discharge and pain while urinating symptoms found and i tested all std panel test its all showing negative results but still i have pain on penis please help me with this concern
Dr. Neeta Verma
Answered on 23rd May '24
If you have pain and discharge from your penis, that might be due to an infection. Sometimes those infections (like urinary tract infections or prostatitis) don’t show up on STD tests. It’s important to have a full check with a urologist and maybe some other tests to work out what’s going on. Once we know what’s wrong some treatments work well.
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