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Male | 16

Почему у меня газы и боли в животе?

Я мальчик 16 лет. 29 августа у меня появилась слабость и поднялась температура, поэтому я решил пойти к врачу и сдал все анализы, которые были написаны через 2-3 дня. У меня была тяжесть в левом животе, но у меня не было недостатка аппетит, и вчера я думал, что у меня смещение военно-морских сил, хотя я не знал, что мои военно-морские сосуды были смещены, но я попробовал создать вакуум в животе и потянуть стекло, чтобы образовать военно-морской флот в центре, после этого я чувствую такое сильное газообразование, я не мне не нравится есть пищу, и звук храпа в желудке (у меня болит возле пупка с левой стороны, если прикасаться к нему без прикосновения, он не болит), слабость и небольшой жар 99

Др Самрат Джанкар

Хирургический гастроэнтеролог

Answered on 10th Sept '24

У вас может возникнуть скопление газов в животе, что может вызвать громкий шум и ощущение лишнего веса. Боль также может быть связана с проблемами с пупком, и попытки исправить ситуацию могут только усугубить ситуацию. Легкие упражнения и теплые напитки помогут вывести газы. Если симптомы сохраняются или ухудшаются, лучше обратиться к врачу.гастроэнтерологза соответствующий уход.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1117)

Gutna me dard hai .stika ka lchan hai .sir kon sa injuction le ki jld Rahat mile.

Female | 70

For knee pain and signs of stiffness, it is important to see an orthopedic specialist. They can properly examine your condition and suggest the right treatment, which may include an injection if needed. It’s best to avoid self-medicating and consult a doctor for relief.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Loose stool difficult to pass have to forcely empty stomach but it does not work even I am having loose stool. This is having 2-3 months

Male | 21

There are a number of conditions which loose stool may be a symptom, such as infections; food intolerance and inflammatory bowel disease. Difficulty in defecation and excessive straining to evacuate the bowels may indicate constipation. A visit to a gastroenterologist is therefore vital for acurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have recently noticed that my bowel movements have shown a flat side. No bleeding. I have had these hemorrhoids for at least 6 months. Some days they're almost nonexistent. Some days they pop out of the anus and feel annoying, but they hardly ever hurt in any way. It is hard to tell, but there are some days where the stool looks completely normal. No flat side that I can see. I had a colonoscopy (at 39 yrs old) 2+ years ago. A polyp was removed and 3 hemorrhoids were banded. I am very healthy. I am 2 years sober, high protein diet, strength training, active job, don't smoke, and do everything with health in mind. I take sertraline for anxiety and a few supplements. I am scheduled to see my Dr in a month. My anxiety always makes me think it's the worst! Google searches tell me that hemorrhoids won't likely change the stool shape. I am in need of answers please!

Male | 41

This can result from dietary change­s or minor intestinal troubles. Hemorrhoids rare­ly cause flat stools. As a recent colonoscopy was done­, serious worries are unlike­ly. Maintaining healthy habits is wise. It's advisable to inform a doctor about this during the­ upcoming appointment for accurate guidance.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I was diagnosed gallbladder polyps and can it causes bad breathing

Male | 40

Gallbladder polyps are growths inside the gallbladder which can be described as tiny bumps. These types of polyps generally aren't related to any form of bad breath. Bad breath usually comes from poor dental hygiene or problems with the lungs. Sometimes they may cause pain in your abdomen or make it hard for you to digest food. If they do and are still there when this happens again then taking out your gall bladder might stop anything else like that from happening in the future. 

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am 18 yrs old, i had sex with a girl and few days later i got sick and had difficulty in breathin and went to hospital and they tested me for typhoid and it showed i had typhoid so they treated me for typhoid and malaria and also said i had cold thats why i cant breath well after d treatment i still ave headache and feel lik vomitin and am also scared of the sex i had pls what sud i do

Male | 18

It's great that you went to the hospital and received treatment for typhoid, malaria, and a cold. Some of these diseases might be responsible for one to feel unwell. Headaches and vomiting can sometimes stick around even after treatment. Ensure drinking lots of water, plenty of rest, and healthy foods. If your symptoms don't get any better, go back to your doctor to get more advice. 

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have a question. My boyfriend took 15 multivitamin pills, he is 33 years old, 159cm, around 60-65 kgs. I think he took around 120 mg of iron which those pills had. It happened earlier today, He was nauses, had diarrhea that looked black and oily and sticky, his stomach hurt he went to the toilet like 5 times. He went to sleep assuring me he will be fine but im worried, could it be internal bleeding? He doesnt normally use vitamins, not sure but i dont think he has iron deficiency. it happened today. He takes adderrall, he didnt eat today, and he had about half a bottle of red wine. First he took 8 pills, then 4, then 3 all in the span of a few hours, i think his last was like 12 hours ago?

Male | 33

It appears that your boyfriend may have an upset stomach after consuming a large number of multivitamin tablets that contain iron. Black, icky, tar-like poop and abdominal tenderness are indicative of possibly internal bleeding. The situation could have been aggravated considering he ingested Adderall, skipped meals, and drank alcohol. He must seek immediate medical attention.

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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