Female | 17
Как избавиться от болезненных геморроев в 17 лет?
Мне 17 лет, женщина, геморрой у меня с 6 месяцев, сейчас очень болит. Я не знаю, что делать, я даже какать нормально не могу, разговаривала об этом с мамой, но она сказала, что они пройдут сами, но они есть с 6 месяцев. Мне неловко говорить с кем-либо о сваях. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, ПОМОГИТЕ

Хирургический гастроэнтеролог
Answered on 5th Aug '24
Груди или геморрой могут быть очень болезненными, особенно если они беспокоят вас в течение 6 месяцев. Вам следует обратиться к врачу, желательногастроэнтерологили общего хирурга, который может помочь вам с правильным лечением и советом.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)
Me chest pain And I have this tablet rabeprazole 20 mg and levosulpiride 75 mg This working
Male | 24
Chest pain can have different musculoskeletal reasons, cardiac causes, or reflux as it could be. Your rabeprazole & levosulpiride drugs are, in fact, related to these stomach ailments rather than the chest pain. Rabeprazole cuts down acid, and levosulpiride makes it easier for your stomach to empty. If you are experiencing chest pain, it is necessary to identify the exact cause. Remember to visit a gastroenterologist for a complete examination.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hello Doctor, 2 calculi of size12.4mm and 7.3mm have been noted in gal bladder one in fundus and other in neck respectively in ultrasound. I am having issue of pain in abdomen and back and nausea and headache. After the results of ultrasound what will be further treatment required. And also want to know if still endoscopy is required after detection in ultrasound?
Female | 33
Based on the ultrasound results, it seems that you have gallstones in your gallbladder, which is causing abdominal and back pain, nausea, and headache. And endoscopy is not required to diagnose or treat gallstones. But in some cases, an endoscopic ultrasound is used to get a better view of the gallbladder and surrounding structures. I recommend consulting with a gastroenterologist or a surgeon for further evaluation and treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Mere pet m dard sari report bhi shi h
Male | 18
There are various reasons why someone would get a stomachache like consuming too much and too quickly, having gas, or maybe the person might be suffering from a stomach virus. I would advise you to eat smaller portions of food, stay away from spicy foods, and drink as much water as possible. If the pain continues, please consult a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
i have very much pain in my back i vomit many times and this is continue since last 10 or more days
Male | 45
I would recommend you to see a gastroenterologist immediately, given the seriousness highlighted by you. These might reflect symptoms that could be indicative of a serious disease, therefore a physician consultation is essential.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Due to wartbin my genitals doctor asked to undergo HBS test and I got report with below value *Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti HBs)* (Serum,CMIA) observed value 61 mIU/ml. Does that mean I am hepatitis b resistant and need not to worry?
Male | 35
The value of 61 mIU/ml for your HBs antibody is good! In other words, your body won with a hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatitis B is a virus that puts the liver at risk and may lead to yellowing of the skin, tiredness, and stomach pain. You are safe from the hepatitis B infection with your current value.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
My grandfather condition is not good because he is continuing stools coming bleeding and fever and liquid washroom like motion not eat anything
Male | 80
Your grandfather might have gastroenteritis, which is an infection of the stomach and intestines caused by germs. This condition can lead to symptoms such as severe bloody stools, high fever, and frequent watery bowel movements. He may also lose his appetite due to the discomfort. To help him feel better, ensure he drinks plenty of fluids and gets plenty of rest. If the symptoms continue, it's important to see a gastroenterologist for proper treatment.
Answered on 9th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hello doctor can I take esomeprazole whenever I get symptoms on and off for example only for a day
Female | 26
If you are having symptoms like heartburn, digestive laxatives, or acid reflux on and off, it is advisable to avoid esomeprazole as a self-medication. The possible reason for these symptoms is the malfunction of your stomach acid. However, talking with a gastroenterologist will enable you to arrive at the appropriate treatment alternative. Taking esomeprazole without appropriate consultation may not eliminate the actual cause of your symptoms.
Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
When preforming large deep enemas, I was curious if such an enema could flow into the appendix as well as the Ileum? If so would such a thing be harmful?
Female | 25
When performing large deep enemas, the fluid can potentially reach the ileum but is unlikely to flow into the appendix due to its narrow opening. However, doing this procedure at home can be risky. It is always best to consult a gastroenterologist to understand the safe practices and risks involved.
Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 36 years old and I'm suffering from lower left side pain. I've been suffering since 2014 and the hospital state doctors have failed to diagnose my illness.
Male | 36
Answered on 4th July '24

Dr. Deepak Aher
Vomiting since last four days everytime after taking a small meal, but not having pain in any part of abdomen , Consulted Doctor he prescribed following medicines 1. Sompraz 2. Cintapro 3. Lafaxid 4. Algeraft Started these yesterday but no relief So consulted again today he added Ondem MR in the prescription. Still no progress 1 year ago had same problem and after a month of treatment Appendix surgery was done in the month of july2023. Since then had no problem but started again since last 4-5 days
Male | 13
This could be because of a few different things such as gastritis, acid reflux, or even recurrent appendicitis. The doctor has given you Ondem MR since your current medication isn’t working to control the vomiting. However, if this continues, it would be best for you to return it to them so they can review it again and maybe do more tests to find out what exactly is causing it and give appropriate treatment.
Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Blooding When i go washroom
Other | 25
If you spot blood in the toilet bowl after urinating, it could indicate a problem. It might be as simple as a small scrape in your urinary tract, or it could be a result of an infection or potentially something more serious like a kidney stone. If this occurs more than once, you should tell a gastroenterologist so they can find out what is happening and how to fix it.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I was diagnosed with Chronic hemorrhagic gastritis (active with incomplete intestinal metaplasia) is it serious ? And what should I do now also I have H.pylori +++
Female | 28
Chronic hemorrhagic gastritis with incomplete intestinal metaplasia and an H. pylori infection is a serious condition. It can lead to complications like ulcers or even an increased risk of stomach cancer if not treated properly. It's important to consult a gastroenterologist, who can guide you on the right treatment plan, including medications to eradicate H. pylori and manage your gastritis.
Answered on 5th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
डॉक्टर मुझे अपनी समस्या साझा करनी है मुझे कुछ समय से पेट में दर्द होता था और बेचनी होती थी जिसके चलते मैंने एक पेट के डॉक्टर को दिखाया कुछ टेस्ट करवाएं जैसे सीबीसी थायराइड और लिवर आदि जिस्म से खून कम है 7 प्वाइंट है और थायरॉइड और लिवर टेस्ट नॉर्मल है और फिर एक अल्ट्रासाउंड करवाया जिसमें मुझे 18mm की पित्त पथरी (पित्ताशय की पथरी निकली जिसका समाधान ऑपरेशन बताया गया है उसने मुझे इसके लिए कुछ दवा दी 1 ZOVANTA DSR एक टैबलेट सुबह और एक शाम 2 OMEE MPS SYRUP 10ml सुबह और शाम 3 EMTY SYRUP जब जरूरी हो तब १ बड़ा चम्मच 4 RUBIRED SYRUP 10ml सुबह और शाम 5 LIMCEE TABLET एक टैबलेट सुबह और एक शाम 6 NUROKIND LC TAB एक टेबलेट दिन में एकबार 7 OROFER XT TAB ek tablet subha aur ek shaam जबसे मैंने खून बढ़ाने वाली दवा ली है जबसे मेरे हाथ और पैरों में सुजन आ गई है और मुझे चलने फिरने बैठने में दिक्कत हो रही है नासो में दर्द हो रहा है कृपया डॉक्टर इस सब परेशानी का कोई समाधान बताएं जिसका मेरा खून भी बंटा रहे और मुझे कोई अन्य दुष्प्रभाव भी ना दिखें
Female | 40
You are going through the swelling problem of your hands and feet after taking medication for blood level maintenance. This might be a consequence of some drugs. The limb swelling and the discomfort you are feeling might indicate a fluid retention issue. Your doctor should adjust your treatment plan to ensure that your blood levels are good and you do not have these side effects. Talk to your gastroenterologist about all your symptoms so that they can make the most appropriate choices for your health.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Iam suffering from irritable bowl syndrome
Female | 17
Many people get irritable bowel syndrome, also called IBS. It can make your stomach hurt and cause bloating, loose stool, or hard stool. Things like stress or certain foods might worsen it. Eating smaller meals could assist. Avoiding foods that trigger it, such as spicy items, can be beneficial too. Managing stress helps a lot of people. Drinking lots of water daily and keeping active may ease symptoms for some people.
Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Male | 46
You have been under the weather for a long time. The symptoms you mentioned (such as constipation, loose motions, stomach pain, and passing stool with mucus) are typical of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. These can be caused by a combination of diet, stress, and gut health. The first step is visiting a gastroenterologist who will determine if you have any of these diseases as well as a proper course of action for you. At the same time, making lifestyle choices, coping with stress, and consuming a balanced diet can also reduce the severity of your symptoms.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Yesterday my mother felt sick she have symptoms such as vomiting and loose motions.
Female | 48
Vomiting and diarrhea indicate a stomach or intestinal infection from viruses or bacteria, possibly from contaminated food or water. Hydrate her well with water. Provide bland foods like toast, rice, and bananas. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek medical advice.
Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
How to get rid of stomach cramps
Female | 18
Stomach ache is the sudden pain in the belly that you feel. It may be caused by eating quickly, eating spicy food, or feeling stressed. You should try to relax and take slow breaths when these cramps occur. Drinking warm water and putting a hot water bottle on your tummy can help as well. Eating small amounts of bland food while avoiding caffeine might also relieve the cramps.
Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hi sir im getting a liquid from my stomach and it smells
Male | 22
This may be an indication of a digestive disease. It is best to see a gastroenterologist who can both diagnose and treat the problem.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Namaste ma'am, my name is Umesh. Ma'am I have pain in my stomach and if I eat then immediately after that I get a rash in my stomach and then I start getting loose motions again and again and ma'am my weight also reduces a lot.
Male | 22
You may have a condition called food allergies. It is a case of the body reacting overly to some food items. Symptoms can be a painful stomach rash and a soft stool. Keeping a food diary is the best way to identify the specific food is causing the reaction. The food to be avoided is the one you already know as the trigger. The result of this is symptom disappearance and no more loss of mass.
Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Dr sahab mere pet ke center mai dard or jalan or और एक गांठ या पतली नस अंगुली से दबाने पर लग रही है दर्द और जलन लगातार रहता है।
पुरुष | 50
Your symptoms suggest that you may have an abscess. It’s a collection of pus that causes pain, swelling, and heat. The lump or rope you feel might be part of the abscess. You need to see a doctor about this as soon as possible so they can treat it correctly. Abscesses usually have to be cut open by a doctor to let them heal underground.
Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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