Male | 27
Почему белые выделения после операции по удалению свища?
Сэр, мне нужно сделать операцию по удалению свища. до 8 дней. но белые выделения.

Главный врач
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Небольшие белые выделения после операции по удалению свища – обычное явление. Это может быть связано с заживлением раны. Содержите это место в чистоте и сухости. Регулярно меняйте повязку в соответствии с рекомендациями врача. Целесообразно сразу сообщить своему врачу, если у выделений появится неприятный запах или зеленый цвет, или если у вас поднимется температура.
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Questions & Answers on "General Surgeryy" (86)
I am 19 years old boy. I had appendicitis. last year in July month my surgery was happend. but I face some problem like if I pick up heavy load so in my surgery area the pain is started. and my main problem is that In my surgery area that skin is stick with internal organ it was stick after surgery but it still stick it haven't separate with oragan. so in that case will i face some problems in future. it problem can fix. what i can do in it
Male | 19
When the skin sticks to an internal organ, this is called adhesions. Adhesions can occur following an operation and may cause pain or discomfort when lifting heavy objects. If these adhesions are causing problems, it may be necessary to consult a doctor regarding possible solutions.
Answered on 8th July '24
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Apke yaha ayushman card se elaj hota h
Male | 9
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir my age is 26 I cut by the knife it’s since 14days the wound was recovered …is there any chance to effect with tetanus
Female | 26
If you are under 30 years old and your vaccines are up-to-date, you are at a lower risk for tetanus. Tetanus is caused by bacteria found in soil, dirt, or manure. People sometimes experience muscle stiffness, which can make swallowing difficult. Remember to check your immunization records.
Answered on 10th July '24
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I have an Ingrown toe nail. What should I do
Male | 34
Ingrowing toe nail should be removed from the nail bed to prevent paronychia ( which is infection of nail ) . For more information visit general surgeon near you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I am 41 year old man, and I need to remove fat from my face as well as double chin. Looking for the surgery but off course with scissor. So what would be the easiest way to Remove it and how long does it takes?
Male | 41
According to me, it is liposuction. It can be done in 1-2 hrs. But please note, liposuction is only recommended if you want to remove small amounts of fats. Many people mistake it as a weight loss procedure. I suggest you to visit a doctor for proper examination. Based on that, it will be decided whether you eligible for liposuction or need some other procedure to remove fat from your face and double chin.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 48 yrs old. I have recently done sonography and I have discovered umbilical hernia. Focal defect is seen in anterior abdominal wall at the level of umbilicus measuring 2.3cm with herniating omentum. No evidence of encysted fluid. Even I have discovered uterine fibroids seen measuring 4.3*3.9cm What measures should be taken?
Female | 48
U should get operated for umbilical hernia by laparoscopic surgery . For treatment please consult best laparoscopic surgeon in India
Answered on 6th Sept '24
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I am an Asthma patient and use an inhaler. I feel pain in my throat because of the inhaler. Is there a possibility of me getting Throat cancer in the future?
Several studies have shown that chronic inflammation in the lungs caused due to asthma may be a factor in causing lung cancer. That means when asthma, is combined with other causes, may increase the risk of lung cancer.
Consult a pulmonologist, who on evaluating the patient will help you to identify the risk factor in your case. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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If a surgery stitches is broken and how long should keep ,after broke and what caring medical attention we should we give?????
Male | 33
A broken stitch can cause redness, swelling, or tenderness. This might happen due to the strain on the area during the moving. To take care of it, keep the area clean and dry. You can use a bandage to cover it. Seek medical attention immediately if you find any symptoms of infection such as pus or increased pain.
Answered on 8th July '24
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How to sit after hysterectomy?
Female | 43
After a hysterectomy, sitting is merely the time to facilitate your recovery. Do not proceed with the bend-over technique – use your legs to squat and rise. Pick sturdy chairs with high backs and armrests. Avoid the heavy lifting, forcing pain and take regular breaks. Talk to your doctor for customized recovery plan with particular recommendations as to the proper posture. Pay attention to your body and try focusing on gentle motions along with relaxation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I have been suffering from Chronic Asthma. Please let me know if Immunotherapy works against Asthma or not.
Sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) is and used to treat allergic asthma. Currently, the only form of SLIT approved by the FDA are tablets. Other drugs are still under trial. Follow the approved available treatment. Life style changes, yoga, right eating, and regular follow up with doctor will be helpful. Consult General Physicians in Mumbai, or one in any other city which you like.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, I want to get a surgery done for my 9 month old son for polydactyl (extra toes in both feet). What would be the cost for both feet? And is it general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia?
Male | 1
Polydactyl is a condition characterized by presence of extra digits in the hand, foot or both
It needs a surgical removal. For a child of 9, it can be done under general or spinal anesthesia and may need a day's anesthesia.
Will need to see the child to see if tendons or bones will need any alignment, cost can be quoted thereafter.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I'm from odisha and suffering from Cholesteatma +Ve so want to surgery it so that may I know what is the fees structure.
Male | 33
Answered on 25th Aug '24
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Palm injury by scissor so the middle finger got fluid and swelling and septic. Is this cure by medicine or need operation
Female | 38
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My nephew is 1 year old. He is suffering from fever since last 12 days.
Male | 1
If he is suffering from fever since last night he needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Please show to your nearest Pediatrician
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Surgery ke baad tanke pak rha hai abhi dusri baar pak na chalu hua hai kya kru
Male | 30
You must visit your doctor who performed the surgery since you are experiencing delayed healing or persistent wound leakage after surgery. They will be able to assess the wound and provide appropriate advice or treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Symptoms of ovarian failure after hysterectomy?
Female | 36
The symptoms of ovarian failure following a hysterectomy may include hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. Menstrual patterns may change, and if ovaries were taken out, they will stop menstruating. Mood changes may include mood swings and irritability. Besides, low levels of estrogen may cause changes in libido. Ovarian failure can also impair bone health, which may influence bone density. If these manifestations occur, it is critical to seek the advice of your health care provider for proper assessment and intervention.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Reduce Clinic Visits Save your time and money from the hassle of visits.
Male | 44
Answered on 12th July '24
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Hello, I was pricked by a needle in my finger and there was a little bleeding, so will I have to get a tetanus injection or not?
Male | 21
Got pricked by a sharp needle? Bleeding? You might need a tetanus shot. Dirt can harbor bacteria that cause tetanus, which enters through cuts and wounds. Symptoms include stiff muscles and spasms. A tetanus shot can prevent the illness. Consult with a doctor to be safe.
Answered on 6th Aug '24
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Hello, my age is 41 years and I am facing severe pain in my back shoulder, and legs. Also, an itchy feeling in my breast area, and one of my breast size is reduced. Please guide me on what should I do as my symptoms show a possibility of cancer.
As per my understanding the patient is having severe back shoulder pain, legs pain, itching on the breast also the breast size has reduced. The patient feels it is because of cancer. Consult a physician, who on evaluating the reason and will guide you accordingly. The pain and the changes in the body can be due to various reasons it can be due to age related, deficiency of some vitamins and minerals, side effect of some medication if the patient is on medication, stress or some other Pathology. Lifestyle changes are also very important like eating right food, good and enough sleep, stress management, counselling. Consult a physician, refer this page if it helps - General Physicians in India. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello doctor I just wanted to ask agar me 21 days of exposure k Baad HIV DNA PCR karati hu to kya usme 98% pata lag jata h kya??? Mera unprotected penetration hua tha...
Female | 29
Answered on 23rd May '24
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