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Female | 21

Как лечить нежелательные волосы на лице, следы от прыщей?

Нежелательные волосы на лице и следы прыщей на щеках, темный цвет лица, тело хо гья хай

1 Answer

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Эти проблемы могут быть связаны с гормональным дисбалансом или состоянием кожи. Хорошие методы ухода за кожей, такие как использование и поддержание увлажняющего продукта, помогут решить эту проблему. Вы также можете рассмотреть методы удаления волос. Сбалансированное питание и питье воды также могут улучшить здоровье кожи. Если эти методы не дают положительных результатов, то желательно обратиться к специалисту.дерматолог.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2000)

Leg ko bahut khujali ho Rahi hai or usme se Pani bhi nikal Raha hai redness or swelling hai

Male | 48

There­ are signs of a leg infection. Re­dness, swelling, itching, fluid show it. A cut or bug bite cause­s infections. An antibiotic cream helps cle­ar infections. Medication also helps. Ke­ep the leg are­a dry, clean.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Good morning I have acne marks problems ...and I tried many of the oilments home remedies etc ..but I couldn't get any result..there is a black spot on face due to pimple so if you suggest any oilment for might be helpful

Female | 23

If its only acne marks, continuing your acne treatment with facewash and gels will improve it. Some topical agents also helps in removing the pigmentation and marks of the acne. Even Salic acid 20% gel at night on spots is helpful. Glyco 6 or Glycolic acid 6% is recommended for application on the face. Acne compatible sunscreen is also helpful. Chemical Peeling with glycolic acid or salicylic acid is useful

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

What is voluma?

Female | 43

volume is a filler that can be used for volumuzation and face contouring 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nivedita Dadu

Dr. Nivedita Dadu

I have ringworm for almost 4 months .some of the ringworm in my inner thighs and now in pubic area too.Some of them under my breast too.applied clotrimazole, terbinafine ointments. But didn't worked.What should I do

Female | 18

It looks like you have bad case of ringworm which did not respond to the OTC medicines. I suggest that as soon as possible you see a dermatologist who specializes in fungal infections. They may give you oral antifungal medicine and topical treatment to improve the result. Seek urgent medical care since untreated ringworm can cause problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I'm 39 from Nigeria. I have a black, cone-like lump on the upper left side of my belly. It started as small bump some years back but with time developed to 2cm in diameter. It's very hard. I feel pain around it each time I'm nervous and itchy sometimes. I have had scan conducted but didn't reveal exactly what it's.. it suggested that Stony bump appears like degenerating Lipoma. .

Male | 39

This hard mass might be a lipoma, which is usually harmless and consists of fat cells. These growths mainly develop under the skin and grow slowly over time. Although it is good that you have had a scan, sometimes further tests are necessary for conclusive results. However, if it is very painful or bothers you a lot, consider consulting with a surgeon who may recommend its removal.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

How to remove blade cut mark

Male | 20

To avoid blade cut marks, a new wound should be kept clean and properly covered to minimize scars. When healed, apply scar treatment cream or silicon gel sheets regularly to reduce the appearance of scars. Do not expose the scar to sunlight because the UV rays darken it. For more severe or prominent scars it is necessary to refer them to the dermatologist for professional treatments such as laser therapy and microdermabrasion. For the situations with deep scarring, sometimes a cosmetic revisional surgery might be an option but it is always best to seek advice from a dermatologist on individual basis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jha

Dr. Deepak Jha

Hypertrophic Acne scar on both sides nose only ...

Male | 25

You see­m to have hypertrophic acne scars on both side­s of your nose. These raise­d, bumpy scars happen when too much collagen forms during he­aling. Treatments like lase­r therapy or corticosteroid injections can he­lp flatten and soften them. Howe­ver, you must protect your skin from the sun, as sunlight make­s scars more noticeable.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

My baby is 1.8yr old girl...she got fine hairs at her private part and underarms and little facial hair's from birth....her dad also got much hairy it normal about her

Female | 1

It’s normal for your 1.8-year-old daughter to have fine hair in those areas. It could be because her dad is hairy – sometimes it runs in the family. These hairs are not a problem and do not require any treatment. As she gets older these hairs may become thicker, but that is fine too. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

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