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Female | 16

நான் எப்படி விரைவாக 45 கிலோவை இழக்க முடியும்?

1 நாளில் 45 கிலோ 1 கிலோ குறையுங்கள், இது ஆரோக்கியமற்றது என்று எனக்குத் தெரியும், மேலும் இது எனக்கு அவசரமானது என்பதால் நான் கவலைப்படவில்லை

டாக்டர் ஹர்ஷ் சேத்

பேரியாட்ரிக் அறுவை சிகிச்சை நிபுணர்

Answered on 11th Sept '24

நீங்கள் விரைவாக உடல் எடையை குறைக்க விரும்புகிறீர்கள் என்பதை நான் புரிந்துகொள்கிறேன், ஆனால் அதை ஆரோக்கியமான முறையில் செய்வது முக்கியம். ஒரு நாளைக்கு 1 கிலோ எடை குறைப்பது கவர்ச்சிகரமானதாகத் தோன்றினாலும், அது பாதுகாப்பற்றது மற்றும் தலைச்சுற்றல், பலவீனம் மற்றும் நீரிழப்பு போன்ற உடல்நலப் பிரச்சினைகளுக்கு வழிவகுக்கும். மாறாக, சீரான உணவு, வழக்கமான உடற்பயிற்சி, பொறுமையாக இருங்கள். படிப்படியான எடை இழப்பு மிகவும் நிலையானது மற்றும் பின்னர் எடையை மீண்டும் பெறுவதை தடுக்க உதவுகிறது.

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Questions & Answers on "Obesity Or Bariatric Surgery" (45)

Can u drink slim fast 2days after a gastric sleeve surgery??

Female | 42

After ge­tting gastric sleeve surge­ry, you need to watch what you consume. Two days post-op, avoid high-calorie­ drinks like Slim Fast. Your stomach requires he­aling time. Stick to water or clear broth initially. Slim Fast could irritate­ and cause discomfort. Follow your doctor's advice for optimal recove­ry.

Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I am retired Banker. I gained weight suddenly. Now I'm 85kg. I used to be 74-75 kg. My mother was having artheritise. I want to take precaution. Please help me.

Female | 60

Focus on eating a balanced diet that is low in fat and sugar, and high in fiber. Do physical activity regularly like walking, jogging, biking, swimming or any other form of exercise. But make sure you don't have any joint issues. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. It is also important to reduce stress and make sure to visit your doctor regularly to discuss any further health concerns.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

14 yr old boy severely obese and alcohol addicted

Male | 14

Being an obese teenager and addicted to alcohol at an early age can result in severe health problems. Conditions such as too much weight gain, feeling unwell constantly, and finally, what is more, having to crave alcohol a lot are frequent. Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and feelings are the three most common reasons for this problem. What will help is directing these young people toward the right path. It is important to attend the first consultation with a healthcare professional who will provide you with proper guidance to choose healthier food, help you with managing alcohol addiction, and suggest suitable treatment options. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I am seeking to get relief from bloating and obesity

Male | 31

Bloating occurs when your stomach fe­els full, swollen. It's caused by fast e­ating, carbonated beverage­s, or certain foods. Obesity means e­xcess body fat. Causes: exce­ssive fatty food intake, insufficient physical activity. Pre­vent bloating: eat slower, avoid fizzy drinks, consume­ more fruits, vegetable­s. Combat obesity: increase e­xercise, choose he­althier options like fruits, veggie­s, lean proteins. Small lifestyle­ modifications can significantly impact.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I gained weight in last few months and I also have swelling on my body .

Female | 21

Having too much salt, not being active enough, and having a health condition are among the many things that can cause these symptoms. To solve this problem, you should eat foods with less salt content, move around more often, and drink a lot of water. If the swelling persists then it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Am 24 years old and I have 38 kilograms what should I do

Female | 24

If you’re 24 years old and weigh 38 kilograms, it’s essential to establish why you’re underweight. You might often feel weak or get ill frequently; the problem could also be related to difficulty trying to build muscles. To put on weight in a healthy manner, it is advisable to eat more nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I need to lose weight without exercise what do I do....I don't like the fact that it looks like I'm addicted to food and to over eating and to unhealthy stuffs and it's like I can't stop....

Female | 20

Trying to lose we­ight sans exercise fe­els tricky. An unhealthy attachment to food, mainly the­ not-so-good options, grows common. Excessive intake cause­s weight gain. Feeling unable­ to control your eating qualifies as a symptom of overe­ating. Root causes could stem from emotional e­ating habits, boredom, or stressful situations. To improve, practice­ mindful eating, monitor portion sizes, and swap in healthie­r edible choices. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

How to reduce lower body fat??

Female | 20

To reduce fat in your hips, thighs, and buttocks, eat fewer calories than your body needs. Excess calories turn into fat. Focus on eating healthy foods like fruits, veggies, and lean proteins, and exercise regularly. Activities like walking, jogging, or biking can help burn stored fat and improve overall health.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Need to know the methods for weight loss either surgical or through medicines. Secondly what will it cost.

Female | 30

What is your weight?
You can try acupuncture for weight loss
you will be given home remedies, diet chart and acupressure points too.
connect if possible
take care

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Hi my name is Rahul I am 15 and my weight is 180kg I gained this in just 3 years can i losse weight I started gaining when i start fast food

Male | 14

YES, YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT. Fast food is high in calories, salt, sugar & fat. Decrease fast food intake, eat more FRUITS & veggies. Exercise daily. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I want to lose weight my weight is 106 and age 16

Male | 16

You want to be healthier – that's great! At 16, weighing 106 pounds might be a concern depending on your height. Both underweight and overweight can have risks. Start with small changes like eating more fruits, and veggies, drinking water, and staying active.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

im scared about my weight, everyone looks skinnier than i do and i feel like people make fun of me for not having a nicer shape, i always have to suck in my stomache to feel even the tiniest bit more secur

Female | 14

It's natural to feel concerned about your weight, but remember that everyone's body is unique. It's important to focus on your health rather than comparing yourself to others. Visit a nutritionist or a dietitian who can guide you on a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

How to lose weight without being too skinny ?

Female | 18

Healthy we­ight loss involves burning fat, not muscle. Our bodies re­quire some fat rese­rves for energy and warmth. Exce­ssive thinness can cause fatigue­, frailty, and illness susceptibility. To slim down properly, consume­ balanced meals with fruits, veggie­s, whole grains, and lean proteins. Incorporate­ regular physical activities like walking, cycling, or swimming. Avoid fad die­ts or skipping meals completely. Gradual and ste­ady weight reduction is crucial. Stay hydrated by drinking ample­ water, and get sufficient sle­ep while losing weight he­althily.

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I want loose weight 10 kgs. How is it possible

Female | 31

Currently i have several weight loss patients undergoing acupuncture therapy with great positive results.
What do they take:
Acupuncture therapy
acupressure therapy
home remedies
diet recommendations 
you can connect for tele conversation if you wish to.
take care 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

Dr. Hanisha Ramchandani

i am taking some OCD and neuro medicine. now i want to loss weight . suggest me any medicine or product according to my condition.

Female | 21

Weight loss supplements can be tricky, especially for those suffering from OCD and neuro medications. Products have the potential to enhance one’s current medication, resulting in reactions that are not only unpleasant but also annoying. It’s preferable to try healthy nutrition and consistent physical activity to control your weight. Consult your doctor for a diet plan that is tailored specifically to your problems and situation and your health condition.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I am 21 years old I want to loose my weight by 10 kgs till 10 feb 2025 as i have gained my weight in 1 year .. And also i want to grow my hair long and frizz free .and also want to increase my metabolic rate. Please suggest me some tips and medicine and supplements to achieve my goals

Female | 21

To lose weight, aim for slow and steady progress with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Include protein-rich foods for healthy hair growth and use a sulfate-free shampoo. Boost your metabolism by exercising regularly and staying hydrated.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

I need to lose weight without exercise

Female | 20

Losing weight without working out may not boost your he­alth. Needing to shed pounds could me­an tiredness and trouble moving. Ove­reating unhealthy items might trigge­r issues. Try eating more fruits, ve­ggies - not sugary, fatty foods - and drinking lots of water. Small steps improve­ your life.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

My mother is suffering from overweight. Can she have a liposuction therapy as she is in her early 50's.

Female | 49

Liposuction or literally ‘sucking out fat’ is a suboptimal therapy for OBESE patients who desire weight loss. Liposuction can be considered as a treatment option for body sculpting, or slightly overweight patients who need to shape their abdomen in a particular manner. However, if one is obese, liposuction will cause a disproportionate loss of fat over the tummy, and leave space for fat re-accumulation in the future.


There are many weight loss options for a proportionate weight loss, eg. diet, exercise, or medications.


The healthier or ‘more natural’ way to lose weight in obese patients (with a BMI of more than 30 kg/m2) is bariatric or metabolic surgery, wherein the stomach is re-sized or bypassed using keyhole surgery. This surgery causes proportionate loss of fat all over the body up to 80% of the excess body weight, over a period of 1-1.5 years. This surgery is a safe and effective option if done by a certified surgeon at a high-volume center.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Harsh Sheth

Dr. Harsh Sheth

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