Male | 7
7 yaşındaki çocuğumun soğuk algınlığını etkili bir şekilde nasıl tedavi edebilirim?
Oğlum 7 yaşında. Çok kötü bir soğuk algınlığı, burun akıntısı ve hafif öksürüğü var. Hangi ilaç onu uykusuz bırakmadan çabuk iyileştirebilir?

Genel Hekim
Answered on 22nd Aug '24
Oğlunuz her zamanki soğuk algınlığına yakalanmış. Burun akıntısı ve öksürüğe bir virüs neden olur. Yaşına uygun olarak öksürüğe ve ateşe iyi gelen asetaminofen içeren bir çocuk ilacı verebilirsiniz. Sıvıları ve dinlenmeyi kaçırmadığından emin olun. Çocuklara yönelik reçetesiz soğuk algınlığı ilaçlarının kullanılmaması tavsiye edilir.
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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (437)
My 13 year old daughepter took 16 panadol
Female | 13
Consuming 16 Panadol tablets simultaneously poses grave risks. Such an action can damage the liver. Potential symptoms may manifest as nausea, abdominal discomfort, and jaundice (yellowing of skin or eyes). Immediate medical attention is crucial in this situation.
Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My Son About 10 years Child. He has Autism 34% to 40% and also have ADHD. What is Guideline for his treatment and therapy?
Male | 10
Your son may have autism and ADHD. These conditions make everyday tasks challenging. He might struggle to communicate, stay still, and focus. Genes and surroundings could cause these issues. Treatment options combine therapies like behavioral training, speech exercises, and medication. Healthcare experts will partner with you to tailor a plan matching your son's unique requirements.
Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Child who is 7 y has inguinal hernia
Male | 7
Your 7-year-old has an inguinal hernia. Part of their intestine pushes through a weak spot near their groin. It may appear as a small bulge. Sometimes, it causes pain or discomfort. Surgery is typically recommended to repair it. This quick procedure helps avoid potential complications. Be sure to discuss the optimal care option with a surgeon for your child.
Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Sir a 8 month old little boy superior labilial frenkum break
Male | 8 month
Labial frenulum is the piece of tissue between the lips and the gums which is a little bit of skin. The symptoms can be pain and swelling. If there is too much pressure on it, this can occur. The dentist or the ENT doctor should check the baby. They can allow the skin to recover by itself or recommend a minor surgical procedure to assist in proper healing.
Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My 7 yrs old child wakes up in the middle of the night just after an hour he sleeps and suddenly wakkesup crying n trying to move out of space..later the child goes back to sleep and doesn't remember anything
Male | 7
It sounds like your child might be experiencing night terrors, which are common in young children. They usually don't remember the episode in the morning. It's best to consult a pediatrician for a proper evaluation and advice on managing this condition.
Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Where can I show my autistic grandson.
Male | 10 years
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Sapna Zarwal
Meri beti 3 month ki hai wo lectozen 1 farmula feed p hai pr wo jb potty krti hai to uska colour ekdm mitti jaisa rhta hai kya ye nrml h
Female | 0
When baby formula poops look muddy, it might signal constipation. This happens when poop stays too long in the intestines. Not enough water or concentrated formula could be the cause. Try giving water between feedings or ask the doctor about adjusting the formula. This should help the baby poop comfortably!
Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My baby is 3 months old and had a fall from bed 16 inch height. Should I consult a doctor ?
Female | 3 months
Sixteen inches is not high but keep an eye out. Your baby may cry hard, sleep much, vomit, or act strange. These signs mean check with a pediatrician right away. Continuous crying, sleepiness, throwing up, or odd behaviors after a fall need medical attention.
Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am 15 years but I still bed wet.Can it be cured or stopped
Male | 15
Some people like you may wet the bed sometimes. Reasons could be sleeping deeply, having a small bladder, or feeling stressed. You can try things to stop it happening. Don't have drinks with caffeine before bed. Make sure you go to the bathroom right before sleeping. Use waterproof sheets on your bed too. It's okay, you don't need to feel embarrassed. Talk about it with a doctor. With some simple changes and time, the bed-wetting can get better.
Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Today I saw some blood spot on my daughter's underwear she is 12 years old
Female | 12
Blood spots on your daughter's underwear can seem alarming, but it's often straightforward. Around her age, bleeding before periods start is common. It's called menstruation - girls experience it as they grow up. Ensure she knows about pads or tampons for staying fresh during this time.
Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My daughter is almost 4 years old. She had club foot by birth on left foot and left eye is also squint eye. Club foot was treated by 4 plasters early after birth. Later on, she started walking but still her left foot fingers get curved or turned when I notice. Squint eye treatment is still in progress. She is using glasses since she was one year old. Eyesight number goes varies time to time but not recovered fully. Suggestions please, I am really worried about her.
Female | 4
Your daughter likely has a clubfoot and a squint that can't be straightened. The fact that her clubfoot was treated at an early stage is a good thing, but the curved fingers may still be present. Regarding Ames squint-eye, the treatment is still in progress. The use of glasses is widespread and it is crucial to have her sight checked frequently.
Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My son Pre matured baby whe he bron thats time his age 6 month 8 days.per send age 8 years he cant responce aney tritment
Male | 8
Preterm babies often react slower while growing up. If at 8, your boy responds differently than his peers, it could signal an issue like cerebral palsy or autism. To assist him, get pediatricians and therapists were involved. They'll evaluate needs, and give therapy, and support.
Answered on 28th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My child, who is 2 years old, does not have a potty on time and the potty is tight, there is a lot of pain while going potty .
Male | 2
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Dr Randhir khurana
101 fever sir 9 month baby boy how can help
Male | 0
A 9-month-old baby boy who is running high fever may be afflicted by an infection or illness. Pediatrician consultation and diagnosis/treatment are crucial in this case.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My daughter got her fpt vaccination which she had missed she has got a fever of 102,5 after four days she has nausea and vomiting as well is this normal she is complaining of stomach discomfort
Female | 8
t is quite common for children to experience fever following immunization. Sometimes stomach discomfort can also occur because of the same. She should take a lot of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and eat light meals. In case these signs persist or become severe, see a pediatrician.
Answered on 3rd June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hello , My baby is 2 and a half month now. Our pediatrician recommended me to give formula milk for 2 days saying that due to breastfeeding my baby is getting gas. Should I give him formula. From another BEMS doctor always suggest me only breast milk should be given to baby.
Male | 2.5 months
Gas is a common occurrence in babies and can make them quite irritable. When eating, they may swallow air or break down certain nutrients found in breast milk, causing it. To release trapped air more frequently during feeding, try burping your baby often. Additionally, tender tummy massages could also provide relief from gas. If you can, stick with breastfeeding since it’s the best for your baby’s well-being; however, you might want to consider speaking to a pediatrician for further advice.
Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
My son was speaking well. He is 2 years old. But suddenly for the past 2 to 3 weeks he is facing difficulty is speaking. He faces difficulty is starting words. It looks like he is putting lot of pressure to utter the word. It happens randomly and does not happen always. When we ask him to tell the word again, he will try but some time having difficulties and he stop saying and other time he tried and some how he is saying with wrong word like he will say mammy to ammy and bappi to appi, Not sure of the reason for this sudden change. Any advice will be helpful. Thank you.
Male | 2
The reasons may be varied. sometimes some parts of the brain can be affected as a result of shuttle ischemic attack (which is not uncommon in children) or maybe due to some metabolic cause that is affecting speech related to the brain. MRI BRAIN WITH MRI Spectroscopy should be done along with detailed physical &neurological examination of the child.Also, look for any worsening of other developmental domains for example difficulties in standing or in gripping something. You can also consult the Pediatricians for further information.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Bidisha Sarkar
6 days old baby girl having loose motion 3 times a day can we give sporlac banana flavour powder
Female | 6 days e
Sometimes, babies pass loose stools often. Don't worry, this happens. If your newborn girl has diarrhea thrice daily, an infection or diet change could cause it. Sporlac banana powder may help. It restores good tummy bacteria, and firms up motions. Keep her hydrated - offer breast milk or small water sips frequently. Don't give any other medicine without a doctor's advice. But if diarrhea worsens or continues, see a pediatrician.
Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am a parent of 2 and half year old son.. i accidentally put fenlong in my baby's ear thought of ear drops.. pls do reply.. I am very much worried
Male | 2
I get why you're worried as a parent here. Putting things besides ear drops in the ear isn't good. Watch for signs like pain, redness, irritation, or hearing issues. If your child has any of those, take them to the doctor to get checked and treated right.
Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have asked question for my daughter Symptoms like coughing, vomiting sometimes fever and nausea what is medicine for the above mentioned symtoms & what is this symtom shows?
Female | 7
Your daughter might have a cold or the flu. Viruses cause these illnesses. They spread easily. She may cough, throw up, have a fever, and feel nauseous. Help her by letting her rest. Give her lots of fluids. Over-the-counter meds like acetaminophen can help with fever and nausea. Doing these things will aid her body in fighting the virus.
Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel
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