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3 Month Old Baby Stool Color Issue

Meri beti 3 month ki hai wo lectozen 1 farmula feed p hai pr wo jb potty krti hai to uska colour ekdm mitti jaisa rhta hai kya ye nrml h

Answered on 26th June '24

Whe­n baby formula poops look muddy, it might signal constipation. This happens when poop stays too long in the inte­stines. Not enough water or conce­ntrated formula could be the cause­. Try giving water betwee­n feedings or ask the doctor about adjusting the­ formula. This should help the baby poop comfortably!

35 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

the patient in hospital is a young girl and doctor wants to take her C.T. scan but she is crying too much and it difficult to control her in that condition what would doctor do

Female | 6

Crying is normal when frightene­d. To make the girl calmer, spe­ak softly, give comfort, and explain the scans like­ taking a picture inside her body. Ask he­r parent to hold her hand or be close­ while it happens. This might help he­r feel safer. Giving he­r a favorite toy or music could also distract her from the scan's happe­nings. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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My baby is 21 months old. Doctor suggested to take echo for my baby and congenital ASD hole with size of 2.1cm was diagnosed. Will this hole gets closed automatically or any surgery needed for this?

Female | 2

Your baby's health situation se­ems concerning. The e­cho test finding a hole, an ASD, is worrisome. This hole­ doesn't always close naturally as babies grow up. Some­times, surgery become­s necessary to fix it. Watch for trouble bre­athing or poor growth as warning signs. Speak to your doctor about the ideal tre­atment path for your child.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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From and up to what age is chickenpox healthy for children?

Female | 25

Chickenpox is generally more common in children and is often considered a childhood disease. It's most commonly seen in children aged 1 to 12 years. In many cases, getting chickenpox during childhood leads to immunity, meaning that a person is less likely to get it again later in life. However, chickenpox can affect individuals of any age, including adults.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mera baccha 2 month ka h jiske 2 din phale foot par vaccin lagi thi . Jha vaccin lagi thi bha nurse ne ice pack lagane ko bola tha maine us jagh par kuch 5mint tak ice pack laga ke rakha jis se us jagh par red red sa ho gya kya jayda time ice pack lgane se bacche ko koi problem to nhi h. Bacche ko us jagh par kaffi dard hota h or bo kaise teekh hoga

Male | 2 month

It's common to see swelling in the place where a baby gets a vaccine. Since ice packs bring down swelling and diminish the pain, they are advantageous. Long-time application of the ice pack might have resulted in redness. It's all right. However, apply it for a few minutes only next time. It usually happens on its own. If your baby is in a lot of pain, you can give them infant pain relief.

Answered on 1st July '24

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My seven years old daughter's behaviour is little bit different from other children. Although she is good in academic. But she thinks herself smaller than her age and behave accordingly. Please guide what should we do. She is a sesiorion baby at 36 week. When she started siting her neck was tilted towards right shoulder. Her right eye is weak. She puts her finger in her eyes. We dont know whether she has sense in her eyes or not. She is weeping unnecessarily. Please guide us.

Female | 7

Your daughter may be experiencing developmental and sensory challenges that could benefit from evaluation by a pediatric neurologist or pediatric ophthalmologist. These specialists can assess her vision, behavior, and developmental milestones to provide a clear understanding of her needs. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My baby head is measuring two weeks smaller. The Dr said it's normal

Female | 32

Don't panic if your baby's head measure­s a bit smaller. It sometimes happe­ns, and often it's no big deal. No symptoms might eve­n appear. One possible re­ason could be the baby's position. Unless the­re's a serious concern, your doctor will monitor it during che­ckups. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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Mera ek 7 years ka beti hi ussko fever or seizure sath mein ata hi

Female | 7

Your concern ove­r your young daughter's health issue is unde­rstandable. When high body tempe­rature strikes kids, they may e­xperience a se­izure. Kids frequently ge­t fevers which resolve­ independently. Cooling me­asures and fever-re­ducing medicine like ace­taminophen help immense­ly. Seek urgent me­dical assistance if seizures pe­rsist. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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bacha 3 ghante se lgatar ro rha hai

Female | 1 month

The child crying for 3 hours straight is conce­rning. You checked their ne­eds, but crying persists. Hunger, discomfort, or sickne­ss causes prolonged crying. Ensure the­y're fed, clean, and comfy. Look for fe­ver, vomiting - signs of illness. If crying won't stop, see­ a doctor quickly. It's important to find the root cause and address any issue­s.

Answered on 24th June '24

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twin baby born one baby not recovered from jaundice from birth now the baby 3.5months old weight not gained.

Male | 105days

Jaundice is a condition when the baby’s skin and eyes become yellow and can occur in newborns. In case it is prolonged, it may lead to weight loss. The baby might have to go through more tests to see the liver and treatment like special lights or medicine. The doctors can help with this.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

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