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Male | 2

My son was speaking well. He is 2 years old. But suddenly for the past 2 to 3 weeks he is facing difficulty is speaking. He faces difficulty is starting words. It looks like he is putting lot of pressure to utter the word. It happens randomly and does not happen always. When we ask him to tell the word again, he will try but some time having difficulties and he stop saying and other time he tried and some how he is saying with wrong word like he will say mammy to ammy and bappi to appi, Not sure of the reason for this sudden change. Any advice will be helpful. Thank you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

The reasons may be varied. sometimes some parts of the brain can be affected as a result of shuttle ischemic attack (which is not uncommon in children) or maybe due to some metabolic cause that is affecting speech related to the brain. MRI BRAIN WITH MRI Spectroscopy should be done along with detailed physical &neurological examination of the child.Also, look for any worsening of other developmental domains for example difficulties in standing or in gripping something. You can also consult the Pediatricians for further information. 

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (555)

My baby boy is 31 months old and he didn't talking still... That's express his needs with signs only ...what is the the problem?

Male | 31 months

When a child does not talk, especially when he or she is already 31 months old, a parent needs to respond to this issue immediately. It may be an early sign of a speech delay. Sometimes, hearing trouble or a delay in development could be the cause. The most effective way is through speech therapist intervention which may mean providing strategies to improve your child's language skills. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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pts compail fever last 10 days at night time,sever weakness

Female | 30

Feeling feverish for 10 nights in a row is tough. You might get very weak also. There is a probability that this is the result of an infection or a disease-causing the body to have a fever. It's important to take breaks from work, drink lots of water, and eat easily digestible and healthy food like soup. When the fever doesn't go away, it's time to go to the doctor so they can find out what's wrong and give you the right treatment to feel better fast.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Hi, I have 7 month old baby girl which is suffering due to liver and spleen enlargement. She is not gaining the proper weight and also have diagnosed the tuberculosis. She also getting fever and cough problem since last 2 weeks.

Female | 7

kindly meet Pulmologist with evidence of TB and follow their treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mere 10 days ka new born baby hai I have rehumatiod arthritis kya mai use breastfeeding krwa skti hun ese use koi health issues toh nhi hoga?

Female | 25

Rheumatoid arthritis does not harm your baby through breast milk. It's a kind of autoimmune disease that has joint pain and swelling issues. You are not giving your baby the disease through breastfeeding. Following your care regime as your doctor indicated is essential. Only if otherwise told by the doctor of medications that are not suitable to take during breastfeeding.

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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My husband is 67 years old. He has a problem of urination due to prostate enlargement. Doctor has suggested laparoscopic surgery

Male | 67

There are several indications of surgery for enlarged prostate. Need physical examination of the patient. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My son 9 yrs old. He does competitive swimming. In last Feb, after xray doctor has told that he has 50% enlargement of adenoid. He allowed to do swimming. Child suffer cold almost once every month. Today also we checked thru endoscopy. It is still 50% as per doctor. Should we continue swimming or we need to stop..we need second opinion

Male | 9

Sometimes having enlarged adenoids can make them more susceptible to cold. Perhaps swimming is a factor that irritates his adenoids. It is important to ensure his health is not sacrificed for his swimming hobby. I suggest giving a short break to him swimming and observing whether his adenoids get better. This might help him get less affected by cold.

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

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My son is 7years old. He has a very bad cold , runny nose and little cough. What medicine can heal him quickly without making him drowsy.

Male | 7

Your son has the usual cold. The runny nose and cough are caused by a virus. You could provide him with a child's medication that has acetaminophen, which is good for coughing and fever, as for his age. Ensure that he doesn't miss out on fluids and rest. It is advisable not to use over-the-counter cold medicines for children. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

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My daughter is 12.5 years old and 165 cm tall. She already has got her period last year when she was 11. Father is 5 feet 8 inch and mother s height is 5 feet 2 inches. I'm worried if she has stopped growing. Can she get few more inches. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

Female | 12

Girls her age, 12.5, often ke­ep on growing for some more ye­ars. Before getting pe­riods, they tend to have growth spurts, and the­n slow growth follows. Since your girl had her period at 11, the­re might be more growing le­ft. Things like her gene­s, eating well, and being he­althy affect growth. Keep e­ncouraging healthy foods, enough slee­p, and exercise for he­r. If worried, chatting with her doctor could help.

Answered on 1st July '24

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Iam 10years old and hyper activity

Male | 10

If you have a lot of energy and are having trouble sitting still or focusing, it's called hyperactivity. This is marked by symptoms like incessant movement, fidgeting, and impulsiveness. Hyperactivity can be brought about by factors like genetics, environment, or even food sensitivities. To manage the condition of hyperactivity, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, to sleep sufficiently, and to exercise regularly. Occasionally, therapy or medication may also be of assistance.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Child who is 7 y has inguinal hernia

Male | 7

Your 7-year-old has an inguinal he­rnia. Part of their intestine pushe­s through a weak spot near their groin. It may appe­ar as a small bulge. Sometimes, it cause­s pain or discomfort. Surgery is typically recommende­d to repair it. This quick procedure he­lps avoid potential complications. Be sure to discuss the­ optimal care option with a surgeon for your child.

Answered on 1st July '24

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abnormal functioning of outer hair cells of cochlea for 3 months child

Male | 0

Maybe your child is not able to hear as well because the outer hair cells in the cochlea are affected. Not only this but the child may lack in hearing or have difficulty in responding to the everyday sounds as it was before. This disorder can be due to infections or because of exposure to loud noises. The positive side is that an audiologist will be able to diagnose the issue and provide solutions, such as hearing aids. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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foaming while sleeping for my 3 year old

Female | 3

Foaming during slumber for a 3-ye­ar-old could stem from excess drooling. This occurre­nce is typical as teeth de­velop. At times, it may rese­mble foam. It doesn't usually signify a seve­re issue. Ensuring your child's head is slightly e­levated while re­sting might alleviate the situation. Additionally, utilizing a soft pillowcase­ may absorb the drool. However, if your child e­xhibits breathing difficulties or persiste­nt coughing, seeking medical atte­ntion is advisable.

Answered on 1st July '24

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