Female | 36
هل يمكن أن أكون حاملاً ودورتي الشهرية غزيرة ولا يوجد إفرازات؟
أنثى تبلغ من العمر 36 عامًا. ليس لدي أي إفرازات مهبلية، لا توجد دورة شهرية، وألم في البطن والظهر أحيانًا. فقدان الوزن وتم تعقيمها العام الماضي أثناء عملية قيصرية. لقد كنت أعاني من فترات شديدة لمدة 4 أشهر وفي شهر أغسطس هذا لم أر الدورة الشهرية.هل يمكن أن أكون حاملاً.
طبيب نسائي
Answered on 30th Aug '24
من غير المحتمل أن تكوني حاملاً، خاصة وأنك خضعت لعملية تعقيم أثناء ولادتك القيصرية. ومع ذلك، فإن التغيرات في الدورة الشهرية والأعراض مثل آلام البطن وفقدان الوزن يمكن أن تكون علامات على خلل هرموني أو مشاكل صحية أخرى. أنصحك بشدة بزيارة أطبيب نسائيالذي يمكنه إجراء الاختبارات اللازمة وتقديم التشخيص المناسب.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)
Mera na Anita hai mae 8 months pregnant hu mera phela baby c section se hua hai so dushra baby normal ho sakta hai
Female | 27
If your first baby was born through c-section, it doesn't necessarily mean your second baby must also be born the same way. A trial of labor after c-section, known as VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section), could be an option if there are no complications. It's important to discuss your options with your gynecologist to decide the safest method for you and your baby.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
Dr. Himali Patel
My problem is that my period ended 4 days ago, but today morning I started bleeding again and I'm scared. Could it be because of what I did yesterday? Yesterday, I had romantic and sexy conversations with my boyfriend on a call. My age is 23 years old. Please guide me.
Female | 23
Some women could notice unexpected bleeding after their period. Engaging in sweet talk is not responsible for it directly. Occasionally, hormone fluctuation or stress will disrupt your period. In case, there is some pain, or sudden dizziness, or it lasts a long time, it is better to see a gynecologist to get some advice.
Answered on 22nd July '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Vaginal itching with no discharge sexually active itching increases after wearing panty for more than 3 hrs
Female | 50
You could have vaginal itching. This kind of thing can be the effect caused by the clothes we wear for too much time. Put on clean cotton underwear and change them throughout the day. Don't use any of the perfumed soap or lotion around the area. Maintaining personal cleanliness and dryness hometown may cause itching to be lessened. If the problem persists, visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 5th July '24
Dr. Himali Patel
How to avoide pregnancy after one month
Female | 19
You are concerned about preventing pregnancy after one month. If you're afraid it will happen, then the best way to prevent it is to use emergency contraception. This can prevent pregnancy even after unprotected sex. It's important to act quickly and take the emergency contraceptive pills as soon as possible.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am 22 years and i am facing issue in my delayed period its been 2 month i havent get my period even i am not sexually active but i have been taking contraceptive pill called novex as i have fibroid
Female | 22
It is crucial to know that your period can be affected by multiple different things. Because you have indicated the contraceptive Nova and fibroids, it is potentially associated with the delay in your period. One of the ways fibroids can cause you to argue with your menstrual cycle is when you have singular or multiple symptomatic episodes. It's always better to talk to your gynecologist about this.
Answered on 2nd July '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I am 22 years female. I have severe stomach pain during period and brown discharge after 5 days.
Female | 22
It sounds like you might be experiencing dysmenorrhea and possibly some spotting. This can be common, but severe pain and unusual discharge should be checked. Please consult a gynecologist to discuss your symptoms and get the appropriate care.
Answered on 30th May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Absence of menstruation for months
Female | 17
If someone misses their period for several months, various reasons may cause it. Stress, weight fluctuations, or hormonal imbalances can disrupt menstrual cycles. Consulting a gynecologist is crucial to determine the underlying cause. They possess knowledge to recommend strategies for restoring regular periods.
Answered on 30th July '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Meri bachha Dani me ghaw ho gaya h pisab dwar se ghaw pani bah raha h elaj ka upay bataye plz
Female | 42
You may have an ulcer in your vagina that's causing discharge. It's important to see a gynecologist as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis and treatment. They can provide the best advice and medication to help you heal.
Answered on 26th June '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Vaginal Yeast Infection. Tried ointment and pills but didn’t cure. It developed some days after I used V wash.
Female | 19
Yeast infection is a frequent vaginal disease that occurs when there are excessive yeasts present. Ointments and pills do not always eliminate the infection. In this situation, therefore it is advised to visit a gynecologist. Do not use products such as V wash until the disease is fully healed.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Genital warts problem on private part
Male | 25
If you have genital warts on your private parts, consult a professional, preferably a dermatologist or STI specialist. They can diagnose and provide appropriate treatment options. Avoid self treatment and practice safe sex to prevent transmission to sexual partners.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Neeta Verma
I am pregnant in 6 week and past 3 days vomiting continuously. What can I do?
Female | 25
You can take some tab doxinate twice a day before food till vomiting stops, keep taking liquids, don’t take spicy food. If the symptoms persist long please consultant a gynecologist near you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Aruna Sahadev
Today morning I did pregnant test I have seen faint line on it can u see the image and tell me that I am consive or not
Female | 22
A faint line may mean you are pregnant, but it could also be due to various factors such as the test's sensitivity, the timing of the test, or evaporation lines. For a more accurate result, you can repeat the test using the first urine of the morning, as it is usually more concentrated.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I have a problem about my discharge and my menstruation cycle
Female | 22
White discharge is quite common in women but if it is too much, have odour and feeling itchyness then talk tou your gynecologist
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Is taking mifepristone 10 mg effective as an emergency contraceptive pill? I took it hours after having unprotected sex.
Female | 23
Mifepristone is a medication that is typically not used in the 10 mg dose as an emergency contraceptive pill. It may be less beneficial than other methods such as emergency contraceptive pills containing levonorgestrel. Your preventive action is a good step. However, be aware that this may not be effective in preventing pregnancy. In case you experience any abnormal symptoms or if you suspect you are pregnant, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 30th July '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I got my period on 24th Feb. After that I didn't get it in the month of March and April as well. Even I never had sex. Please recommend any tablet.
Female | 21
Things like feeling stressed, gaining or losing weight, changing what you eat, or exercising differently can make your cycle irregular. Since you haven't had sex, you don't need to worry about being pregnant. My advice is to wait a little longer and see if your period starts on its own. But if it doesn't come soon, talking to a gynecologist might help figure out what's going on.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hello I’m girl I’m not marry this week I had hard itchy an my pussy and after this I had yellow couleur an my pussy I’m worry
Male | 18
You might be dealing with a vaginal infection, which in the majority of cases, is not fatal. The scratchiness and presence of yellowish fluids cause me to reconsider this point. Besides the fact that vaginal infections are a result of yeast or bacteria, the use of such medication is enough to clear the inflammation. You should treat this issue immediately or otherwise the conditions may escalate. Visit a gynecologist for further treatment.
Answered on 22nd July '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had a pre period symptoms since April 14, and April 18 is my expected period day, but I did sex on April 17, today is April 22, but still not start my period even I don’t have any period symptoms now, Will I be pregnant?
Female | 25
Delayed menstruation doesn't necessarily signify pregnancy. Stress and hormonal fluctuations could also cause this. If you're eager to know, consider taking an at-home pregnancy test – it's straightforward.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I had unprotected sex on 16th sep then after that on 18th sep I got increased white vaginal discharge, I had low BP as pulse rate gets high, feels not to eat and on 21st sep I started new pack of hormonal birth control pills regularly for 1 week in which I had vomiting after 14 hrs then I went to gynecologist for increased vaginal discharge, I took medicine she gave and got relieved from the health issues. But now my period was on 7th oct but I didn't get them I waited for one day on next day I had very light spotting of brown colour blood which on 10th October increased to spotting of red colour accompanied with severe leg pain and cramps.
Female | 21
I think the vaginal discharge and the menstrual cycle changes you experience were caused by the hormonal birth control pills you started recently. It has been said that these pills can cause irregular bleeding and changes in discharge. The spotting of brown and red blood could be reinforced by hormonal changes termed breakthrough bleeding. The leg pain and cramps which are severe might be related to your menstrual cycle or could be a side effect of the pills. The good thing is that you visited your gynecologist to seek help. However, getting medical advice for further evaluation is essential if the symptoms persist or worsen.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I am suffering from bartholin cyst and now it's been a couple of months the cyst is not disappearing properly and it's become tiny in size and doesn't not causing any pain and irritating so is it severe should I be concern
Female | 22
Don't worry if your Bartholin cyst has shrunken and stopped aching. It indicates it's getting better. These cysts can persist but often resolve naturally. Keep the area clean and avoid excessive touching. However, if pain or growth resumes, consult a gynecologist.
Answered on 8th Aug '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Hi there My name is Afiyat Nuha.I am 18 years old Recently I have missed my period but I can't find a reason for that to happen. What should I do?
Female | 18
It’s not uncommon to miss a period and it can happen due to stress, any changes in weight, or hormonal imbalances might be to blame. It may help to write down all the symptoms you have noticed and then talk to someone close to you about them. Another thing that might help is keeping track of when they occur to better understand what’s going on with your body. If this continues happening, however, consult with a gynecologist for further guidance.
Answered on 30th Sept '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
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