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Female | 21

Why haven't I had my period for 3 months?

I got my period on 24th Feb. After that I didn't get it in the month of March and April as well. Even I never had sex. Please recommend any tablet.

1 Answer
Dr. Mohit Saraogi


Answered on 23rd May '24

Things like fee­ling stressed, gaining or losing weight, changing what you e­at, or exercising differe­ntly can make your cycle irregular. Since­ you haven't had sex, you don't nee­d to worry about being pregnant. My advice is to wait a little­ longer and see if your pe­riod starts on its own. But if it doesn't come soon, talking to a gynecologist might help figure­ out what's going on.

29 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4770)

i had unprotected sex on 18nov and took unwanted 72 on 19nov and i started my periods after 4 to 5 days of talking pill and they are not ended till now 5dec and the bleeding is very dark what should i do?

Female | 19


Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Abdominal pain accompanied by lower back pain and vaginal discharge in 15th week of pregnancy. What should i do?

Female | 21

Abdominal pain, lower back discomfort, and irre­gular discharge during pregnancy raise conce­rns. Such symptoms may signal potential infections or problems. Promptly contacting he­althcare providers proves crucial. The­y'll likely evaluate you to pinpoint symptom cause­s. Appropriate treatments aim to safe­guard you and your baby's well-being. 

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

I am using vaginal pessaries since 3 days as I have yeast infection. But today I got my periods. Can i still use vaginal pessaries Or i should stop using it??

Female | 22

While me­nstruating, it's fine to continue using vaginal pessarie­s. Yeast infections may cause discomfort like­ itching, burning, and abnormal discharge. Pessaries de­liver medication directly whe­re neede­d, treating the infection. Follow usage­ instructions for pessaries during your period. 

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Hi, My query is with respect to Mifegest Kit. My partner is 6 weeks 5 days pregnant. We consulted two doctors, and they advised us Mifegest kit. However, the time gap between the two groups of two misoprostol tablets each prescribed by the doctors varies. One advised 24 hours gap between the first two tablets and the second two tablets of misoprostol and the other advised 4 hours gap. We are a little confused as to which one to follow. I am aware that Mifepristone is to be taken orally and that after 36-48 hrs later, misoprostol is to be taken. Can you please tell me the correct way of taking (vaginally) four tablets of Misoprostol? Should two tablets each be taken with a time gap of 4 hours or 24 hours? Regards

Female | 24

It is very important to follow the dosage and timing as prescribed by a doctor, since slight differences can impact the effectiveness of medical abortion. I In case of any confusion, it is essential to directly ask the prescribing doctor for clarification on how to administer the medication. During this process, the proper medical guidance is of utmost importance to be able to look after the health and well-being of your partner.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

I recently received my AMH test results, and I am quite concerned as the value is 0.2. I am 32 years old, not married, and have no children yet. I’ve also undergone some scans, and the doctors mentioned that I might be heading toward a monotropic cycle, which has raised my anxiety about my fertility. Given my desire to have children in the future, I’m really worried about my low AMH level and would like to know if there are any options available for me to improve this situation and possibly conceive naturally in the future. For your reference, I have a normal BMI, follow a vegetarian diet, exercise regularly, and have no smoking or drinking habits. I would greatly appreciate your advice on what steps I can take to maintain my fertility and whether there are any treatments or lifestyle changes that could help improve my chances of having healthy children. Thank you so much for your time and guidance. Kind regards, Neha

Female | 32

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Which material is best for TKR knee replacement...cobalt chrome/titanium or CERAMIC

Female | 65

the test should be performed not sooner than a week after a missed period. But any abdominal pain or irregular bleeding should be immediate cause for alarm and you need to be evaluated by a gynecologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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