Female | 19
لماذا أشعر بالدوار عندما أقف؟
أبلغ من العمر 19 عامًا وأشعر أحيانًا بالدوار عندما أقف. يأتي هذا أحيانًا مع اهتزاز ساقي وذراعي وضبابية داكنة تقريبًا. ما هي مشكلتي؟

جراح أعصاب
Answered on 26th Aug '24
قد تكون مصابًا بانخفاض ضغط الدم الانتصابي، والذي يسبب الدوخة والرعشة عند الوقوف بسبب الانخفاض المفاجئ في ضغط الدم. ويمكن أيضا أن يسبب مشاكل في الرؤية لفترة وجيزة. للمساعدة، اشرب الكثير من الماء وتجنب الوقوف لفترة طويلة. إذا حدث هذا كثيرًا أو تفاقم، استشر أطبيب أعصابللتأكد من أن كل شيء على ما يرام.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (706)
Doctor I am a male of 45 year from Africa i feel this heaviness (dizziness) in the head and fatigue whenever i walk a little distance or engage in strenous work. I did ECG and ECHO2D tests. The doctor said nothing was wrong with my heart . I check my BP regularly. I am not hypertensive. I engage in regular fitness exercise . Yet this heaviness in the head and tiredness doesn't want to stop. I need your urgent reply. Pat.
Male | 45
It’s good that you’ve ruled out heart issues and hypertension. However, the persistent heaviness in the head and fatigue could be related to other causes such as anemia, thyroid issues, or even stress and anxiety. I would recommend visiting an internal medicine specialist or a neurologist for a thorough evaluation to pinpoint the cause and get appropriate treatment.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
The patient is suffering severe bilateral head pain Tinnitus(earlier had an ear operation) Fainting
Female | 36
These signs may stem from post-surgery ear issues or poor blood flow to the brain. Resting, reducing stress, drinking fluids, and consulting a neurologist are wise steps.
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
My headache is paining too much eyes are paining too much crying alot body shivering right chest pain body pain
Female | 19
This type of headache can cause pain not only in the head but also in the eyes and sometimes even in the chest. It is often accompanied by severe chills and body aches. Finding a quiet, dark place to rest can help. Drinking water and taking pain relievers like paracetamol can also provide relief.
Answered on 4th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Why do my eyes and legs feel paralyzed whenever I mastrubate
Male | 20
Masturbation can lead to chemicals being released into the body that may make muscles and other nerves feel weak. Sometimes, it can cause temporary paralysis in your eyes or legs. It’s common and usually harmless. If it continues or bothers you, talk to someone you know like your parent or a doctor, and if it continues or bothers you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I am feeling dizziness suddenly
Female | 24
There could be several reasons behind this. Perhaps you’re not taking in enough fluids or stood up too quickly. It may even be an issue with one of your ears such as an infection. The best thing to do is sit down, relax, and have a drink of water. If it keeps happening, talk to a doctor.
Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I have a T11 spinal cord injury from a gunshot wound that left me paralyzed waist down. I have researched and found stem cell therapy that might help but there are so many clinics. I need help to find the right clinic to help me walk again and regain my bladder bowel control. Please advise. Thank you kindly.
Male | 35
You can check this article for more information - Stem cell for Spinal Cord Injury. You should also consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon for advice on stem cell therapy for your spinal cord injury. However, stem cell therapy is still an experimental treatment and its effectiveness is not yet fully established.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I've been sleeping all day for numerous day. Is this normal?
Female | 29
Sleeping all day long for countless days is not a usual thing. It might be a result of problems like depression, having low thyroid levels, or even infection. Being fatigued all the time, loss of appetite, and difficulty concentrating might also appear. It's necessary to consult a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I am a 23-year-old female and for the past two days I am not able to sleep at night I am staying awake till 4 o clock and after that, I am getting to sleep slowly the thing is while trying to sleep I am getting some irritation or some goosebumps kind of sensation. during the daytime also I am having this sensation but its not effecting me much because I will be involved in some work and if I am trying to take rest let's say sleeping at night that irritation is effecting me a lot what might be the reason.
Female | 23
Sleep difficulties and sensations of irritation or goosebumps could be due to many factors. It's essential to establish a relaxing bedtime routine, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, and create a comfortable sleeping environment. Reducing stress through relaxation techniques and avoiding stimulants can also help improve your sleep. If the problem persists, consider consulting a neurology professional or a sleep specialist from known hospitals for further evaluation and guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I have teeth grinding and hemifacial spasm iiam 19 years old ... I too have nerve pain in my right brain..it's very hard for me to take a bite as the food feels vey difficult to swallow and my teeth muscles strt paining severely while eating...i have stiff muscles in my back and behind neck muscle too stiff how i try to relax my muscles tht much it becomes more contracted ......
Female | 19
Teeth grinding and hemifacial spasm can be due to a stress, anxiety, and neurological conditions. Medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications can help.
Nerve pain and difficulty swallowing could also be related to a neurological condition and may require further evaluation and treatment. Check thouroughly with a neurologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I had an EEG done a couple weeks ago and my neurology appointment is a month away. I'm trying to make heads and tails with what I've been told
Male | 35
If there were any abnormal brain waves, your doctor may want to investigate further. Things like seizures or even bad headaches can cause strange brain wave patterns to show up on this test. So, it’s good news that you have an appointment with a neurologist coming up soon. They will be able to help you figure out what comes next based on what’s been going on with you and what showed up in the EEG.
Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I have a daughter whose development has been a bit late since she was little. She could only lie face down after she was 1 year old and then she could walk around 3 or 4 years old. Her development is slow but she is currently in grade 11 at school, but her mental ability is very weak. Her IQ is below 100. Her right hand, right leg and arm are stiff. The sole of the right foot tilts inward so it is difficult to walk or not like a normal person. What I hope from this treatment is that she right side can function normally. Because now you need help to clean after menstruation or after defecating, considering that the only thing that can be used normally is only the left hand, and even then it is not very active.
Female | 18
Your daughter's symptoms are typical of cerebral palsy which causes a lack of muscle coordination and also results in mobility problems. Those symptoms you named are the cause of an extra motor diagnostic test to be done, like hip reflexes to be tested, and a tossed foot drop. The most optimal way is physiotherapy to do work on muscle tone or strength and loosen tightness, to let your child move properly. In the case of consistent therapy, she will grow more independent and be able to use her muscles more easily so she can join you in activities.
Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
HI SIR , I dont feel hunger , i feel fear about samll probems , i feel legs itching, some times vomting happens, i dont feel happy.
Male | 29
This could be related to various underlying issues. Feeling a lack of hunger, fear, itching legs, vomiting, and a persistent feeling of unhappiness can be signs of physical or mental health concerns.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
My baby was diagnosed with cp still waiting for MRI scan so I want stem therapy for her
Female | 2
CP could result from an injury to the brain before, during or after birth. Indications could be difficulty moving around, rigid muscles and lack of coordination. Although stem cell therapy is still under study, there is no enough evidence supporting its use in CP cases. Treatment plan should be guided by the results of an MRI scan. Let us wait for the scan and then we can talk about what to do next.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
When I woke up this morning, I couldn't get out bed. I felt dizziness and total blackouts afterwards. I still lying down. What should I do and what might be the cause of this?
Male | 25
You might be going through orthostatic hypotension. This is a long word that means your blood pressure is too low when you try to stand up. This may lead to you feeling lightheaded and dizzy, and eventually, you might even pass out. To help, try moving stairs at least when you get out of bed, and keep hydrated. If the pain continues, visit a neurologist for a thorough check-up and guidance.
Answered on 11th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I have headaches daily from 1 month this is gradually increasing day by day it occurs sometimes on the back and upper part of brain
Male | 17
Your pain in the back and upper part of the head is a possible indication of tension headaches. These issues may originate from stress, sleep deprivation, and bad posture. Keep your shoulders down, sleep well, and straighten your back. If you experience persistent headaches, it is better to consult a neurologist.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Sir, I have headache like tight band with nausea,stress,tension. Sir,Please give me some medicines for relief.
Male | 17
I see that you have a tight band headache around your head and feel like vomiting because of anxiety and stress as well. These signs might mean that you have a tension-type headache; typically caused by bad posture at work or eyestrain from looking at computer screens all day long. You could take some painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to help relieve the pain in your head. Moreover try and calm down by breathing deeply plus drink lots of water. If this feeling doesn’t go away please go see a doctor so they can check it out.
Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I always have a headache, I am very nervous, sometimes I forget things, I feel very angry due to headache.Sometimes, I also have problem in breathing My eyes also hurt a lot and my vision is blurry
Female | 20
It can be due to some underlying conditions that you need to get checked from a neurologist. Also make sure to get enough rest, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Brain stroke with internal bleed
Female | 71
Internal hemorrhage brain stroke is a medical disaster that must be treated immediately. Include sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body, difficulty with speech and comprehension of that same language in addition to severe headaches. A neurosurgeon should be seen immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I have been diagnosed with bells palsy for the past 2 weeks, so I want the best medicine?
Male | 24
For bells palsy consult a neurologist from a well known hospital in India or ENT specialist, for personalized treatment. There are a few common treatments like corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, eye care to protect the affected eye, and possibly physical therapy. There's no one size fits all medicine for this condition, so follow your doctor's advice for the most effective treatment plan for your needs.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I always feel my body shaking, hot and get confused thinking, what is wrong with me?
Male | 18
You are likely having some of the panic attack symptoms. In such moments, your body may tremble and be hot; you could also have a feeling of confusion. Panic attacks may be caused by factors such as stress, anxiety, or strong emotions. To help, try slow, deep breaths, calming thoughts, and talking to someone you trust about how you're feeling.
Answered on 7th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
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