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Male | 17

Do I need medicine for headache relief?

Sir, I have headache like tight band with nausea,stress,tension. Sir,Please give me some medicines for relief.

1 Answer

Answered on 28th May '24

I see that you have a tight band headache around your head and feel like vomiting because of anxiety and stress as well. These signs might mean that you have a tension-type headache; typically caused by bad posture at work or eyestrain from looking at computer screens all day long. You could take some painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to help relieve the pain in your head. Moreover try and calm down by breathing deeply plus drink lots of water. If this feeling doesn’t go away please go see a doctor so they can check it out.

49 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (706)

I get these severe headaches that's starts from my eyes Before the actual headache starts my eyes gets like the rippling water effect that starts from the outer of the eyeball As theat progresses I get this severe headache on either side of my brain towards the centre where it feels like a stabbing pain. Sometimes my ears start painingand the headache lasts for 3-5 hours where I have to stop what I'm doing and lay down and take a pain tablet and sleep. Even while my eyes are closed I see the rippling water. Sometimes I get it 2-3 times in a day and I'm totally drained out. Even when the headaches stop the brain still pains for days...a simple cough and my brain pains. I also get very hot and perspire. Sometimes my face feels numbs and I feel almost lifeless and don't want to talk or move that's how severe the pain is. What is this?

Female | 51

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Facing high fever and continuous headache

Female | 30

Fevers and headaches are often caused by infections like the flu or a cold. When you're sick, your brain can ache, and your body might get hotter than usual because your immune system is fighting the illness. Make sure to get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and take some paracetamol or acetaminophen to help reduce the fever. If the pain is severe or the symptoms persist, it's important to see a doctor for proper treatment.



Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What causes sudden faint

Male | 16

Sometime­s, people faint unexpe­ctedly. This occurs when blood doesn't re­ach the brain sufficiently. It might be low blood pre­ssure, or maybe the he­art rate dropped suddenly. Rapid standing, de­hydration, and low blood sugar often cause fainting. To avoid it, stand up slowly from seate­d positions. Also, drink plenty of fluids regularly. Eating freque­nt meals helps maintain stable blood sugar le­vels.

Answered on 14th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

im facing a problem in which my legs start to become hot for just of 5-10 seconds. Whats the reason behnid this?

Male | 27

Many people­ feel sudden warmth, calle­d hot flashes. These happe­n frequently for women, but me­n can get them too. Hormonal changes or re­actions cause hot flashes. Stress, caffe­ine, or alcohol may trigger them. Staying cool, avoiding spicy foods, and re­laxing can help manage hot flashes. If the­y continues being problematic, spe­ak to your doctor.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr my Sister is 16 years old , before two years she had suffered a severe illness 103F. And a month ago she was playing with little brother and fell down on floor just showing symptoms like epilepsy , I consult with many doctors they said that according to reports she is ok because all reports are fine including eeg , ct scan and mineral test. After that day she is felling pain in b/w eyes region and pain starts gradually and becomes severe at that time heart beat increases and feet become cold it happens normaly after one day or two days or even a week. She felt just like heaviness on eyes and head and she don't likes sound noise , light. A neurolgist dr gave me tablets( Inderal , froben) and said when pain starts you have to give her one tablet of each. Dr when severe pain happens b/w eyes , increase in heart beat , feet become cold and again and again urination(after 2 minutes or 5 minutes).

Female | 16

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I’ve been Dey for over 6months and today I woke up to see that I bed wet

Male | 18

Bedwetting, also called nighttime enuresis, happens when urine is released during sleep. It can be caused by factors like a small bladder, deep sleep, or stress. While it's common in kids, some adults experience it too. To help, limit fluids before bed, use the bathroom before sleeping, and try a bathroom alarm. If it continues, consult a doctor for more solutions.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Here is my story, Doctor. So, two years ago, I suddenly felt immense pain in my foot and got bedridden for almost three months. And then I rushed to a physician because at the time there was no neurologist in my city. The physician tested my vitamins and gave me some vitamins. It eventually got better and I was able to walk. I was overweight at that time and my physician told me that it's all because of weight. And then I lost almost 20 kilograms, but there was still feeling of socks. I don't feel any pain or anything, but I just feel like I'm wearing socks. Then after almost two years, I visited a neurologist with this and she tested my vitamins. She prescribed me vitamin D supplements since my vitamin D is at 12, but for one month. Nothing happened with this one month treatment. Then she did my NCV. She said my NCV reports are normal and has prescribed me some vitamins again. What do you think, how much time it would take to get completely cured?

Female | 21

Based on what you have told me, the peripheral disorder mentioned by the speaker is on track with peripheral nerve disease. In most cases, the feeling of socks on your feet could be easily attributed to peripheral neuropathy. You are lucky that your neurologist has done so many tests and that your vitamins and nerves are under control. Please continue to take the vitamins as per the doctor's prescription and remain patient. You will need some time to see improvements in your nerves. Also, keeping a check on your weight and living a healthy life will speed up your recovery while doing well.

Answered on 14th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What causes me to be dizzy and if I look at something it looks like it moving

Male | 54

Inner ear diseases, headaches and migraines, low blood pressure and some medications can cause dizziness or abnormal visual perceptions such as the illusion of movement. A neurologist should be consulted for the right diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

How to recover from paralysis

Male | 68

Being unable to move a part of the body is what paralysis is all about. It can be caused by different things such as strokes, injuries or diseases like MS. Common signs include loss of sensation and/or inability to move. Your comeback will depend on the cause; if it’s due, to, for instance, a stroke then one may recover quicker than expected but usually physical therapy is always recommended. In addition, healthy eating habits exercise, and keeping a positive mindset go a long way in aiding recovery.

Answered on 4th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am a 22 years old male with stiff neck numb head at back side of head and severe headache above the ears eyes burning and inner body shaking feeling tired all the day

Male | 22

If you are experiencing neck stiffness, numbness at the back of your head, a bad headache, irritated eyes, body quivers, and extreme tiredness, these symptoms could be due to stress, lack of sleep, or an underlying medical issue. It's important to stay hydrated, take breaks from devices, and spend time outdoors. If the symptoms persist, talk to a healthcare provider for proper guidance.

Answered on 19th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am the patient of Nero my lift and right hands all time pain from 6 years

Male | 27

You might be having the pain due to the neuropathy. Therefore, I advise you to make an appointment with a neurologist who specializes in such conditions. They may recommend you some tests in order to deliver a diagnosis and a treatment plan that will help you in controlling your pain.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Hello, I have one patient in my family who is suffering from a brain injury for one year due to an accident. Now, he is completely paralyzed with speechlessness. We need your valuable support for the treatment guidelines.

you have start physiotherapy asap..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nishi Varshney

I am 30 years old. I had anxiety for 4 months and nerve damage like sciatica pain for 2 months and lower abdominal back pain and upper front pain for 3 days, today it's getting worse.

Female | 30

The stress and nerve pain that you are experiencing might cause muscle tension which results in discomfort in various parts of your body. The stomach ache as well as the pain in the anterior part could be associated with heightened awareness in your nervous system. To alleviate these symptoms, it is important to deal with both anxiety and nerve issues. Try doing mild stretches, and deep breathing exercises or seek help from healthcare providers who know how to manage such conditions.

Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Hello, Doctor Name Because of the horrible things i have endured through out my life up until now which kept getting worse without pause Emotions i've felt and the anger that would cease One day, half of my face started jerking (Hemifacial spasm) and i woke up with blood from my ear later i had my cerebral fluid leaking out of my ears nose eyes From then whenever I get angry I would have Seizures and later i'd hear loud BANG in my Brain followed by blood leaking from my ears and i believe that is what is called a ruptured cerebral aneurysm and I have had about 20 or 21 of them and maybe more and I became ill with other illnesses which if god you reply to me I will give to you I have not been given treatment Since I lack the fund for medical treatment I want to pass away a faithful man to god Please tell me how long do i have until i will pass away from theses illnesses so i may have hope that i will pass away soon God willing Thank you

Male | 23

You should consult for a second opinion right away. Hemifacial spasm can be a symptom of another neurological condition, including an aneurysm. A ruptured cerebral aneurysm is a medical emergency that requires to be treated promptly. Speculating on life expectancy without the proper medical evaluation is inappropriate. As soon as you can, see a neurologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I have been having muscle twitches in my shoulders arms and legs Also tingling in my hands and feet. Muscle weakness in my right arm and leg also ankle pain and trouble with speech and I have had and EMG and NCS test which have come back abnormal

Female | 26

Having symptoms like muscle twitches, tingling in your hands and feet, leg weakness, ankle pain, and difficulty speaking could indicate a nerve disorder. Abnormal EMG and NCS test results suggest nerve problems, possibly due to conditions like peripheral neuropathy or nerve injury. It's important to follow up with your doctor for further tests and treatment, which may include specialized tests, medications, or physical therapy, depending on the cause.

Answered on 20th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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