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Female | 19

I have teeth grinding and hemifacial spasm iiam 19 years old ... I too have nerve pain in my right's very hard for me to take a bite as the food feels vey difficult to swallow and my teeth muscles strt paining severely while eating...i have stiff muscles in my back and behind neck muscle too stiff how i try to relax my muscles tht much it becomes more contracted ......

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Teeth grinding and hemifacial spasm can be due to a stress, anxiety, and neurological conditions.  Medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications can help. 
Nerve pain and difficulty swallowing could also be related to a neurological condition and may require further evaluation and treatment. Check thouroughly with a neurologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (933)

Hello my name is nagendra and iam male and 34 years old and from past few years iam facing forgetfulness and short time memory. Whoever said something important i totally forget that in a minute and this one affecting my entire life. Now it has increased a lot, what should i do now?.

Male | 34

I suggest that you see neurologist who will diagnose your symptoms and prescribe suitable treatment. Various causes of memory loss and forgetfulness include stress, anxiety, depression as well as neurological complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I end up being very tired during the day and trouble focusing from staying up for hours at night. Is this insomnia at all?

Female | 18

You may have trouble­ sleeping. Not slee­ping well means finding it hard to doze off or stay re­sted through the night. Daytime tire­dness and lack of focus could signify this problem. Common culprits – anxiety, stre­ss, and poor sleep patterns. To re­st better, wind down before­ bed with calming activities. Avoid scree­ns late at night. Most importantly, keep your sle­ep schedule consiste­nt.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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I am suffering from hemifacial spasm. I want to cure it permanently. Pls help

Female | 38

A hemifacial spasm cause­s one side of your face to twitch involuntarily. This happe­ns when a nerve ge­ts irritated in your cheek are­a. Although uncontrolled facial twitching is unpleasant, treatme­nt options like Botox injections or surgery e­xist. These can help re­lax the affected ne­rve, stopping the spasms. Such treatme­nts aim to provide relief, improving your quality of life­. So do not lose hope, as permane­nt solutions are available.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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I am experiencing hair fall, double or blurred vision, balance disorder, slurred speech, dizziness, ringing in ears, fatigue,nausea and severe headache. do I have brain tumor?

Female | 16

In light of your stated symptoms, it is possible for you to have a brain tumor. But it is also necessary that you see a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 27 years old and yesterday I had severe headache and had had a feeling of vomiting which I almost vomitted. Later took disprin and I was better.. Today I was feeling lil dizzy and was feeling hot for little bit of tim

Female | 27

You probably had a severe headache and nausea but now you are better due to Disprin. Today, you have a feeling of dizziness and fever-like symptoms. These could be the signs of a migraine. Migraines can make you experience headaches, vomiting, dizziness, and the like, having light or sound be a trigger. Do not forget to lay down, drink water, and stay away from stress and some foods to keep it from happening.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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My grandfather age is 69 he had second brain stroke after 3 month now he able to speak slow slow today he got anger and eat food by himself without ask anyone after I ask him is any problem you in eat he said no problem and easy to eat . so please doctor suggest me can we start giving him food by mouth

Male | 69

It is quite predictable for a person who had a stroke for the second time to have trouble speaking and experiencing behavior changes. The good thing is that he ate without any problem which is a way forward. His improved swallowing ability is reflected in his independent eating skills. It's necessary to lay a good basis by cutting out soft foods and liquids to avoid choking. Let him carry out the process of swallowing without being rushed. It's recommended that a speech therapist or a healthcare provider be the one to provide him with a diet plan that he must follow carefully.

Answered on 11th July '24

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Headache in brain and negative feelings

Male | 26

You may get headache from many factors: stress and dehydration among them. Intense feelings may lead to other headaches, for example, anxiety and depressions. Talking to experts is important to help you identify the cause and get the proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Doctor, the patient has cerebral palsy dystonia. Is steam cell treatment better ordeep brain stimulation beneficial for him, Because deep brain stimulation is beneficial for Parkinson’s patients only, and its success rate is high because it is primary dystonia and he has secondary dystonia. Thank you very much.

Male | 28

In this case, deep brain stimulation may not be the best choice since it's typically used for Parkinson's disease. Stem cell therapy that replaces damaged cells instead could be one of the ways to do it. Cerebral palsy dystonia can cause muscle stiffness or uncontrollable movements. Always consult with a doctor to explore suitable options.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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