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Female | 21

لماذا أعاني من نزيف حاد في الدورة الشهرية؟

سيدي الشهر الماضي أيضا جاءتني الدورة الشهرية منذ 10 أيام وهذا الشهر أيضا والآن أنزف كثيرا فلماذا يحدث هذا وما علاجه؟

دكتور نيسارج باتيل

أخصائي أمراض النساء والتوليد الاجتماعي

Answered on 13th Aug '24

كنتِ تعانين من نزيف غير طبيعي بين الدورات الشهرية، والذي يمكن أن يحدث لأسباب مختلفة. في بعض الأحيان، يمكن أن تكون التغيرات الهرمونية أو مشاكل الرحم هي السبب في ذلك. لعلاجه، قد تضطر إلى إجراء بعض الاختبارات لتحديد السبب الدقيق. أطبيب نسائيهو أفضل شخص يمكن رؤيته لإجراء تشخيص دقيق وإدارة الحالة.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3798)

I am a 23 year old female. I had sexual intercourse with my boyfriend and took the morning after pill three times in one month. We had sexual intercourse twice in a span of two weeks and I took the morning after pill both times. Then I got my period so we stopped, when I came off we had sexual intercourse again and I took the morning after pill, then a few days later got heavy bleeding like a period for 6-7 days. Since then we haven’t had any sexual intercourse. This was last month. This month I haven’t gotten my period yet. It’s delayed. Is it because the morning after pills alters hormones? Or am I pregnant?

Female | 23

Since you took the morning after pill multiple times within a month may have altered your menstrual cycle and caused a delay in your period. But there is still a possibility of pregnancy even if you have taken the morning after pill. Because emergency contraception is not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, and repeated use of the pill within a short period of time may decrease its effectiveness.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Today morning I did pregnant test I have seen faint line on it can u see the image and tell me that I am consive or not

Female | 22

A faint line may mean you are pregnant, but it could also be due to various factors such as the test's sensitivity, the timing of the test, or evaporation lines. For a more accurate result, you can repeat the test using the first urine of the morning, as it is usually more concentrated.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Good morning sir/Madam. I saw my last period on the 6th of February 2024, it ended on the 10th of February 2024, today is 8th of March 2024 and I have not seen my period for this month yet. I had unprotected sex some days back but I checked with a pregnancy test strip yesterday 7th of March but it was negative. Doctor am I pregnant?

Female | 16

Pregnancy might be a possible. But you must visit a gyneclogist to confirm it, they can suggest you necessary tests to confirm pregnancy

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

Dr. Swapna Chekuri

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