Male | 7
لماذا ينتشر الطفح الجلدي دون حكة؟
طفح جلدي صغير بدأ على الوجه أمس واليوم ينتشر على الصدر والظهر وأيضا الأصابع...لا يشعر بالحكة ولكنه ينتشر تدريجياً..
عالم الشعر
Answered on 27th May '24
الطفح الجلدي الذي يبدأ على الوجه وينتشر إلى الصدر والظهر والأصابع دون حكة قد يكون سببه فيروس مثل "الطفح الفيروسي". يخلق الفيروس طفحًا جلديًا يمكن أن ينتشر بمرور الوقت. تأكدي من الحفاظ على نظافتك وتناول الكثير من السوائل، كما يمكنك استخدام المستحضرات الخفيفة. حاول أيضًا ألا تخدش الشخص الذي يحتاج إلى الحصول على قسط كافٍ من الراحة عند الإصابة بهذا النوع من العدوى. احصل على استشارة طبية من أطبيب امراض جلديةإذا كانت هناك أي تطورات أخرى أو إذا تفاقمت الحالة.
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Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2023)
I have a skin cut I haven’t done any medication but I used bactrocin cream now I am afraid of my wound I Don't know what to do
Male | 19
You used bactrocin cream on a skin cut. That's okay, but first clean cuts with soap and water before applying cream. Bactrocin cream helps prevent infections. However, if the cut looks red, swollen, or has pus, it may be infected. See a dermatologist in that case, they'll examine and treat it properly. Meanwhile, keep the cut clean and covered.
Answered on 29th Aug '24
Dr. Deepak Jakhar
Can hair loss at crown be treated effectively?
Male | 29
Hair loss in the crown area, often called a bald spot, is usually hereditary. Yes, it runs in the family! Other factors like stress, poor diet, and certain illnesses can also contribute. DHT blockers like Propecia (finasteride) and minoxidil (Rogaine) may slow hair loss in men. It's always best to consult a dermatologist for advice.
Answered on 13th Sept '24
Dr. Archit Aggarwal
Sir, the skin of one of my relatives is like fish skin all over his body. can this be true sir
Female | 23
Ichthyosis can create a scaly texture that looks like fish scales. It can make the skin acquire the form of dryness, i.e., thicker and appear through the outside. It's a genetic cause, so it's possible to be inherited. The best treatment for ichthyosis is avoiding situations that can trigger it. It does not have any cure; however, some moisturizers can decrease dryness. It is important to go to a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Anju Methil
I have alot of head lice and nits in my hair should i use ivermectin 6mg tablet for it or not
Female | 21
Head lice are little bugs that reside in your hair and give you an itch. The nits are the ovum of their species. Treating head lice is crucial to prevent the occurrence of new infections. Ivermectin tablets are an effective treatment although you should consult your doctor first. Shampoos are some of the over-the-counter treatments that may also be effective. The washing of clothing and bedding is necessary to avoid a second infestation.
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Dr. Archit Aggarwal
I have acne spots and darkspots on my face form 2 years can i use azelic acid if I can then how much percent
Female | 18
Dealing with acne spots and dark spots on your face for two years is frustrating. Consider using azelaic acid: safe for most people. A 10% concentration is effective. It reduces acne breakouts and fades discoloration. Use it daily by applying a thin layer after cleansing. Complement with sunscreen and moisturizer.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
Dr. Anju Methil
I am a 1t year female. My lower face is darker than my upper face. It's not patches or pigmentation. It's totaly dark at my lower face. What should I do to cure it
Female | 15
You are possibly suffering from a disease called acanthosis nigricans. The skin on the lower part of your face may be discolored due to this. It is mostly associated with conditions like insulin resistance or hormonal fluctuations. For its treatment, you can try healthy eating, exercising, and skin cleanliness. Seek help from a dermatologist for further assistance.
Answered on 19th Sept '24
Dr. Deepak Jakhar
I am terrified of taking medication because I fear Steven Johnson syndrome
Female | 27
You are afraid of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome from drugs. It is a rare but serious skin reaction. Symptoms can be flu-like symptoms, a rash, and blisters on the skin. Medicines or infections can cause it. Before starting any new medicine, speak with your doctor if this is something that concerns you. They will be able to help you choose what might work best for you and watch out for signs of trouble.
Answered on 29th May '24
Dr. Archit Aggarwal
I have a red spots on hand is itchy,bulges and water bubbles also.on 2 hand palms only
Male | 23
The skin condition may be the type of dermatitis that you are afflicted with according to the symptoms you have stated. This could be an allergic reaction or exposure to an irritant. You must see a dermatologist without any delay to get this problem diagnosed and treated.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Anju Methil
Small pearl size substance feel under skin on nearby elbow cannot see no pain
Female | 22
This is likely (or can be) what we call a cyst. Cysts are usually benign and arise when oil or skin cells are stuck under the skin. Oftentimes, these cysts don't give you any irritations and therefore do not cause any problems. If it is not bothering you, you can disregard it. But whatever the case may be, it is best to visit a dermatologist if it grows or starts to be painful.
Answered on 18th June '24
Dr. Anju Methil
Good afternoon Doctor I am having discoloration problem because of that my skin color has become dark now can u please recommend something
Female | 19
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Khushbu Tantia
How to clear knife scars from hand
Female | 20
Scars from knife wounds can appear as stubborn lines etched on your hand. These marks result when a blade pierces through skin. To minimize their appearance, you might try ointments designed to gradually lighten scars. Additionally, bandaging protects the area as healing progresses. It requires patience, as improving scar visibility takes time. Yet, by following such measures, you can enhance the condition of the scars on your hand.
Answered on 31st July '24
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur
Hi doctor, My age is 22, I have a gray hair since 5 years. So, how to reverse my premature gray hair. Suggest me some medicines.
Male | 22
Gray hair may show up sooner than expected. This results when the body produces less melanin pigment. Stress, heredity, and certain health issues contribute. There's no magic cure for gray, but lifestyle changes could help maintain healthy hair. A balanced diet, stress management, and avoiding smoking make a difference. If concerned, consult a dermatologist about premature graying.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
Dr. Archit Aggarwal
I am 23 yrs old female and from past 2- 3 days iam observing white patches on my face. I was using Hydroinone Tretinion and Mometasone furoate cream, after using this cream I feel I got this white patches. Can i know why its
Female | 23
The combination of hydroquinone, retinoid, and mometasone cream, often called Clubmen's formula, is used for hyperpigmented disorders like melasma. This medication is available over the counter under various brand names. It is the common side effect of the cream that it causes depigmentation or white patches, thinning of the skin, prominent blood vessels, acne, increased hair and also increased sensitivity to sun. Please do not use any such creams without consulting a dermatologist.
Answered on 9th Sept '24
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur
I was having balanitis one year back and got treated but later that year me and my girlfriend both got diagnosed with HPV. Now I am is getting cracked foreskin. Due to that it's getting pain whenever gets stretched. Also the skin around the anal area is loosing and looks pinkish without pain.
Male | 28
According to your symptoms, a fungal infection or an irritation might be the reason behind it. The cracked foreskin could result from either the infection or the dryness. The pinkish skin around the anal area might be related. Hygiene is the first thing that must be done to make this area stay clean and dry. Antifungal cream or simple moisturizer may be required. Keep away from strong soaps and wear loose clothes. Drink plenty of liquids and eat a balanced diet to aid the natural healing process.
Answered on 10th Sept '24
Dr. Anju Methil
from 1 week i have swelling and blisters on my penis and some sores ,Not much pain, just occasional burning and itching.please tell me what should i do in this situation
Male | 24
You may have a common virus known as genital herpes. They can cause redness, blisters, sores, burning, and itching. The most crucial thing is to abstain from sexual relationships until you talk to a doctor at a hospital or a clinic. As before, they will give the patients antiviral medication to control the symptoms and to stop the onset of the outbreaks in the future. It is important to first visit a dermatologist to verify the illness and be prepared for the treatment.
Answered on 11th July '24
Dr. Anju Methil
I seem to have a belly button infection.
Female | 23
If you suspect you have a belly button infection, it's important to take appropriate steps.. Clean the area gently with warm water and mild soap. Keep the area dry and avoid excessive moisture. If you notice signs of infection like redness, swelling, pain, discharge, or a foul odor, consider seeking medical advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Anju Methil
I am 40 years old guy. I have got one mole on my face and one on a nose. How do I get it removed?
Male | 40
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Khushbu Tantia
I have acne on my face its not going i tried everything i use cetaphil and all the products on the market but its getting worse day by day
Female | 24
The cause of acne is the hair follicles clogged with oil and dead skin cells. This can lead to red and swollen bumps on the skin. Sometimes, all you need to do is quit using some products that contain irritating ingredients. I suggest using gentle, non-comedogenic products and avoiding touching your face too much. Talk to a dermatologist for proper treatment.
Answered on 26th June '24
Dr. Anju Methil
I am a 17 year old boy. I am uncircumcised. I got to know that by 17, I should be able to pull back my foreskin completely. I tried doing it and after a few painful attempts of pulling my foreskin, I did it. But the head of the penis was red and I got very uncomfortable and painful upon touching the head of the penis. I am worried about it as I have always been conscious and anxious about it. Please help me out. Thank you!
Male | 17
What you are experiencing is a common issue called Balanitis. It's prevalent in boys who were not circumcised. Symptoms consist of redness and pain when the penis head is touched. This can occur due to bad hygiene or an allergy. The best way out is to keep the place clean and dry, avoid harsh soaps, and gently hold the skin back while showering. If it doesn't work, you need to visit a dermatologist to give you further advice.
Answered on 18th June '24
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur
I am 12 years old boy I have pigmentation on my face under my eyes what should I do tell me please
Male | 12
Initially, please consult with your parents. They may advise you some natural remedies or take you to a dermatologist. The dermatologist may suggest the best treatment for you depending on your age and skin type. Some natural remedies you can try for managing your pigmentation include applying a mask or use of a gentle exfoliator.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Anju Methil
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