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Male | 68

ব্রেন স্ট্রোকের পরে আমি কীভাবে গলা কাশি পরিষ্কার করতে পারি?

আমার দাদার বয়স 69 4 মাস আগে তার দ্বিতীয় ব্রেন স্ট্রোক হয়েছিল এখন তার গলায় কাশি হয়েছে যা তার মুখ থেকে বের হয় না তাই দয়া করে ডাক্তারের সাথে কীভাবে গলা থেকে কাশি দূর করবেন

ডাঃ ববিতা গোয়েল

জেনারেল ফিজিশিয়ান

Answered on 5th Aug '24

আপনার পিতামহ সম্ভবত গলা কনজেশন অনুভব করছেন, যা স্ট্রোক ব্যক্তিদের মধ্যে সাধারণ। এটি এই কারণে হতে পারে যে স্ট্রোকের পরে, একজন ব্যক্তির গিলতে অসুবিধা হতে পারে। যখন আমরা গিলে ফেলি, কাশি মুখ থেকে বেরিয়ে আসা উচিত। প্রচুর তরল পান করে তাকে হাইড্রেট করতে ভুলবেন না। একজন স্পিচ থেরাপিস্ট যিনি গিলতে এবং কাশির উন্নতি করতে ব্যায়াম শেখাতে পারেন তাকে দেখা উচিত। এছাড়াও, তিনি তার গলা থেকে কাশি অদৃশ্য করতে সক্ষম হবেন।

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (235)

I have been using sudafed nasal spray for about 5 days for a nasal drip. I stopped yesterday and have been feeling extremely congested like my sinus is swollen. Could this be rebound congestion? I've been using sinus rinse and a little relief but just feels like there could be some swelling

Male | 40

You could be suffering from rebound congestion. This is common when people use nasal sprays such as Sudafed for more than a couple of days. It may cause you to have swollen nasal passages with a feeling of being more congested. The saline sinus rinse is excellent at relieving the swelling. It's best to avoid overusing the nasal spray to prevent rebound congestion.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I have stuffy and runny nose since 3 weeks, have been using decongestants that provided some relief, but since last 3 days it is worse, continues runny nose all day, at the same time the nose is stuffy and heavy. Mucus from runny nose is mostly clear. In the morning I might cough out some yellow mucus.

Female | 37

You may have sinusitis or a sinus infection. Stuffy and runny nose with clear mucus are common symptoms of sinusitis. The yellow mucus that you cough up in the morning is a sign that it may be bacterial. To relieve congestion, try applying a warm compress across your face and seek medical attention for further assessment.

Answered on 6th June '24

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I am a 17 male who is visiting France from the US. I just got to France yesterday, but was in UK for 9 days before that. Yesterday, my dad started experiencing symptoms, and today, my mom, my sister, and I are all experiencing symptoms as well. My main symptom is sore throat and difficulty swallowing. As a tourist, our options are limited. I have started taking OTC Humex Rhume to help with symptoms.

Male | 17

You and your family may have caught a cold virus, which is highly contagious when people are in close contact. Some symptoms that come along with having a cold include a sore throat and trouble swallowing. Taking over-the-counter Humex Rhume can relieve these symptoms. Make sure to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest.

Answered on 13th June '24

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How long i have to use nasal spray after sinus surgery.

Male | 37

After your sinus surge­ry, you may have to use nasal spray. The spray could he­lp with swelling and dryness in your nose. You might fe­el stuffy, under pressure­, or congested after surge­ry. Taking the spray like your doctor says can aid these­ symptoms. It also helps your nose heal. Make­ sure to follow the doctor's directions.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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Dose Pakistani bat's have rabies?

Male | 17

Yeah, Pakistani bats can have rabies. Rabies is a virus that affects the brain and can be deadly if not treated. Once bitten by a bat with rabies, a person may have symptoms like fever, headache, and confusion. The most effective way to prevent rabies is by avoiding contact with such animals as bats among others which might carry the virus. In case you are bitten by a bat, get medical help immediately.

Answered on 4th June '24

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Having pain in right side of lymph node under jaw from couple of days, the pain increases while chewing and swallowing food. I can feel the lymph node with my fingers it also has an aching feeling and the pain and uneasiness remains constant, have not taken any medicines yet.

Male | 40

It's important to get evaluated by an ENT specialist for the pain in your right lymph node under the jaw, especially if it worsens with chewing and swallowing. This could indicate an infection or inflammation that needs prompt attention. Avoid delaying and seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment tailored to your symptoms.

Answered on 10th July '24

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today i was in bus and feel nauseous and dizzy now I am at home and my neck hurts and I have a headache my back hurts too

Female | 29

Motion sickness can strike­ when traveling makes you unste­ady. Feeling dizzy and sick might mean you're­ experiencing it mildly. On buse­s, those sensations disrupt your balance. He­adaches, neck aches, and backache­s might stem from stress or straining. To recove­r, lie down somewhere­ quiet and dark. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Ringing ear Right side within 2 weeks

Male | 25

There could be a lot of causes of ringing in the ear. Get evaluated by your local ent who will examine the ear and also give hearing testings.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have sore throat and runny nose. What type of medicines I can use to treat the problem?

Male | 23

Your sore throat and runny nose­ likely indicate a common cold virus. Stay hydrate­d, rest adequately, and gargle­ warm salt water to soothe your throat. For persiste­nt or worsening symptoms consult a doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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