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Female | 50

কেন আমার গ্যাস্ট্রিক, ফোলাভাব, জ্বর এবং শরীরে ব্যথা হয়?

কিছু গ্যাস্ট্রিক সমস্যা এবং বায়োমেট্রিক এবং পেট ভারী মনে হয় জ্বর ঠাণ্ডা শুকনো কাশি ১০_ ১৫ দিন থেকে শরীরে ব্যথা

dr সম্রাট জাঙ্কার

অস্ত্রোপচার গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজিস্ট

Answered on 16th July '24

আপনি কিছু পেট খারাপ এবং অলস বোধ করছেন। আপনার যদি জ্বর, সর্দি, শুষ্ক কাশি, বা/এবং পেশীতে ব্যথা হয় গত পাক্ষিক বা তারও বেশি সময় ধরে, এটি গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টেরাইটিস (পেট ফ্লু) বা অন্যান্য ভাইরাল সংক্রমণ নির্দেশ করতে পারে। বিশ্রাম করুন, প্রচুর পরিমাণে তরল খান এবং সহজে হজমযোগ্য খাবার খান। অবস্থা অব্যাহত থাকলে বা গুরুতর হলে দেরি না করে চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ নিন।

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1130)

Last 3 month have affected erosions fundus and body of stomach

Male | 30

Stomach erosions in the fundus and body of the stomach might be accompanied by symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, and nausea. The reasons could be such things as excessive stomach acid, stress, or some medications. To help with this, try eating smaller meals, avoiding spicy foods, and reducing stress. Drinking plenty of water can also help. Remember, eating healthy and managing stress is key.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Suggest me best gastroliver surgeon for my uncle.

Male | 48

It is recommended to see a specialist gastroenterologist, who will help diagnose and treat disorders of the digestive system. Should your uncle require surgical intervention, you may be advised to work with a gastroenterology surgeon.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have long term chronic constipation Weight loss depression anxiety and nervousness

Male | 24

You’re having a tough time with chronic constipation, weight loss, depression, anxiety, and nervousness. These symptoms may be related. Being constipated all the time can make you feel low and edgy, plus it may affect your weight. Ensure you have plenty of fluids such as water and eat foods that are high in fiber so that you can keep regular. Moreover, tell somebody how you feel because this might help reduce the feelings of anxiety or depression.

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I had an external hemorrhoid that caused an anal fissure and just wanted to know what I creams I could use to remove anal fissure scar?

Female | 24

As a medical expert, I would recommend you to make a gastroenterologist consult about your anal fissure scar issue. Over-the-counter creams may not work and could cause other problems. A gastroenterologist can prescribe appropriate treatment measures including topical medications or surgery if required.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

i’ve had light constipation this past week, i’ve been passing a little bit of stool at least once each day and i want to get an idea of how i can fix it?

Female | 17

You have mild constipation. This is when stool moves slowly in your inte­stines, making pooping difficult. Common reasons are not drinking e­nough water, not consuming enough fiber, or not be­ing active. To fix this, drink more water. Eat fruits and ve­getables. Move your body by walking or e­xercising regularly. Constipation makes bowe­l movements difficult. Mild cases can be­ alleviated with simple life­style changes.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi Sir, kindly help me out to get out confusion and frustration. This is my Clinical summary -Rohan, a 29-year-old male, presented with chief complaints of reflux symptoms and severe abdominal pain persisting for the past 3 months.Sometimes diarrhea.Upon examination, his vital signs were stable. Diagnostic procedures, including gastroscopy and colonoscopy, were performed, leading to the diagnosis of a duodenal ulcer, pan gastritis and pathological findings of lymphocytic colitis. The treatment approach involved the administration of medications, as mentioned in the prescription, to manage the condition. Regular follow-up visits were recommended to monitor the progress and adjust the treatment regimen accordingly. After two and a half months of treatment, significant improvement was noted, with no abdominal pain reported, and the patient's overall well-being has improved. Consequently, the dosage of medications has been reduced. Continued monitoring and adherence to the prescribed treatment plan are necessary to ensure complete resolution of symptoms and prevent recurrence. This was my condition eight months ago. Right now I am very frustrated because of gut problem. It's paining even after following treatment and strict diet for eight months. I almost lost 8 kg. I went for second opinion My doctor told me that your ulcers are healed completely.And lymphocytic colitis was misdiagnosed. Now It's a IBS that causing the pain and not colitis.He prescribed me Librax(Clinidium+chlorobenzodioxide) along with Amixide h(chlorodizapoxide +amitryptiline) . Whenever my gut starts paining I took it and pain fade away.I am very confused about this.Stomach pain goes away and comes back. About year ago this problem has started. And just take those above medicines to cope up with pain One more thing to add here is that I was diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) few years back. I was taking escitalopram( Lexapro 10 mg)on and off prescribed by psychiatrist.But My Gastroenterologist told me to stop using lexapro as it can cause ulcer. Can you guys help me to correctly understand the disease and ways to overcome it.

Male | 29

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hi doctor, um, good evening. I'm coming to you today contacting a clinic with an inquiry. (0:07) So I suffer from very bad anxiety and I recently got a therapist which was only like two months (0:14) ago or so. So within that time frame I've had blood tests done, total blood count and all of (0:21) that and it turns out that I'm not anemic. So within I would say like the past weeks or within (0:27) you know the past year or so occasionally I would get like you know stomach symptoms like diarrhea (0:32) or whatever which my doctor thought was probably IBS and I would get the occasional blood or whatever (0:37) when I strain and stuff like that. So um within the past month I was stressing myself out non-stop (0:45) like I'm constantly stressing but I'm hearing people saying now that I lost a bit of weight (0:50) but my stomach, weight, my legs, my whole body they're the same. I just seem to have lost weight (0:56) within my arms and it's making me freak out because recently today I had a bowel movement and (1:02) I saw the tad little bit of blood again and I've been constantly thinking that I have collateral (1:08) aka colon cancer at the age of 22 and it's really freaking me out and I seem to just cannot (1:15) stop thinking that I have that doctor and it's making my anxiety bad and it's giving me suicidal (1:21) thoughts due to the fact that I think that I have this cancer.

Male | 22

It see­ms you're worried about your he­alth, especially colon cancer. Having that cance­r at 22 is rare. Your arm weight loss could be­ from anxiety causing muscle loss. See­ing a therapist is good, but talking to your doctor about your worries may help re­assure you. Take slow, dee­p breaths and try relaxation methods to e­ase anxiety.

Answered on 17th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello. Two weeks ago, during weight training, I had a sudden pain in my lower abdominal. It was so painful that I could not move. I thought it might be cramping, but it worsened every second and in addition, I did not have any period for almost 4 months. I am 15 years old. Though, earlier in the morning before I had this unexpected pain, I had a little spotting. I have then been to the emergency room, where after 3 hours my pain stopped. I have been suspected with a small cyst rupture, however, there was no evidence indicating that the cyst had ruptured. We have done both lab works and an ultrasound and everything was absoultly normal. It is also important to mention that I had a cyst a year ago, but then it disappeared as we did another ultrasound, but for the last year I did not check it. 3 days after my pain, I have done another ultrasound and everything was fine. Another thing to mention, during the day I was at the ER, I came home and I had straight blood when I peed. The next day everything was absolutely normal without any spotting neither red or brown, everything was clear. Since then I have been having pain when I am doing sports activities and when my lower abdomendan is touched. (both left and right side). However, in the last couple days I have been having servere pain in my upper left abdomonen. When I had that terrible pain, it was mainly on the left side. Currently I am having severe pain on my upper left side, and additionally I always have a pain of hunger that feels as my stomach is sore and burns. What is going on? Can it be related to a spleen? Gastritis? Maybe there was not cyst burst?

Female | 15

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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