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10 Best Bone Marrow Transplant doctors in Bangur Avenue, Kolkata

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Consult Dr. Soumen Das

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Dr. Soumen Das


17₹ 500

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of a bone marrow transplant?

How does delayed engraftment affect recovery 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

What should I do if I experience emotional challenges 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

How long will I need to take immune-suppressing medications 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

Can I travel or go on vacation 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

How can I support my immune system 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

What are some warning signs to look out for 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

How can I stay positive and motivated during the recovery process 60 days after a bone marrow transplant?

Questions & Answers on "Bone Marrow Transplant" (193)

My patlet -154000 MPV -14.2 Is it ok

Male | 39

A platele­t count below 150,000 is considered low. Plate­lets help the blood clot prope­rly. Low levels can cause bruising e­asily, bleeding, or tiny red spots calle­d petechiae. An MPV of 14.2 is slightly be­low normal too. This could happen due to infections, me­dications, or medical issues. It's crucial to talk to your doctor about these­ results. They'll check furthe­r and recommend the right tre­atment.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have been diagnosed with swollen lymph nodes size 14×10 mm in abdomen / presence of Necrosis

Female | 50

Growths of lymph nodes in the abdomen can be your body reacting to an infection. The lymph nodes sometimes blow up half their size, 14 x 10 millimeters, and have dead parts called necrosis. You may experience a feeling of pain or pressure in your abdomen. The doctor can treat you with antibiotics or other remedies according to the cause found as treatment.

Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I had unprotected sex last in 2022, I did a hiv test last year October 2023 and tested negative,I wasn't exposed to any sexual activities,do I need to get tested again ?

Female | 26

If you had unprotected intimate relations in 2022 and your HIV test was negative in October 2023. You are not required to take another test as long as you haven't been risky since then. HIV symptoms sometimes show up late, so if you feel something out of the blue, like inexplicable weight loss or too many infections, then it's good to get tested again.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm 18 years old girl I'm experiencing panic attacks daily with severe breathing issues doctor diagnosed mild aniemia, iron defficiency in me like hb level is 11.8 or serum ferritin level is 10.6 I got these tests 2 months ago I also have IBS I take medicines for iron defficiency but I can't tolerate them I am feeling very weakness in my body now ho should I do now?

Female | 18

These conditions make one feel weak and tired. Apart from that, it is recommended that you protect your physical health as well it can help you to reduce the severity of your panic attacks and also improve your entire well-being. Be hydrated and eat iron-rich foods like spinach, beans, and red meat.

Answered on 27th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

compression the small blood vessels in appendix can increase the RBC

Female | 20

Doing this can cause more red blood cells to form. You may get pain in your lower right belly, have a fever, and not want to eat. It can be due to something blocking it or an infection. A doctor may suggest taking it out with an operation called appendectomy.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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