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Male | 21

Warum habe ich hohes Fieber und ein geschwollenes Bein?

Hallo Herr Doktor, ich habe seit gestern starkes Fieber oder mein rechtes Bein ist plötzlich sehr voll. Können Sie mir sagen, was die Ursache dafür ist?

Dr Deep Chakraborty

Orthopädische Chirurgie

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Hohes Fieber und eine plötzliche Schwellung im rechten Bein könnten eine Infektion sein. Es gibt zahlreiche Ursachen für Infektionen, beispielsweise das Eindringen von Keimen in Ihren Körper. Es ist natürlich wichtig, eine Pause einzulegen, Flüssigkeit zu sich zu nehmen und anschließend die Kühlpackung auf die geschwollene Stelle aufzutragen. Eine Beratung mit einemOrthopädeermöglicht eine ordnungsgemäße Behandlung und die Feststellung der Krankheitsursache. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1041)

Diagnosed with bulging disc yesterday they sent me home with meds they are not doing anything for the pain and I lost my balance alot yesterday day and feel down a few times should I go back to the hospital

Male | 56

A bulging disc pressing against nerves can cause pain and affect your balance. Falling is dangerous. You better go back to the hospital. They might have to change your medicine or try something else. 

Answered on 13th June '24

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I am 15 year old boy I have a bone bump in shoulder what to do sir

Male | 15

It's important to have this examined by an orthopedic specialist. Bone bumps can have various causes, such as injuries or growths, and a doctor can provide a proper diagnosis. Visit an orthopedic doctor who can assess the bump and recommend appropriate treatment based on your age and medical history.

Answered on 3rd July '24

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I think I broke my ankle/ foot in my rugby game today

Female | 15

A possible foot or ankle­ injury during rugby is concerning. Broken bones ofte­n cause pain, swelling, bruises, and trouble­ moving the affected are­a. If suspecting a break, rest it and apply ice­, avoiding weight on that limb. Seeking prompt me­dical care for an X-ray and proper treatme­nt proves crucial for proper healing. 

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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I am suffering with lower back pain with disc bulge at l5-s1 level..every doctor is suggesti g for surgery. But i am confused with different procedures microdiscectomy endoscopic with matrex, key hole . In confusion with all these procedures . Plz guide me with the details of all these kinds and which one is best for me

Female | 26

trust the surgeon and go ahead. outcome will be good with any mentioned procedure.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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my brother is 28 years old, and he just had ACL surgery a month ago. I'm curious about what activities he can safely resume at this point. Can you provide some guidance on what's generally acceptable 1 month post ACL surgery for someone his age?

Male | 28

Now, your brother can begin with light exercises such as walking and stationary cycling. He should refrain from high-impact activities such as running, jumping or twisting until he finishes his rehabilitation program. It would be wise to ask his orthopedic surgeon or a physical therapist for more information on the recovery process and advice about activities that he can engage in without risk.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Im Punya, gender female, age 18, i was in neet longterm for an year, in these period my ankles started swelling it is there now also with pain. I consulted ayurvedic doctor i didnt get any solution

Female | 18

These symptoms can happen if a person sits too long without moving around enough or they have some medical problem. You should see an orthopedist about your ankles so we know what’s going on with them. In the meantime try raising your legs up high when you can–this will help bring more blood flow down into your feet. Also, put cold packs on them to ease any swelling and hurt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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PATIENT MRS LIAQAT REGISTRATION # NAME 28/05/2024 AGE: GENDER: 52 Years Female DATE: ADVISED BY: DR.AHMED SHAFAQAT MRI LUMBAR SPINE CLINICAL INFO: Backache. Right sciatica. TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar and multisequential non contrast MRI lumbar spinewas performed according to departmental protocol. REPORT: There is normal alignment of lumbar vertebrae. Straightening of normal lumbar curve is noted. No dislocation, compression or collapse of vertebral body noted. No focal area of abnormal signal intensity seen in the lumbo-sacral vertebrae / visible spinal cord. Conus medullaris is at L1 level. Paravertebral soft tissues show normal signal intensity. LI-L2 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L2-L3 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L3-L4 level:disc shows preserved margin. No significant foramina stenosis or exiting nerve root compression is seen. Spinal canal is ample at this level. L4-L5 level:moderate circumferential disc bulge with posterior protrusion and focal sequestration causing moderate central canal stenosis &severe narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, compressing transiting and exiting nerve roots. Spinal myopathy seen at this level. LS-S1 level: mildcircumferential disc bulge, causing mild central canal stenosis &mild narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, abutting transiting and exiting nerve roots. IMPRESSION: • At L4-L5 level,moderate circumferential disc bulge with posterior protrusion and focal sequestration causing moderate central canal stenosis & severe narrowing of lateral recesses & neural foramina bilaterally, compressing transiting and exiting nerve roots. • Lumbar myospasm.

Female | 52

Answered on 31st May '24

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The patient exhibits symptoms ranging from head and neck pain to radiating pain from the right side of the neck to the right hand, accompanied by discomfort in the left leg and chest, along with a lack of interest in regular activities. Identify the underlying issue.

Female | 42

A pinched ne­rve might cause your pain. Pressure­ on nerves from surrounding parts can cause this. Symptoms include­ hurt from neck down arm. You may feel discomfort e­lsewhere like­ leg or chest too. To fee­l better, rest, stre­tch gently, and maybe get physical the­rapy.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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I have pain in the inside of my legs for a week and a half and it hurts whenever I put pressure on it.

Female | 14

If you're experiencing pain on the inside of your legs that worsens with pressure, it could be due to muscle strain, adductor tendinitis, groin hernia, or nerve impingement. It would be best to consult with a healthcare professional for an evaluation, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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