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Female | 26

Kann ich Medikamente hinzufügen, um meine Epilepsieanfälle zu kontrollieren?

Ich bin eine 26-jährige Frau, bei der Epilepsie diagnostiziert wurde. Ich nehme seit Januar 200 mg Lamotrigin. Allerdings leide ich immer noch unter häufigen Anfällen und Cluster-Anfällen, daher überlege ich, ob ich neben Lamotrigin ein zusätzliches Medikament verschreiben könnte, um meine Symptome zu lindern und mehr Kontrolle über meine Anfälle zu erlangen.

1 Answer

Answered on 27th May '24

Es ist wichtig, es einem zu sagenNeurologeüber diese Symptome noch einmal. Manchmal kann die Einnahme eines anderen Arzneimittels wie Levetiracetam oder Valproat helfen, die Anfälle unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Diese Medikamente wirken auf unterschiedliche Weise und tragen dazu bei, das Risiko eines Anfalls zu verringern. Ihr Arzt kann Sie besser darüber beraten, welcher Behandlungsplan für Sie am besten geeignet ist.

25 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (716)

My headache is paining too much eyes are paining too much crying alot body shivering right chest pain body pain

Female | 19

This type of headache can cause pain not only in the head but also in the eyes and sometimes even in the chest. It is often accompanied by severe chills and body aches. Finding a quiet, dark place to rest can help. Drinking water and taking pain relievers like paracetamol can also provide relief.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

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Syed Rasool is my father, he has a mental problem, his memory is weak, he cannot walk again, and sometimes he has seizures and he had meningitis.

Male | 65

It sounds like he's dealing with multiple health challenges, including memory issues, difficulty walking, seizures, and a history of meningitis. Given this complex situation, it's crucial for him to receive proper medical attention and care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Actually one of my friend who is of 19 years old has taken overdose of medicine..she has taken flunarizin dihydrochloride 6-7 tablet....will it effect or not??

Female | 19

Maybe your friend will be feeling that she/he is very sleepy, very dizzy, or may lose consciousness. This occurs because the body is overwhelmed by the drug. It is crucial to take the right steps immediately and calling emergency services is an important one. They will give the needed treatment so that your friend can heal. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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I have been having severe head pain for over r years now which I have used different medications like pain relief, at times the head pain last for 3 days before I will feel little relief

Female | 26

Headaches that last long are tough. You might have­ migraines. They bring throbbing aches, noise­/light bothers you, feeling nause­ous. Stress, hormones, and foods can cause the­m. Try relaxing, sleep routine­, note triggers. If it doesn't e­ase, see a doctor. Managing migraine­s takes effort but help is out the­re.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I am suffering from hemifacial spasm. I want to cure it permanently. Pls help

Female | 38

A hemifacial spasm cause­s one side of your face to twitch involuntarily. This happe­ns when a nerve ge­ts irritated in your cheek are­a. Although uncontrolled facial twitching is unpleasant, treatme­nt options like Botox injections or surgery e­xist. These can help re­lax the affected ne­rve, stopping the spasms. Such treatme­nts aim to provide relief, improving your quality of life­. So do not lose hope, as permane­nt solutions are available.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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Headache and leg pain fever

Male | 12

Headaches and leg pain along with fever could be caused by several things. The most usual one is a viral infection such as flu which can cause pain in the entire body. Dehydration and not eating properly can also cause these symptoms. Drink enough water, rest, and try to eat healthy foods. If your symptoms do not improve or if they worsen, it is advisable to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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I am having a great issue in my sleep cycle. Jaisay neend me ana hi chor diya ha. Also having a great issue in periods. My back wlways hurts and from past one week, I regularly feels migrane severe. Often my kidneys hurts. I feel dizziness when i tries to stand up and ajeeb si bechaini ha sotay hue… Sonetimes i feel fever too

Female | 18

Dizziness when you get up and your fast heart rate could be due to low blood pressure. Headaches, back pain, and kidney pain can come from dehydration or stress. To keep your body hydrated, drink lots of water, eat good food, and sleep well. If the symptoms continue, go to a clinic for a health check-up.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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Tingling and itching sensation inside of top leftside of head everytime I move my head I get a pleasurable sensation what Is it?

Male | 19

IT MAY BE SCALP PARESTHESIA If symptoms persist, CONSULT a evaluation Other possible causes include MIGRAINES, scalp infections, or NERVE DAMAGE Maintain good scalp hygiene and avoid scratching or irritating the area Consider any recent head injuries or changes in medication

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am suffering from a sleeping problem since many days i have not sleep properly

Male | 20

You're having trouble sleeping. Not getting enough sleep can make one feel tired and grumpy. Common causes of this can be stress, drinking caffeine before bed, or staring at screens late at night. Try to calm down at night by reading a book or having a hot bath. Avoid caffeine as well as screens. If the problem persists, you may want to seek a professional for advice. 

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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I hear a whistling sound in my ears. I think I have a disease called tinnitus. Please tell me some medicine to cure this disease.

Male | 24

Tinnitus is not a disease but rather a symptom of something else. It may be due to circumstances such as exposure to loud noises, ear infections, or even stress. Unfortunately, no medication is specifically designed to cure tinnitus. Nevertheless, coping with stress, limiting exposure to loud sounds, and applying sound therapy can reduce the symptoms.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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I have headache on the left side of my head and feel pain in eye and neck on the left side.Is it a normal headache or migraine?I slept properly still headache exist.I eat tufnil and it works on first day but second time it does not work on me.What should I do?

Female | 22

headache on left side with eye and neck pain could be MIGRAINE... lack of sleep not always the cause... Tufnil might not work every time... CONSULT doctor if headache persists...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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