Female | 75
Kann eine Augenoperation mein Sehvermögen verbessern?
In Bezug auf die Augenoperation, da das Visuelle nicht leicht sichtbar ist

Answered on 11th Sept '24
Wenn Ihre Sicht etwas verschwommen ist, kann das mehrere Gründe haben. Wenn Sie die Augen zusammengekniffen haben, um alles klar zu sehen, könnte es sich um Katarakte handeln. Katarakte sind wie ein trüber Film, der sich über der Augenlinse bildet und alles verschwommen erscheinen lässt. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass eine Kataraktoperation eine häufige und wirksame Lösung zur Wiederherstellung klarer Sicht ist. Bei diesem einfachen Eingriff wird die trübe Linse durch eine klare ersetzt, sodass Sie besser und schärfer sehen können. Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, klar zu sehen, besuchen Sie am besten einenAugenarztum Ihre Optionen zu besprechen.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)
Low vision Thin optic nerve Eye pain headache
Male | 20
The reason you’re not able to see well may be that your optic nerve is thin. This could result in things appearing fuzzy or being hard to see. People with this issue might also feel pain around their eyes and get frequent headaches. Book an appointment with an eye specialist soon enough.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
Hi I have a serious pain on my eyelid
Male | 32
You seem to have a sty, which is an infection caused by bacteria that leads to the development of painless bumps on the eyelid. You should see an eye specialist for proper management of the condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
My son's eyes are red and Very tearful
Male | 5
Your kid's eyes seem irritated, with redness and excessive tearing. This could indicate pink eye, often caused by viral or bacterial infections. To provide relief, gently cleanse his eyes using warm water, applying cool damp cloth compresses. Encourage frequent handwashing too. However, if symptoms persist, visit an eye specialist.
Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
I 28 years old. I have under gone Lasik eye surgery in Narayana Netralaya in 2019. But one of the eye didn't improve any eye sight...I went to them but they said the Par has removed and the number of both the eyes is zero.. but one eye I can't read and get blurred vision... Is there any way or is it necessary to undergo another surgery....please help me out in this issue
Male | 28
This is alarming because even in one of your eyes you still face an issue with clarity of vision after Lasik surgery. It is recommended that one consult an eye consultant doctor who conducts a full eye inspection. They take note of unique factors that cause blurred vision; these may be refractive errors or an underlying condition. This depends on what is found in the latter part of these surgical procedures so it may entail additional surgery if the findings are unfavorable, but proper professional assessment by an eye specialist would be better.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
Hi Doctor My wife is pregnant and having a pimple inside the eye lid. And eyes became painfully and red Watery
Female | 33
Your spouse may be suffering from what is called a stye, a pimple-like bulge on the eyelid. When oil glands are blocked, styes occur; they can be painful causing redness and watery eyes. To relieve the pain, apply warm compresses to the eye several times a day. Avoid rubbing your eyes. If the stye does not get any better or worsens, it would probably be a good time to consult with an eye specialist.
Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
I m using steroid eye drops since one year… can be at risk of cataract or glaucoma
Female | 32
Long-term usage of steroid eye drops, like a year, can be risky. It may lead to cataracts or glaucoma. Cataracts cause cloudy vision. Glaucoma can result in eye pain and vision loss. To prevent these problems, regular check-ups with your eye doctor are essential.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
I take ashwagandha daily, can I donate my blood? And I had a Lasik eye surgery 3 years ago.
Male | 21
Yes, you can give blood if you take ashwagandha every day and had Lasik surgery 3 years ago. The ashwagandha herb is safe and will not impact your blood donation. The Lasik eye operation you had some time ago also does not stop you from giving blood. Just make sure you feel good on the day you plan to donate blood.
Answered on 27th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
I am suddenly seeing floaters in my vision and a little pain in the back of the eye, especially the left one. Eyes were perfectly normal around 2 weeks ago. I am not seeing any flashes of light or distorted vision, it is just fast moving floaters. I didn't do anything that would cause injury to my eyes. What it could be?
Female | 21
You may be suffering from posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). The reason for this is when the gel-like structure in your eye gradually departs from the retina thus causing floaters. The aching in the back of your eye could be the result of a process that is abrasive to the area. The good news is that PVD often gets better on its own. However, you need to see an eye doctor to confirm there are no complications.
Answered on 25th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
I have zigzag blur vision for one hour it comes sudden and goes away less than one hour. It started from my schooling.
Female | 28
Ocular migraine may affect you, causing zigzag lines or blurry vision for an hour. It appears suddenly, that then vanishes alone. Stress, poor sleep, or certain foods trigger this type of migraine. To prevent ocular migraines, manage stress, sleep enough, and keep a food diary to spot triggers. If episodes persist or worsen, discuss them with an eye doctor.
Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
Hello, I want to know about Stemcell treatment for eyes, which is the best place and also success rate of this treatment?
As per my understanding you are suffering from some eye ailment for which you need stem cell treatment. It is advisable to follow the currently available treatment under an ophthalmologist. Stem cell therapy promises great results but are still under trial and FDA approval is still awaited . Discuss with your doctor for best options. Consult an ophthalmologist - Best Ophthalmologists in India. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hi sir, my father aged 60 years frok andhra pradesh, he has cataract eye issue, please tell me how to get surgery
Male | 60
Answered on 8th Sept '24

Dr. Rajesh Shah
Why my eyes are red and feeling weak and pain in all over body
Male | 21
You probably have the flu, a virus that spreads easily. Flu makes your eyes red and irritated. It causes weakness and body aches too. These comes from your immune system fighting the virus. Get lots of rest, drink fluids, and take pain meds. That can help you feel better soon.
Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
can you take mdma after having lasik eye surgery
Female | 20
Using MDMA after LASIK is risky because it can cause high eye pressure, blurred vision, and light sensitivity, which are all hazardous for your healing post-operative eyes. Therefore it is critical to shield them during this time and abstain from substances like ecstasy that might hurt them.
Answered on 31st May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
My problem is I have eye pain for months and also severe headache few days ago I was vomiting and my eye power also changes a lot now my doctor told me to not wear glasses anymore and few months ago doctor also ask me my pressure is high if its gets more high I may get glaucoma
Male | 22
Severe headaches, vomiting, eye pain, and vision changes sound like trouble. Could mean glaucoma, an issue when pressure builds inside your eyes. Untreated, this can damage sight. Don't wait—see an eye doctor immediately. They'll provide treatment to safeguard your vision.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
Want to know about retina treatment
Male | 50
The retina is a thin film of tissue making the inner surface of your eye that transmits the images outside to your brain. Problems with the retina can lead to serious vision issues. Signs of the problem with the retina you might get are blurred vision, flashes of light that come out of nowhere, and the perception of something that is not there in your field of vision. Causes can range from aging to serious conditions like diabetes. In the case of treatment, the restoration of vision is usually done by a surgical operation on the damaged retina.
Answered on 9th Oct '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
Hi my left eye is burning .please advise what to apply
Male | 20
The burning of your eye can be associated with dryness, allergic reactions, or irritants around you such as dust or smoke. To treat your burning eye, you can also opt for artificial tears or a non-prescription eye drops the label of which has been made for dry eyes. No matter how bad the situation is, never touch your eyes. If the burning continues to be present or gets worse, you must contact an ophthalmologist to get advice.
Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
My eyes and body both are weak, perhaps this is not due to masturbation.
Male | 20
It's possible that your weak eyes and body might not be related to masturbation. Weak eyes could be due to issues like refractive errors or other eye conditions, while a weak body could be due to nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise, or other health problems. It's best to consult an ophthalmologist for your eye issues and a general physician for your overall weakness to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 29th July '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
Why does my eye hurts There is a sharp pain
Female | 12
Eye pain, especially sharp pain, can have various causes, and it's necessary to get it evaluated by an eye doctor. It could be due to migraines, conjunctivitis, eye strain, dry eyes or other reasons which a doctor can determine after the evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
The Doctor has prescribed me glasses with a degree of +0.75 ... I don't feel comfortable for this , I think this degree of glasses is too much. what do you think sir. I will wear glasses for the first time. I am very busy at the computer these days. If I wear glasses, depending on the degree of glasses I thought it was too much, will my eye problems progress over time...
Male | 44
Wearing wrong glasses causes only discomfort and eyestrains.If you have any doubt it is better to go for a second opinion.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
My left eye is swollen, just the skin. What type of medicine do I use
Male | 37
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sumeet Agrawal
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