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Dr. Charu Agarwal undefined

Dr. Charu Agarwal
Medical Registration Verified


11 years of experience

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Consult Dr. Charu Agarwal

Questions Answered By Dr. Charu Agarwal

Asked for Female, 50 Years

I am facing general depression issues , due to my stressed lifestyle at the moment. Do I need to speak with a psychiatrist?

Answered on 23rd May '24

General depression is not a psycjological term. please see a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist for proper diagnosis and get the treatment accordingly.
Asked for Female, 43 Years

Hello, my wife is 43 years old. She gets severe anger immediately. She throw object hardly and towards someone. Also she slap herself and hurt herself with some object. Threatened to suicide by putting knife on wrist and announce you will be crushed by police / her in laws. What these indicates and if she require some treatment?

Answered on 23rd May '24

She might be having some psychological disorder. You should consult a psychiatrist for medicines and paychologist for therapy. Both taken together work most effectively.

Asked for Female, 37 Years

I am 37 yrs old Suffering from excessive fear from last 1 year Consulted local gp having lonazep twice a day Fear of sweeing needles, sharp objects glass detergent, dust germs , doubtful in everything , frequently washing hands,

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hi..This can be treated with a combination of CBT and Hypnotherapy. You can connect with me for a session if you wish to know more.

Asked for Female, 26 Years

Hello sir I am Dr Praveena.... preparing for pg entrance....since a week I feel shortness of breath...also have many issues at home affecting my mental this a kind of anxiety attack....

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hello Dr. Praveena..It may or may not be an anxiety issue or it might be a cocktail of several issues as well. As there is very less information, reaching a conclusion is difficult. You can book an appointment with me and we can discuss this in detail. Whatever it is, there are various ways to get treated so don't worry!
I provide online as well as in-person sessions. 
Asked for Female, 22 Years

Hi mam, spandana speaking. I have this fear of getting attached to the people and when they get attached to me it's like I'm unable to detach from them. Sometimes developing my own imaginations about the person and overthinking about the situations. Fear of losing people who are very close to me. And i couldn't take a the closest person avoid me that's more painful and when they are trying to avoid I feel so dipressed and obsessed. I couldn't take that special avoid me .... Who was once very much interested in me and due to that I'm not interested in trusting people. And sometimes I'm loosing my self control. The urge to text them or ask them anything I want. The more the person is avoiding...the more attention I'm seeking. All i want that is that person to have interest in me again and live happily. I want him need him. But i know we can't force someone to have feelings for me. I got struck here and not able to move on. Your answer would be very much helpful to me. I have even faced a lot more difficult situations than this...the same issue 3 years back. But that person didn't give me any expectations and i had very good reason to let him go. After that this person came into my life and made me feel special again...who is now making me feel I'm worthless. That's even more painful for me. It's not that i want revenge. I need to answers why he did so...why he made wrong promises and wrong expectations. I have lost my emotional connection with my relatives..... I even lost the person whom I loved first....but this person I'm not ready to lose. I'm done giving people all the love and care I have , they ended up leaving me and this person is also doing the same but I'm not ready to let him go yet!. There is a small hope that someday he might change. I gave all love and care that i have. I just want to be feel loved ...taken care of and valued again. Could you please help me through get out of this messy thoughts.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hello...I've understood your problem well and this can be treated. There may be several factors associated here. Your relationship attachment style, personality type, personal history and childhood and the behaviour of that person as well. Cannot comment or make decisions based on this, as I need to knkw more about you and do some assessments as well. But, this can be treated through CBT, DBT and Hypnotherapy. You can connect with me to book an appointment and we can discuss this in detail. I take online as well as in-person sessions.
Asked for Male, 26 Years

Hi, I am 26 years old and struggled my whole life with anxiety and stammering. I usually don't stammer when I am not nervous or when I am in position of power. Help me reduce my anxiety please.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Stammering ususally happens in the case of low confidence or troubled childhood. Fear and anxiety can be triggers. The issue can be resolved through CBT, DBT, and Hypnotherapy. To understand this better, you can book an appointment with me. I provide online as well as in-person counseling.
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