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Male | 14

¿Pueden los medicamentos ayudar a controlar los arrebatos agresivos del niño?

Hola doctor, quería contarle a un paciente un niño (14 años). He preparado un resumen que puede leer a continuación. resumen El paciente exhibe un comportamiento agresivo y provocativo, con arrebatos frecuentes (dos o tres veces al día) que son tanto verbales como físicos. El primer estallido grave se produjo la primera semana de agosto. Durante estos episodios, se vuelve violento y ataca a sus seres más cercanos, incluidos sus padres y su hermano. Su discurso se caracteriza por acusaciones de ser "malo" y acusaciones de conspiración en su contra. Después de los arrebatos, muestra un comportamiento arrepentido, llorando y mostrándose culpable. Las agresiones físicas son graves y suponen un riesgo de daño para sí mismo o para los demás. También exhibe comportamientos inusuales, como escupir objetos y personas e intentar lamerlos. La historia del paciente revela: * Dificultades en la primera infancia para mantenerse al día en la escuela. * Competencia con su hermano menor (2 años menor que él) * Posible abandono o sentimiento de abandono por parte de los padres debido al favoritismo hacia el hermano menor * Falta de amigos en la escuela. * Problemas para hacer contacto visual, prestar atención y falta de confianza. Antes del primer arrebato, mostraba signos de: *Evitar el contacto visual * Dificultad para prestar atención * Falta de confianza para actuar o hablar cuando se le solicita El paciente se encuentra actualmente bajo atención de un neurólogo después del arrebato inicial. A pesar de los múltiples episodios, no pudimos identificar los desencadenantes ni reducir la intensidad de los arrebatos sin utilizar la moderación. ----- El niño se encuentra actualmente en Prayagraj, en su casa. Queríamos traerlo para una visita física pero su condición se vuelve incontrolable muy rápidamente. Esperábamos que, según el resumen, pudiera recetarnos algún medicamento o sugerir alguno que pueda hacer que llegue al estado en el que podamos llevarlo de Prayagraj a Lucknow para un examen físico. Su condición es muy grave y está empeorando. por favor contacte lo antes posible

1 Answer

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Esta es una situación difícil con el niño de 14 años con el que estás tratando. Parece que sufre de comportamiento agresivo, arrebatos y falta de control sobre sus emociones. Estos síntomas pueden ser causados ​​por varias razones, incluida la angustia emocional, problemas de salud mental subyacentes o afecciones neurológicas. Como ya está viendo unneurólogo, es fundamental mantener la comunicación con el equipo de atención médica para evaluar y tratar la afección adecuadamente. Es posible que se le administren medicamentos para ayudar a regular su estado de ánimo y su comportamiento. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (348)

Is xanax safe for a 14 year old

Female | 14

No, Xanax is not safe for the age of 14. Xanax is a highly-addictive drug and doctors prescribe only for anxiety or panic disorders in an adult. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

My son is suffering from moderate ocd but not able to control compulsions

Male | 16

Moderate OCD may mean he cannot stop the repetitive thoughts or actions he has. Common symptoms such as compulsive handwashing, constantly checking things, or being orderly can be present. Ancient aliens are one possible cause of OCD and it is possible that also genetics, brain chemistry, and life stress are responsible. Therapy, medication, and family support can be some of the ways to help people with OCD.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Hello 2 years ago, I had ED, only sometimes (once or twice a month i used to get very hard errection otherwise it was very very spongy like) - I then had panic attacks diagnosis and started taking serlift and etizom for 5 months now. I noticed my muscles and body is grown and also I get hard errection when i have a strong desire. Sometimes twice a day but when i am sad again, i again have the problem. Is my ed because of this panic attacks? Will it go away automatically forever or can it come back after i stop medicines?

Male | 26

You’ve had a tough time dealing with erectile dysfunction before, and sometimes, medical conditions can be a cause. Feeling down or stressed can also affect your ability to get an erection. The good news is that your current medication seems to be helping. As your mental health improves, your ED might get better as well. 

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

My son does not want to understand anything about how he is waiting his life and what should do for himself to independent

Male | 25

It seems like your son is having difficulties taking over the control and decision-making process. I would suggest contacting a therapist or counselor who treat particularly young adults. A mental health professional can assist your son with the development of confidence necessary to regain control over his life.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Doctor I had headache in past so I took paracetamol Now I study but during study I have overthinking so much how I can remove it & how can I focus on studies without any distraction with discipline & consistency

Female | 16

If you are enduring the pain of a headache and overthinking while studying, it is vital to attend to the root issue. I advise you to refer to a neurologist to exclude possible medical problems of headache origin. As well, you can try to get support from the mental health professionals, like psychiatrists, who can show you how to manage your tendency to overthink and develop the necessary discipline and consistency in studies.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Sleep disorder with talking,moving ,punching etc in dreams.Twice fallen from bed in dream.

Male | 64

It seems that you have parasomnias which is a kind of sleep disorder that causes abnormal movements, behavior, and emotions during sleep. It is recommended to contact a sleep specialist for accurate diagnosis and therapy. They can help find the triggers of sleep disorders and suggest the best treatments.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

My sister took 5 escitalopram and 2 mirtazapine together should I take her to hospital

Female | 18

Taking 5 escitalopram and 2 mirtazapine­ pills together can put your sister in gre­at danger. This mix of medicines may make­ her very slee­py, confused, and give her a fast he­artbeat or even se­izures. These drugs can inte­ract badly and harm her body. It is crucial to take her to the­ hospital right away so doctors can help her fee­l better and stop serious proble­ms from happening.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I have time phobia.Sir I cannot study

Male | 17

The fear or anxiety related to time or the passage of time can make it challenging to focus on studying and other tasks. To cope up., break your study sessions into smaller, clear goals, set a regular study schedule, and use time management techniques. Practice relaxation and limit distractions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

Hello i had a panic attack yesterday and my hands and feet were going numb also my mouth so i went to the ER they did 2 syringes in my stomach of Aqua then they did one behind of diazepam i am a regular smoker and i wanted to smoke could i? If i cant should i buy a no nicotine pack?

Female | 16

The numbness of hands, feet, and mouth is the result of decreased blood flow in panic attacks. The effect of smoking on the body can make people suffer from panic attacks. Given the fact that you were prescribed diazepam at the ER, smoking might hurt it. Stay away from smoking as it is better for you. If you are in bad shape and have to, you can try a no-nicotine pack. 

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

I have been taking paliperidone for the past month. I have been out of it for a couple days so I decided to take some Seroquel to help with the voices and whatnot that I have been hearing. Is there any need to be concerned about the drug interactions if I haven't had any paliperidone I close to 48 hours?

Male | 37

Switching betwee­n medicines like palipe­ridone and Seroquel is tricky. Eve­n if time passed since your last palipe­ridone dose, drug interactions may happe­n. Mixing them risks dizziness, drowsiness, and une­ven heartbeats. Consulting your doctor for pe­rsonalized advice is wise. 

Answered on 20th July '24

Dr. Vikas Patel

Dr. Vikas Patel

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